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  3. Cabildo III

Cabildo III

Séville · El Arenal

9,2 (129 évaluations)



Salles de bain

117 m2

À propos du logement

L’appartement Cabildo III a une entrée par la rue Federico Sanchez Bedoya nº7, mais il a des vues sur la monumentale Plaza del Cabildo de Séville, l’un des endroits les plus caractéristiques de la ville. En outre, l’appartement donne sur le vieux mur de la ville, patrimoine historique, datant de l’époque romaine de l’empereur Jules César.

L’appartement est complètement calme à tout moment et bénéficie également d’une belle et abondante lumière du soleil pendant presque toute la journée, ce qui lui donne un séjour très confortable et relaxant.

L’entrée de l’appartement est spacieuse et la première pièce que vous pouvez trouver est la cuisine; moderne, spacieuse également, et bien équipée avec tout ce dont vous avez besoin. La cuisine est semi-ouverte sur le salon, avec une séparation par bar, qui peut être utilisée pour le petit déjeuner ou pour manger quelque chose.

Le salon est meublé au détail, avec style et qualité. Il a une grande entrée de lumière et des vues sur la Plaza del Cabildo et le mur de Séville.

Deux des chambres ont des lits doubles de 1,50 x 1,90 et le troisième et principale a l’une des salles de bains et deux lits simples de 0,90 x 2,00. L’autre salle de bain complète est entre les deux autres chambres et avec entrée indépendante.

L’appartement bénéficie d’un emplacement imbattable à Séville, à seulement quelques mètres de la Cathédrale, de l’Alcázar ou de la Giralda. Tous les monuments de la ville sont à quelques pas. En outre, étant situé dans le quartier de Arenal, il y a beaucoup de bars et de restaurants où vous pourrez profiter de la meilleure cuisine andalouse et méditerranéenne.

Dans le même quartier il y a aussi des supermarchés, des petites boutiques typiques de Séville et même un marché où vous pouvez acheter des produits frais pour cuisiner.

L’appartement Cabildo III est parfait pour ceux qui veulent passer un séjour très spécial à Séville.

Climatisation Split
Chauffage Split
Services Savon, gel, shampoing, draps et serviettes
Animaux domestiques Interdit
Lit bebé Disponible
Étage 4e Étage
Ascenseur Disponible
WiFi Gratuite
Balcon Vues vers l’extérieur
Cafetière Capsules
Voir tous les équipements


> Check-in en personne.
> Service clientèle.
> Lit bébé et chaise haute disponibles sur demande.
> Service de blanchisserie sur demande.

Règles de la maison

> Check-in: de 15:00h à 21:00h.
> Check-out: avant le 11:00h.
> Aucune fête ou événement n’est autorisé.
> Il est interdit de fumer dans la propriété ou dans les zones communes.
> Réduire le bruit des 23:00h à 9:00h
> Cet établissement n’accepte pas les animaux domestiques.

Informations complémentaires

> Late Check-in: Les billets après 21h00 ont un coût supplémentaire qui doit être payé à l’arrivée à la personne qui vous recevra.
De 21h00 à 00h00 : 30€. De 00h00 à 02h00 : 50€.

> VUT/SE/03792

La réservation de chaque hébergement Genteel Home inclut l’offre d’expériences ou d’activités supplémentaires pour améliorer votre expérience, qui sont gérées par des fournisseurs externes, qui vous informeront par e-mail ou WhatsApp, et vous pouvez les contracter ou les refuser. Pour plus d’informations sur la gestion des expériences et des activités supplémentaires des hébergements, veuillez consulter notre politique de confidentialité sur notre site officiel.

Code de réduction

Avez-vous des questions ou des doutes sur le logement ?

Demande d’informations

Voir sur la carte

Évaluation de la propriété

9,2 (129 Évaluations)


Votre avis nous intéresse

Avis de nos clients

Nury Palou Rivera10
JUIL. 2024
Espectacular Comfort y Lujo
Todo… fue como estar en casa. Muy cómodo. Los espacios increíbles, la decoración muy Bello todo. 1000% recomendable!!!!
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Nury:

Muchas gracias por sus amables palabras. Nos alegra enormemente saber que su estancia con nosotros fue como estar en casa y que encontró nuestras instalaciones cómodas y bien decoradas. Nos esforzamos por ofrecer a nuestros huéspedes espacios increíbles, y es gratificante saber que hemos cumplido con sus expectativas. Agradecemos su recomendación y esperamos tener el placer de recibirle nuevamente en el futuro.

Quality Department.

David Ord8
JUIN 2024
Great place but could have used more supplies like paper towel, tissue and towels
Réponse du service qualité

Dear David,

Thank you for your feedback and for choosing to stay with us. We are pleased to hear that you found our place great.

We appreciate your suggestions regarding the additional supplies such as paper towels, tissue, and towels. Your comments are invaluable to us as they help us improve our services. We regret that these amenities were insufficient during your stay. If we had been informed, we would have been delighted to provide you with additional supplies.

We will certainly take your comments into consideration to enhance the experience for our future guests. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future.

Quality Department.

Montserrat Rodríguez Morales10
JUIN 2024
zona inmejorable , tranquila y cerca de todos los lugares de interés
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Monserrat:

Gracias por su encantadora reseña. Fue un honor tenerle como huésped, y estamos encantados de saber que pudimos contribuir a una estancia memorable. Esperamos con impaciencia su próxima visita.

Raina Gupta6
JUIN 2024
Thr location of the house was very good. The host was very responsive. But the house needs upgrade. The sofa bed was broken, the wooden tiles near washroom is coming out and so could see lots of cockroaches there. It was a small house. There was no internet when we arrived but the host sent his technician to fix it.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Raina,

Thank you for your feedback. We are pleased to hear that you appreciated the location of the house and our responsiveness. However, we sincerely apologize for the inconveniences you encountered during your stay. Please be assured that we are actively addressing the issues you mentioned. The sofa bed and the wooden tiles near the washroom are being repaired. On the other hand, regarding the presence of insects, I would like to highlight that our company conducts rigorous periodic pest controls in all our accommodations to prevent their presence. However, due to external factors such as the weather, there may occasionally be sightings of some insects. We regret any inconvenience in this regard and we will take note of your comment to thoroughly investigate the issue and implement measures to ensure that our guests have a stay free from such incidents. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we are committed to making the necessary improvements. We hope to have the opportunity to host you again in the future under better conditions.

Rushabh Shah1
MAI 2024
Management has not taken care of this apartment and several issues with it.
Only the location was good as it was close by to the la giralda and the cathedral of Seville. The apartment is on the 4th floor and they have lifts in the building
This was our holiday home in Seville which we came for the first time and the apartment is crucial part of anyone´s holiday. However please note : 1. We shared pictures on WhatsApp of the apartment which was not cleaned properly, STILL NO ONE CAME TO CLEAN THE APARTMENT. Very surprising that no one came after complaining about it. 2. The shower fittings in the common bathroom were dilapidated and almost coming out of the wall. The mirror was broken in the common washroom. 3. The flooring in the living area had several cracks and caused water leakage in the most used and walked area of the apartment causing constant discomfort to go to the kitchen to make and get food. 4. The shower area in the master bedroom was not equipped with even basic infrastructure of shelves to keep anything. We had to keep everything on the floor of the shower area. 5. The lining in the shower area was not proper and lot of water from the shower area spilled outside the washroom areas, making it very slippery. 6. No locks in the bathroom which is in the common area. It may be a practice not to have locks in the bathroom inside the master bedroom. But no locks in the common area bathroom is unacceptable and complete violation to anyone´s privacy. 7. The cupboards were dusty and not cleaned well. Pictures were shared of the same on WhatsApp with the management. 8. The remote controls had no batteries and caused inconvenience for the first night.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Rushabh,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. We are glad to hear that you found the location to your liking, close to the most emblematic monuments. However, we deeply regret the inconveniences you experienced during your stay and would like to address some of the points you raised.

Firstly, we are genuinely saddened that you felt insufficiently attended to during your stay. Our records indicate that our team was responsive to all your requests, striving to resolve any issues to the best of our ability, including addressing the problem with the remote control batteries and other matters you brought to our attention.

Regarding the state of the bathrooms, we regret any inconvenience caused by their condition. We assure you that we have taken measures to improve these facilities, and they are now functioning correctly. Additionally, we also regret the issues you faced with the flooring in the living area. Please know that we are actively working on resolving any problems with the flooring to ensure a more comfortable experience for our future guests.

The cleanliness of the apartment is a matter we take very seriously. We apologize that the apartment was not cleaned to the high standards we are committed to providing. Rest assured, we have taken immediate actions to ensure our cleaning processes are thoroughly reviewed and improved to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future.

We strive to offer our guests a comfortable and pleasant stay, and we regret that we fell short of your expectations. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to address and rectify these issues. Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your valuable feedback. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you in the future to offer you a fully satisfactory stay.

Quality Department.

Helena Chan10
MAI 2024
The location is very good. The beds are good. But the shower panel in the bath tub is too small to block the water. The floor was all wet after showering. There was a water leakage so the wooden floor in front of the kitchen were damaged and was wet one night.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Helena:

Thank you for your feedback. We´re glad to hear that you enjoyed our convenient location and comfortable beds. We apologize for the issues you encountered with the shower panel and the water leakage. We will address these concerns immediately to improve our facilities. Your comments are invaluable in helping us enhance our guests´ experiences. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Quality Department.

Carmen Vazquez Revuelta10
MAI 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Laura Alonso7
MAI 2024
Departamento muy bien ubicado pero con falta de mantenimiento
Ubicación y decorado
Pisos en muy mal estado. Cucarachas! No servía la cafetera.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Laura:

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para compartir sus comentarios sobre su reciente estancia en nuestro apartamento. Nos alegra saber que la ubicación y la decoración fueron de su agrado.

Lamentamos sinceramente los inconvenientes que experimentó durante su estancia. En cuanto a la presencia de insectos, nos gustaría informarle que realizamos fumigaciones periódicas para evitar su aparición; sin embargo, debido al clima, en ocasiones puede resultar inevitable la presencia de alguno. Aun así, lamentamos el inconveniente y trabajaremos para evitar en la medida de lo posible situaciones similares en el futuro.

Respecto a la cafetera, nos disculpamos por no haber proporcionado un electrodoméstico en buen estado. Revisaremos nuestros procedimientos de mantenimiento para asegurarnos de que todos los equipos estén en perfectas condiciones para su uso.

Agradecemos sus observaciones, ya que nos ayudan a mejorar continuamente nuestros servicios. Esperamos que nos dé la oportunidad de recibirla nuevamente y brindarle una experiencia mucho más satisfactoria.

Departamento de Calidad.

Gastelum Ibarra Vanessa10
AVR. 2024
simplemente la mejor opción precio calidad
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Gastelum:

Valoramos inmensamente sus comentarios positivos y nos complace saber que su estancia fue agradable. Gracias por confiar en nuestros servicios. Será un placer recibirle nuevamente en el futuro.

Departamento de Calidad.

TAT Mediadores SL10
AVR. 2024
Muchas cosas de la casa no funcionaban, pero por el resto, fue una excelente estancia.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado huésped:

Agradecemos sinceramente sus comentarios y lamentamos mucho cualquier inconveniente que haya experimentado con las cosas que no funcionaban en la casa durante su estancia. Nuestra prioridad es proporcionar a nuestros huéspedes una experiencia excepcional, y nos entristece saber que no cumplimos completamente con sus expectativas en este aspecto. Sin embargo, nos alegra saber que a pesar de estos contratiempos, su estancia fue excelente en general. Valoramos su retroalimentación y tomaremos medidas para abordar cualquier problema que haya experimentado y garantizar una experiencia aún mejor para nuestros futuros huéspedes. Esperamos tener la oportunidad de recibirle nuevamente en el futuro y demostrar nuestro compromiso con la calidad y la satisfacción del cliente.

Sigita Padvariskyte Brusoke9
AVR. 2024
Location is perfect, staff is great and caring, car parking located nearby (with a big car like ours it was a little dificult to park because of the parking lot small spaces), shampoo, shower gel, soap, coffe was present - we appreciated that. Beds were comfortabile, great views from windows!
Flat needs reparation a bit. But great value of money.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Sigita,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We´re delighted to hear that you found our location perfect and our staff great and caring. We´re glad you enjoyed the amenities provided in the flat, such as shampoo, shower gel, soap, and coffee. It´s wonderful to hear that you found the beds comfortable and enjoyed the great views from the windows.We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the need for repairs in the flat; rest assured, we´re addressing this promptly. Your feedback is invaluable as we continually strive to enhance our guests´ experience. We´re delighted you found great value in your stay and hope to welcome you back soon for another memorable visit.

Quality Department.

Jorge Moratinos9
MARS 2024
El apartamento estaba muy bien, tenía todo lo necesario. Y lo mejor la ubicación. Si quieres visitar la ciudad de Sevilla mejor situación no puedes tener, al lado de la catedral y con el parking de la avenida roma a 10 minutos andando.
Creo que deberían de dar 2 llaves para entrar en el apartamento, ya que en mi caso siendo 7 personas en algún momento que nos separamos teníamos que decidir quien llevaba la llave. Por el resto todo bien.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Jorge:

Agradecemos sinceramente sus comentarios detallados sobre su reciente estancia en nuestro apartamento en Sevilla. Nos complace enormemente saber que disfrutaron de la comodidad y la conveniente ubicación que ofrece nuestra propiedad.

Tomamos en cuenta su sugerencia con respecto a proporcionar dos llaves para el apartamento. Entendemos que para grupos grandes puede resultar inconveniente tener solo una llave y estaremos evaluando la viabilidad de implementar esta mejora en nuestro servicio para futuros huéspedes.

Una vez más, agradecemos sinceramente su tiempo para proporcionar sus comentarios y esperamos tener la oportunidad de darle la bienvenida nuevamente en el futuro para brindarle una experiencia aún más satisfactoria.

Departamento de Calidad.

Lucia Kossarova10
MARS 2024
Great apartment, great location.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Lucia,

Thank you for your positive feedback. We´re delighted to hear that you enjoyed your stay and found our apartment to be great, along with its excellent location. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we´re thrilled that we could contribute to a pleasant experience. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back for another great stay in the future.

Quality Department.

Monica Slingluff10
FÉVR. 2024
Great location, wonderful communication with property management, and perfect space for 2 couples (with an extra bedroom to spare).
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Monica,

Your generous feedback is very much appreciated. It´s heartening to know that our efforts have resonated with you. We hope to have the opportunity to host you again soon.

Quality Department.

Glenn Copley7
FÉVR. 2024
The location is great and over looking a square. We were close to everything. The beds were very comfortable and the apartment was generously proportioned. The kitchen was a good size, the large fridge freezer was useful. Some more wine glasses would have been good. We appreciated the coffee pods left for us.
The flat wasn’t very clean. There was a lot of dust under the beds and the bathroom had hairs lining the tiled walls. The sofa and chairs are a little grubby and need a good steam clean. The floor entering the kitchen is breaking up and my son hurt his toes walking on it. We had trouble getting to apartment our taxi driver refused to take us to the address and dropped us 7 minutes away. We were only given one set of keys the second set we were promised never turned up. We had a big problem with the service provided on departure. We asked to store our bags. The apartment write up on booking.com stated storage was available, but when I asked I was texted details of two storage companies. I asked again and was told that under no circumstances could they store our luggage for three hours. It was only after I mentioned I would be writing a review that Carlos wrote back saying we could store the bags at his office 5 minutes away. Unfortunately by this time having given up on Carlos we had booked storage at a cost of 55 euros. Please when you book make sure they will provide storage if you need it.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Glenn,

Thank you for taking the time to share your detailed feedback regarding your recent stay with us. We´re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the great location of our apartment, overlooking the square, and found it convenient for exploring the city. We´re also glad to know that you found the beds comfortable and appreciated the generously proportioned space and well-equipped kitchen, including the useful large fridge freezer and coffee pods provided. Regarding your concerns, we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the cleanliness issues you encountered. We take cleanliness very seriously, and we will address these matters with our cleaning team to ensure they are rectified promptly.

Regarding the difficulty with your taxi driver, we regret any inconvenience this may have caused. However, please note that decisions made by taxi drivers are beyond our control. Additionally, we understand your disappointment regarding luggage storage. As we do not have a physical reception, we are unable to store luggage in the apartment after check-out, as it needs to be prepared for the next guest´s arrival. However, we do offer information and assistance in finding the nearest and most convenient luggage storage options for our guests´ convenience. We apologize if there was any miscommunication regarding this matter.

We truly value your feedback as it helps us to continually improve our services. We hope that despite these issues, you were still able to enjoy your time in our apartment and exploring the city. Thank you for choosing to stay with us, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future.

Quality Department.

Chiara Favilla9
FÉVR. 2024
Nel cuore di Siviglia
Molto luminoso, pulito e fornito di tanti comfort. Sapone, shampoo e cialde per caffè
L’appartamento lo danno per 8 ma per 6 e’ perfetto perché il divano letto ingombra un po’ il soggiorno e non si apriva benissimo
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Chiara,
Thank you for sharing your feedback regarding your recent stay at our apartment. We´re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the central location and found the apartment very bright, clean, and equipped with many comforts. We´re glad that you appreciated the provided amenities such as soap, shampoo, and coffee pods.

Regarding the space,we aim to be as transparent as possible, which is why we provided the specific information about the apartment in our web site, also you can find this information in your booking confirmation when you make it.
Thank you for choosing our accommodation, and we hope to have the opportunity to host you again in the future.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Veronica Camacho10
JANV. 2024
Todo esta perfecto!!!! Amazing location
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Veronica,

Thank you for your fantastic feedback. We´re thrilled to hear that everything is perfect and that you appreciate the amazing location. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we´re grateful for your positive comments. We look forward to hosting you again in the future for another wonderful experience

Conrado Ghisi10
JANV. 2024
Excelente espaço e anfitrião, localização incrível que se pode fazer quase tudo a pé! Super recomendado para famílias.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Conrado,
We truly appreciate your time in writing this positive review. Your insights and satisfaction mean a lot to us. We are continuously striving for excellence in hospitality, and your feedback encourages us. We´re eagerly anticipating your next visit.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Iuniia Leliukhina8
DÉC. 2023
The location is Superb!!! The apparent was nice, but somewhere it should be repaired… some necessary things were missing, outdated household appliances, a lot of problems with dishwasher ruined the impression from our staying there… The owner was nice and helpful but arriving independently would have made our settlement easier.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Iuniia,
We are grateful for your positive review highlighting our apartment´s central location. It´s heartening to know that you found it to be advantageous during your stay.

However, we sincerely apologize for any inconveniences caused by the need for repairs and missing necessary items, as well as issues with outdated household appliances and the dishwasher.

Your comments are crucial to our continuous improvement, and we will address these concerns promptly to enhance the overall experience for our guests. We appreciate your recognition of the owner´s niceness and helpfulness, and we´ll certainly take your suggestion into account to streamline the arrival process for future guests.

While we understand your concerns, we offer a personalized check-in service to ensure a warm and welcoming arrival experience for our guests. This approach is intended to provide a more personal and hospitable touch to your stay.

If your travels bring you back to the area, we would be grateful for another opportunity to provide you with a more seamless and enjoyable stay.

Best regards,
Quality Department

Christopher Gerhard9
DÉC. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Kurt Van Wagenen10
DÉC. 2023
Excellent location, walkable to do many great attractions, apartment was as described, worked well for our group.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Kurt,
We truly appreciate your time in writing this positive review. Your insights and satisfaction mean a lot to us. We are continuously striving for excellence in hospitality, and your feedback encourages us. We´re eagerly anticipating your next visit.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Yolanda Clavijo López10
NOV. 2023
Maravilla de estancia
La ubicación. Inmejorable
Todo estupendo
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Yolanda,
Agradecemos profundamente sus elogios sobre nuestro apartamento. Nos complace saber que disfrutó de su estancia y esperamos volver a recibirla en un futuro cercano.
Saludos cordiales,
Departamento de Calidad

OCT. 2023
Beau et bon séjour à Séville
Les équipements et les chambres
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Benedicte,
We greatly appreciate your positive review. It´s gratifying to know you enjoyed your stay. Your remarks inspire us to continue delivering outstanding service.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Linda Cribbs10
OCT. 2023
Pros: Within walking distance to all major attractions; comfortable for 6 adults, good AC, quality furnishings, bedding & towels; personal host greeting was lovely; elevator for the 4th floor location appreciated Cons: could use some maintenance on the kitchen flooring & bathroom trims & fixtures.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Linda,
We greatly appreciate your positive review. It´s gratifying to know you enjoyed your stay.

We are truly sorry to hear about the maintenance and cleanliness issues you encountered during your stay.We understand that a clean and well-maintained environment is crucial for an enjoyable stay, and it´s disappointing to learn that we fell short of your expectations in this regard. We have already taken steps to address the problems you raised with the maintenance company and the cleaning team to ensure a more thorough and meticulous job in the future. Your comments serve as a valuable reminder to us to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and maintenance.

We genuinely hope you would consider staying with us again, giving us another chance to provide you with the outstanding experience you deserve.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Yamile Atias9
SEPT. 2023
Excelente! Sevilla es espectacular... y el hotel estaba súper buen ubicado
La ubicación excelente, cómodo y bien limpio
Todo estuvo muy bien
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Yamile,
Agradecemos profundamente sus elogios respecto a nuestro apartamento. Nos complace enormemente saber que disfrutó de su estancia. Esperamos con gran entusiasmo la oportunidad de volver a recibirlo en un futuro cercano para ofrecerle una experiencia aún más excepcional.
Saludos cordiales,

Departamento de Calidad

Borja Gomez Rojo8
SEPT. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Stephanie Moreta8
AOÛT 2023
Pablo’s place was perfectly located in the center of Sevilla! It was within 5-10 minutes walking from restaurants and shops. They were flexible and allowed us to drop-off our luggage prior to check-in time. There is an elevator. The views from the balcony are charming!
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Stephanie,
We´re glad to know that our location met your expectations. Our team strives to offer a prime spot that enhances our guests´ experiences. Thank you for recognizing this aspect of your stay. We look forward to hosting you again in the future.
Kind regards.

Quality Department Manager

Marisol Richards Espinosa10
JUIL. 2023
Great location and nice apartment, ideal for a family with children.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Marisol,
We are grateful for your positive review highlighting our apartment´s central location. It´s heartening to know that you found it to be advantageous during your stay. Thank you for your feedback and we eagerly await your next visit.
Kind regards.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Jessica Medina8
JUIL. 2023
Great location, beautiful apartment. Perfect for a big family. Super clean and spacious.
They only had one elevator. My family got stuck in the elevator for 30 mins. The day we left, the elevator was still broken, so my husband and kids had to take all of our suitcases (5 of them) down the stairs, the apartment is on the 4th floor. Also, the mattress in the Masters room was too hard and not comfortable at all.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Jessica,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered during your stay. Your feedback is crucial for us to refine our services. We truly appreciate your understanding and constructive remarks.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Rebekah Marlink8
JUIL. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

JUIN 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Rujie Liu10
JUIN 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Lianne Toebes9
JUIN 2023
Ideal location in the center!
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Lianne. Your feedback emphasizing the central location of our apartment is highly appreciated. We are glad that this aspect of your stay was convenient for you. Thank you for sharing your experience, and we anticipate the pleasure of hosting you again soon. Jose L.H. Campos. Quality Department Manager.

Trini Herrera Ruiz9
MAI 2023
La localización mejor imposible, el apartamento era precioso, todo nuevo.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Trini. Gracias por sus amables palabras y por compartir su experiencia. Estamos emocionados de saber que tuvo una estancia cómoda. Sería un placer darle la bienvenida de nuevo en el futuro. Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad.

Miriam Marín Ucar8
MAI 2023
ubicacion de 10
los baños y cocina limpios pero el suelo con mucha pelusa
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Miriam:
Apreciamos su comentario sobre su estadía en nuestro apartamento. Lamentamos mucho cualquier problema o inconveniente que haya experimentado durante su estancia. Sus críticas constructivas son extremadamente valiosas para nosotros y las utilizaremos para mejorar nuestros servicios. Esperamos que nos brinde otra oportunidad de servirle y que podamos brindarle una experiencia mucho más agradable y sin problemas.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Mansi mukul kothari9
MAI 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Rudy Beckx8
AVR. 2023
Nespresso toestel + enkele capsules waren aanwezig. Mooie slaapkamers. Beide badkamers eenvoudig, wel OK.
Suggestie: minstens 15 Nespresso capsules voorzien = 3 nachten x 5 pers.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Rudy,
We are delighted to receive your feedback and to know that you had a wonderful holiday in Seville. It gives us immense pleasure to hear that our apartment contributed to your positive experience. Thank you for your suggestion. We look forward to the opportunity of hosting you again soon.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Brendan Kehoe10
AVR. 2023
Great spot for exploring Seville, incredibly convenient location for the Old Town being a few minutes walk from the Cathedral. Could not recommend this place more highly. Exactly as described, a lovely apartment, and great communication with host. Would definitely stay here again next time
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Bremdan,
We´re so grateful for your kind words about your recent stay at our apartment. We´re thrilled that you enjoyed the convenient location and the welcoming atmosphere. Thank you for choosing us for your stay, and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Jonathan Warr10
AVR. 2023
Amazing accommodation in a beautiful city. Nothing was too much trouble. Thank you Andrea.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Jonathan,
We are delighted to hear that our apartment was a highlight of your trip. Your feedback about our location and staff is highly appreciated, and we are glad to know that we contributed to your positive experience. Thank you for choosing to stay with us, and we look forward to your next visit.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

annie thuillier10
AVR. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Roberta Torelli9
AVR. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Maria Gil Hernandez9
MARS 2023
La simpatía de los anfitriones
La tv sólo tenía canales ingleses
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada María:
Le agradecemos sinceramente por su positiva reseña de su estancia en nuestro apartamento en XXX. Nos complace saber que nuestro equipo le proporcionó un servicio excepcional y que nuestras instalaciones superaron sus expectativas. Esperamos tener el placer de darle la bienvenida de nuevo en un futuro cercano.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Chiara Palumbo10
MARS 2023
Casa meravigliosa! pulita, attrezzata, spaziosa. Balconcino con vista su una piazzetta molto carina. Posizione centralissima vicino alla cattedrale
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Chiara,
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your taking the time to share your positive experience at our apartment in Seville. Your kind words are highly appreciated and it is a pleasure to know that our property exceeded your expectations. We hope to have the honour of welcoming you back in the future.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Yizbeleni Gallardo Bahena8
MARS 2023
buena ubicación
La ubicación y el departamento en general es amplio y cómodo
Que no hubo forma de que nos resguardaran un par de horas el equipaje, fue super incómodo, porque nuestro vuelo salía un poco más tarde literalmente necesitábamos un resguardo de 2 horas de equipaje despues de entregar la habitación y no dieron ninguna solución. En el baño salió una cucaracha.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Yizbeleni:
Su feedback enfatizando la ubicación central de nuestro apartamento es muy apreciado. Por otro lado, lamentamos que el horario de salida tuviera que ser el estipulado ya que al haber otro entrada para su apartamento, debiéramos prepararlo para la llegada de los siguientes huéspedes. Asimismo, pedimos disculpas por el insecto que encontró en su apartamento. Agradecemos su feedback y tomaremos medidas para evitar que esto vuelva a sucedes.
Apreciamos sus comentarios y esperamos darle la bienvenida nuevamente en el futuro.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Igna Palmira Duran Pedroche10
MARS 2023
Muy bueno.
El precio. Podría estar un poco más barato . Pero no estaba excesivamente caro
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Igna:
Le agradecemos el tiempo para escribir un comentario y compartir sus impresiones del apartamento con nosotros. Esperamos poder volver a recibirle muy pronto.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Patrick Lamontagne10
FÉVR. 2023
Très bel appartement, idéalement situé, la Cathédrale est au bout de la rue ! Tout se fait à pied. L´appartement est bien équipé et calme. La photo de la salle à manger-salon est un peu trompeuse. Elle surdimensionne le lieu comme presque toutes les photos promotionnelles, mais là un peu trop quand même. Mais en dépit de cela c´était bien confortable. Il y a eu un souci de radiateur. Le technicien est arrivé dans la demi-heure. Difficile de faire mieux. Un beau séjour rendu encore plus agréable par ce bel appartement. A recommander.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Patrick,
We greatly appreciate the time you have taken out of your day to rate your stay with us with such a wonderful review. Thank you for choosing our apartment for your stay in Sevilla. We will be delighted to welcome you back on your next trip.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

John Farnand10
FÉVR. 2023
Very enjoyable
Réponse du service qualité

Dear John,
We would like to thank you for the praising review you shared following your recent visit to our apartment and are delighted to read that we were able to match your expectations.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

David Regan8
FÉVR. 2023
Great location, flat was perfect for location and convenience. aircon a little complicated .
Réponse du service qualité

Dear David,
Thank you for making us your choice and for praising the benefits of the apartment. However, we are saddened that some details prevented your stay of being perfect. Do not hesitate to contact us in the future to give us the opportunity to assist you during your stay and once again, thank you for making us your preferred apartment.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

JANV. 2023
The entry agent arrived late to let us in. The apartment was not ready upon our agreed upon check in time. The bedding was not ready, no sheets or clean towels. After checking in we had to wait about 2.5 hrs before the linens arrived and the apt was prepared. No soap in bathrooms to wash hands. The kitchen had no paper products at all, like napkins or paper towels, and had only 1 very thin straggly dish towel. The sofa bed mattress would not completely flatten out when opened. We will not be staying with the travel agency ever again as this is our 2nd bad experience in a row with them.
This is our 2nd bad experience in a row with our travel agent. The Communication process is not managed well and dealing with the 3rd party home management companies is not a good or streamlined experience. The entry agent arrived late, and the apartment was not completely ready at our agreed check in time. There were no bed linens or towels. The apt lacked essential needs in the bathrooms and kitchen. Like soap for hand washing, and napkins or paper towels in the kitchen, and only 1 dish towel that was in very bad shape. The travel agency is not easy to communicate with either which is ridiculous!
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Amy,

Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable feedback. I lament reading that your experience with your travel agent was not a pleasant one. Also, from your survey response, it is apparent that we failed to meet your expectations. I can certainly understand your disappointment.

As a valued customer, you are in the best position to help us improve our services in offering short term home rentals. The experience you described is not characteristic of the level of service we provide and we and apologize for the short coming. I would love take this opportunity to clarify that the delay you describe was an extraordinary case for us, and the reason was due to the bank holiday taking place for New Year´s and our usual laundry service not providing us the linens and amenities on time that day. Of course this is not a reason to be short in the services we provide and, once more, we extend our most sincere apologies.

I would like to know if there is anything we can do to regain your trust in us. Please let me know the best contact number and time to reach you, or feel free to contact me anytime. I look forward to speaking with you in hopes of restoring your confidence in us.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Yang Yang Hartono10
DÉC. 2022
we love the place ! in the heart of Sevilla´s old town. you can literally walk to everywhere ! lots of restaurants and bar as well. but the place is surprisingly quiet despite is in the heart of the touristy hot spot ! definitely recommended to stay in Sevilla !
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Yang Yang,
It is our greatest joy to read how much you enjoyed your stay at our apartment. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to host you. We look forward to receiving you again soon.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Joy Ike9,7
DÉC. 2022
Great location for exploring the city with views into a traditional patio. We had all the amenities we needed for cooking, good WiFi and a smart TV. We recommend this for first-time visitors in Sevilla!
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Joy,
Thank you for choosing our Cabildo III apartment and for the highlights. We are also thankful for the recommendations to future travelers.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Marta Roig Aguilar8
DÉC. 2022
La ubicación inmejorable, apartamento limpio y cómodo. Muy buena experiencia
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Marta:
muchas gracias por compartir sus experiencias con nosotros. Saber que ha disfrutado de su estancia es nuestra mayor satisfacción.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Ben Chang9,7
NOV. 2022
Best possible location, at the center of everywhere. Very comfortable apartment.

Michele Cusumano7,5
NOV. 2022
The proximity to the historic center.
the cleaning
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Michele,
Thank you for your insights following your recent visit. We always look for ways to improve and your comments are crucial to our future success.
We are sincerely sorry to read your dissatisfaction with the cleaning of your apartment, we strive to provide total confidence in this area being fully aware that hygiene and cleanliness are aspects of major importance for our guests to feel 100% comfortable in our apartments, for a future ocasion please do not hesitate to contact our us to point out any service imperfection, the team will be swift in addressing the issue and correct any situation that is not in accordance with our established standards.
Thank you again for making us your choice on this occasion, we look forward to serving you again in the near future.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Fiona Heakin6
OCT. 2022
The beds were comfortable, but the bathrooms were tired and theinterior woodwork chipped and in need of an update
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Fiona,
thank you for sharing your insights about the apartment and the neighborhood. We are happy you enjoyed your overall stay. We hope you give us the opportunity to host you again making sure we exceed your expectations.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

María Teresa7,5
SEPT. 2022
Solamente bien situado
La ubicación magnifica
Dos camas tienen las patas rotas,solo hay armario en dos habitaciones ,porque el de la tercera es pequeñísimo y no hay en el salón ,el sofá tiene los cojines bastante estropeados y las toallas huelen mal.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada María Teresa, muchas gracias por sus comentarios. Nos gustaría expresarle nuestras más sinceras disculpas por las imperfecciones en nuestros servicio que describe en su opinión, nos aseguraremos de discutir su opinión internamente con el objetivo de evitar dar este tipo de impresiones de nuestros instalaciones. Para una futura estancia, por favor, no dude en expresar sus preocupaciones y dirigirse al equipo para informarnos de cualquier imperfección , estaremos más que encantados de ayudarle para que disfrute plenamente de sus vacaciones entre nosotros.
Esperamos poder servirle de nuevo en el futuro.

Aija T.
Departamento de Calidad

María Dolores9,6
SEPT. 2022
Situación excepcional y estancia cómoda
La situación del apartamento es excepcional. Es cómodo y estaba limpio.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada María Dolores, muchas gracias por sus comentarios. Nos alegramos de que haya disfrutado de la ubicación de nuestra apartamento y la comodidad que ofrecemos a nuestros huéspedes.
Esperamos tener la oportunidad de darle la bienvenida de nuevo en su próxima visita a Sevilla.

Aija T.
Departamento de Calidad

AOÛT 2022
Die Lage ist sehr Zentral und der Ausblick auf die „Plaza del cabildo“ ist atemberaubend. Das Personal war ebenfalls sehr freundlich und ließ uns das Gepäck vor dem Check-in in die Wohnung abstellen.
Die Betten waren nur mit leichten Lacken/Deckenbezug gedeckt. Es gab zwar Decken im Schrank, leider hatten sie Flecken und deshalb konnten sie nicht genutzt werden.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Abirna, thank you very much for your feedback.
We are very grateful for your highlights our exceptional location and kindness of our team. We work hard to give all of our guests a great experience, and we want to keep improving, therefore we also highly appreciate your constructive comments.
We really hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future and exceed your expectations.

Aija T.
Quality Department

Maria Jose10
AOÛT 2022
Ubicación, buen trato, limpieza

Kristin Elliott10
AOÛT 2022
Easy check in/out, very convenient location!
Our property manager was very helpful at check in and quick to respond and replace dimmed light bulbs. Location was very clean, safe, and extremely convenient to the center of Sevilla!
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Kristin, we are excited to learn you had a great stay with us. Thank you for taking a moment to highlight our excellent location and exceptional service. It would be a pleasure to welcome you back anytime you plan a visit to Seville.

Aija T.
Quality Department

AOÛT 2022
+ localização
- limpeza. haviam baratas no alojamento
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Judite, thank you very much for your feedback.
We appreciate your highlights on our great location, and we sorry to know that you found cockroaches in your apartment. Due to the climatology of Andalucia and its geographical position, depending on the humidity and heat, the presence of insects in any property, business or private, is unavoidable, nevertheless we have in place a specific preventive pest control plan as well as regular treatments to avoid their presence in our installations. We are sorry for any apologies for the inconveniences caused to you and your group.
We have the opportunity of welcoming you back to our apartment at some point in the future.

Aija T.
Quality Department

Susan McKnight8
JUIL. 2022
The property was in a great location and was spacious. It was perfect for our family of 4 with my 23 year old daughter and 21 year old son both getting their own rooms. We enjoyed having a kitchen to prepare afternoon snacks and a washer but a dryer would have been most helpful. There was only a small drying rack available and it did not work well inside the apartment. It was difficult to wash towels and hang to dry inside. Beds were comfortable and the AC worked great which was much needed in the August heat. The area was nice and quiet as well which we appreciated.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Susan, thank you for staying with us, it was a pleasure to assist your family during your time in Seville.
We are excited to learn you had a great stay with us. Thank you for taking a moment to share yoru personal experience and we hope we will see you again soon.

Aija T.
Quality Department

Justin Libak10
JUIN 2022
Great location for walking to everything. By great restaurants and things to do. Our two young girls loved it.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Justin, thank you so much for staying with us. We are glad to learn you liked your stay and we hope to see you again.

Aija T.
Quality Department

Anjail Al-Uqdah10
JUIN 2022
We had a great stay…I felt like I was at home.
The rental process was easy.
Réponse du service qualité

Thank you for this very kind review of our apartment, we look forward to serving you again in the future.

Aija T.
Quality Department

April Cesaretti10
JUIN 2022
Great Location/Great space for family

This apartment was as described and was in a great location (right near the cathedral but street was very quiet). The layout of the apartment worked well for our family of five - 2 adults plus three teenagers. The washing machine, Wi-Fi and the air conditioning all worked really well (there was a separate air conditioner unit in each bedroom and in the main living area). The building hallways were dark and you had to press a button to turn lights on - and appeared to be a mix of offices and residential apartments. There were no fire alarms or fire extinguisher in the unit. Unit was on a corner and so had a lot of natural light/windows in every room. Wonderful space-would stay here again.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear April, thank you very much for your valuable review. It is very important for us to know the opinion of our guests.
We are glad to know that you enjoyed your stay in our apartment so much. Our team works hard to create unique experiences and provide the best service, so we are delighted to know that we are achieving it.
We hope to see you again soon.

Aija T.
Quality Department

Al Shorey10
JUIN 2022
Great property in a perfect location!
Réponse du service qualité

Thank you very much for your positive feedback.
We are glad to know that your enjoyed our excellent location to access the main sites in the city.
We would love for you to come back and enjoy more unforgettable days with us.

Aija T.
Quality Department

Manuel Enrique10
JUIN 2022
Un gran lugar para quedarse. El servicio excelente y la ubicación inmejorable.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Manuel Enrique, muchas gracias por sus comentarios y por destacar la excelente ubicación del apartamento.
Esperamos su próxima visita.

Aija T.
Departamento de Calidad

Tara Fink10
JUIN 2022
We enjoyed our stay very much! The apartment is very well located and comfortable. The communication with Pablo was very good. I would book this apartment again.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Tara, thank you very much for choosing our apartment for your stay in Seville. It was a pleasure for us to assist you and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in our apartment soon.

Aija T.
Quality Department

Sonja Sray10
MAI 2022
From checkin to checkout, the property managers were responsive. The apartment managed to feel set apart and quiet, in spite of its prime location in the center of Seville. Would absolutely stay here again!
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Sonja, thank you very much for taking the time to review your stay with us.
We are glad to hear that you experienced our exceptional hospitality. We certainly agree that our dedicated staff plays a key role to our guests´ overall experience. The entire team works very hard to offer a memorable experience to our guests.
We look forward to serving you again and to have the opportunity to exceed your expectations in a not too distant future.

Aija T.
Quality Department

MAI 2022
Beautiful apartment within walking distance of the sights
Lovely modern apartment, fantastic location. Hosts very helpful
All good overall .Could do with magnifying mirror in bathrooms
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Philippa, thank you very much for your feedback. We are glad to know that you enjoyed your stay and we look forward to having the opportunity to serve you again in the future.

Aija T.
Quality Department

AVR. 2022
The best thing this apartment has going for it is it’s location. It is on a quiet side street but is literally 1 minute away from the cathedral in one direction and fabulous restaurants in the other direction. We walked everywhere in Seville and this apartment was a fantastic location to base ourselves. There were however, some drawbacks which led me to give it a 3 star rating. 1. Cleanliness and maintenance is lacking. There were bugs including some large cockroaches (which I understand is to be expected in a warm urban environment), many cupboards and racers are broken, walls are dirty, baseboards broken, couch cushions are kind of wrecked etc. etc. 2. It’s smaller than the other 3 bedroom apartments we rented in Spain. The master bedroom is generous, the other two bedrooms are small but functional, but the living room only has seating for 4 people despite sleeping arrangements for 6 3. Communication was prompt but we really weren’t oriented to the apartment and even basic information like where to take garbage out was not provided (and the answer was not obvious, often requiring carrying the bags for a block or more - but understandable in an old city like Seville) 4. There was LOUD construction in the apartment directly next door to us, generally starting at 0830 in the morning - which is early if you’re up late as supper doesn’t generally happen until 9pm here. The rental company didn’t offer any compensation for this, and did not make an effort to address this in any way when I contacted them. I totally get that this is out of their control, but their response was fairly dismissive and definitely impacted our enjoyment of the apartment. Overall we enjoyed our stay here, but did feel that there is better value to be found in such a lovely city.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Sarah, thank you very much for taking the time to leave us your feedback. Thank you for sharing your negative experience with us; we appreciate every form of feedback, as it helps us understand where we still can improve our services.

We are very sorry that some aspects which are out of our control affected your stay with us and we were not able to match your expectations.

We hope to have the opportunity to host you in the future again and demonstrate our true level of hospitality and interest in offering the most comfortable stay possible for our guests.

Aija T.
Quality Department

AVR. 2022
Great central apartment. Could not have been better situated.

MARS 2022
A truly wonderful apartment with a central, but quiet, location. The apartment was spotlessly clean and very comfortable. We are a family of six and the accommodation with three bedrooms and two bathrooms was just perfect - we couldn´t have found a better place to stay. We fell in love with Seville and certainly intend to return.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Lindsey,
We thank you for pointing out the cleanliness and comfort of our property, we are fully aware that these are one of the most important aspects of the stay of our guests. We are glad to know that we were able to match your expectations.
It has been a pleasure to hosting you and your family, and we hope to do so again soon.

Aija T.
Quality Department

Gian Paolo9,6
MARS 2022
Lavori in corso nell´appartamento vicino
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Gian Paolo, we appreciate your positive feedback regarding your stay with us.
Thank you for pointing out the excellent location of our Cabildo III apartment, and we are sorry to hear that you had some inconveniences by the aspects which are not related to our services and are unfortunately our of our control.

Again we thank you for this very kind review of our apartment and we look forward to serving you again in the future.

Aija Teilane
Quality Department

JANV. 2022
El apartamento es muy acogedor, cómodo y amplio, con unas instalaciones idóneas para una estancia placentera. La ubicación es inmejorable, cercano a muchos sitios de interés de Sevilla en un barrio tranquilo y agradable.
Réponse du service qualité

Nos gustaría agradecerle los comentarios tan positivos que ha compartido referente a su estancia en nuestro apartamento. Estamos encantados de saber que fuimos capaces de cumplir con sus expectativas y esperamos poder darle la bienvenida de nuevo muy pronto.

Aija Teilane
Departamento de Calidad

Daniela Alvarez Scheuch9,6
JANV. 2022
Excelente ubicación! Lejos lo mejor, pero también un apartamento limpio, con todas las instalaciones para disfrutar de una estadía cómoda.
Un poco difícil de llegar en una primera instancia, pero luego de encontrarlo, excelente
Réponse du service qualité

Le damos las gracias por haber elegido nuestro apartamento para sus vacaciones.

Muchas gracias por destacar la limpieza y el confort del apartamento. Estamos encantados de leer que disfrutaron de su estancia y esperamos tener la oportunidad de servirle de nuevo en el futuro.

Aija Teilane
Departamento de Calidad

DÉC. 2021
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Stacey Henstorf10
DÉC. 2021
Great stay and location.
This location was a happy accident! Tree lighting in the evening was great with tons of shopping and restaurants out our front door.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Stacey,
Thank you for this heartwarming review of your stay with us. We are delighted that you enjoyed your stay and look forward to welcoming you back again very soon.

Aija Teilane
Quality Department

NOV. 2021
La posizione ottima. Appartamento bello ampio.
Réponse du service qualité

Thank you again for this positive review of your stay with us, we are very grateful for the time and effort you spent to share your personal experience with us.
We look forward to your next visit.

Aija Teilane
Quality Department

Maria Luisa10
OCT. 2021
Évaluation sans commentaire.

OCT. 2021
Apartamento muy bien situado, cómodo, bien equipado y muy cuidado. El sofá cama mejorable. Pero en conjunto muy bien
Réponse du service qualité

Le damos las gracias por haber elegido nuestro apartamento para sus estancia en Sevilla y le agradecemos el tiempo que ha dedicado en compartir su opinión.
Esperamos tener la oportunidad de servirle de nuevo en el futuro.

Aija Teilane
Departamento de Calidad

OCT. 2021
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Giovanni San Brunone10
SEPT. 2021

David Astorga10
SEPT. 2021

Fabio Tomasello8,3
AOÛT 2021

OCT. 2020

Laura Marcela9
MARS 2020
Mejor la Ubicación
Chicas las habitaciones

MARS 2020
La maison est surchauffée en particulier la chambre qui donnait sur la terrasse commune

MARS 2020
Appartement heeft een perfecte locatie, is licht, schoon en alle faciliteiten zoals beschreven.De foto´s kloppen ook. Het check-in-team van Genteel Home is behulpzaam en zeer vriendelijk. Een echte aanrader.
Doucheput in de badkamer loopt slecht door. Op beide toiletten ziiten de wc-brillen heel los en dit is ook het geval met de keukenkraan.

Saturio Estebaranz,8
FÉVR. 2020
Su situación y amplitud

FÉVR. 2020
O apartamento é excelente! Eu e minha familia tivemos ótimos dias em Sevilha. A localização é maravilhosa, perto de tudo que voce deve conhecer na cidade. O espaço é muito bom e a pessoa que nos recebeu foi muito educada e deu varias dicas sobre a cidade. A limpeza estava otima, recomendo muito!

JANV. 2020
This home is located right in the middle of the action in Seville. It a block from the Cathedral, 2 blocks from the Alacazar, and being on the top-floor, very quiet and private. The house seems to be very professionally managed and had everything we needed for our stay. We would definitely stay here again in the future.

JANV. 2020
Excelente localização com algumas restrições Localização espetacular. Fomos praticamente expulsos do apartamento às 10:50 pela responsável pela limpeza. O estacionamento não é assim tão perto. Também não sei ser serei multado.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Claudao, In Genteel Home we are convinced that there is always room for improvement and your comments will help our team in its continuous efforts to meet the expectations of our guests, so we greatly appreciate the time you have spent sharing your constructive criticisms with us. We feel the inconvenience related on the day of your departure, we do not know what could have happened but we always allow our clients to leave with a margin so that they can pick up all their things without hurry. We hope to have the opportunity to serve you again in the future. Fatima Roca-chief of Customer Service.

JANV. 2020
The apartment was clean, comfortable and cozy and the location is amazing in the city center with great value, It is highly recommend

JANV. 2020
New Years family time
The location was awesome.
The pictures made the apartment look very big but it was no where as big as we thought. The bedrooms were small after the one main one and which left way for unfairness. Someone had to take the smallest room
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Treva, Thank you very much for leaving these wonderful comments, we are delighted that you enjoyed your stay among us. Regarding the size of the rooms we regret your disappointment however we would like to point out that we have different accommodations are thoroughly described on our website, for coming occasions, we would like to offer you a personalized booking guide through our booking department, to make sure you make a reservation for the accommodation that best meets your needs and wishes. We look forward to serving you again in the future. Fátima Roca-chief of Customer Service.

DÉC. 2019
Ha sido estupendo

DÉC. 2019
Beautiful property in excellent location Everything. The host was friendly and attentive, the apartment was in a great condition, clean, well equipped. Location was the best we found so far in Sevilla, 50 meters from the Cathedral yet quiet
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Nir, Thank you very much for sharing this great review of your holidays. We are thrilled that you have enjoyed your stay and certainly agree that our dedicated staff plays a key role to our guests´ overall experience. The entire team works very hard to ensure that we deliver a high standard of service and a warm, memorable experience. We are very pleased to read that you did like the apartment we accommodated you in and that you found it to be clean and comfortable at all times. We look forward to serving you again in the future. Fátima Roca-chief of Customer Service.

NOV. 2019
Great location and the hosts were very responsive.

OCT. 2019
El inmueble estaba impecable, y que decir de la ubicación. Todo perfecto

Jose Luis Garrido10
SEPT. 2019
Todo bien

AOÛT 2019
Beautiful and spacious place in an unbeatable location.

AOÛT 2019
Everything’s was perfect.

AOÛT 2019
This apartment was lovely. You could see the cathedral from the front entrance and Roman ruins from the balcony. The neighborhood had lots of amenities and major sights were easily walkable. Quiet street (a little hard for taxis to find) and quiet building made a relaxing stay for our three couples. The check-in was nice as an actual person met us and was able to give good suggestions.

AOÛT 2019
Amazing place, highly recommend.

AOÛT 2019
The location is very good. Clean and comfortable. Good choice.

JUIL. 2019
Una bella esperienza
Location fantastica, vicino a tutto. Appartamento ben tenuto e pulito. Cucina nuova e ben attrezzata ma non l´abbiamo utilizzata e quindi non so se funzionasse tutto.
Esperienza in generale molto positiva ma alcuni punti da migliorare. L´insonorizzazione dell´appartamento era insufficiente. Dalla porta d´ingresso si sentiva qualunque rumore ed essendoci spesso entrate ed uscite di persone nel palazzo questo creava fastidio a sera tardi e mattino presto. Non era presente la biancheria matrimoniale del divano letto, ho dovuto rimediare sovrapponendo più lenzuola singole. Ci sarebbe dovuto essere una quantità ben maggiore di kit da bagno (sapone e shampoo) e sarebbe stato apprezzata trovare qualche bottiglia d´acqua e piccoli snack e frutta (come accade in molti appartamenti anche per affitti di una settimana).

MAI 2019
new, clean and spacious
Room is new, clean and spacious. Good location.
The entrance of the apartment and elevator look old, but in the good condition. However, the room is very new.

AVR. 2019
Fantastic location and cosy appartement exactly as described. Quick response from the owner. I recommend this place if you want to enjoy a city trip in Sevilla

AVR. 2019
Great location and great place to stay. Could not have been better and was very quiet.
Ran out of garbage bags, toilet paper, washing powder.

AVR. 2019
Amazing location and beautiful apartment. Steps from the cathedral and within walking distance to everything, this was truly an incredible find! Our party consisted of two couples and the space was more than enough for us and made the trip very relaxing as we were able to enjoy a leisurely breakfast before venturing out for the day. The host was responsive and we had no issues with communication. I highly recommend it!

MARS 2019
Oltre ogni aspettativa! Appartamento centrale, comodo e dotato di ogni confort! È stato un bellissimo soggiorno.

Miguel Angel10
MARS 2019
Experiencia perfecta para familias con niños.
La ubicación es excelente, al lado de la catedral, las compras, las tabernas, monumentos, etc.con la ventaja añadida de ser una calle tranquila y silenciosa,

FÉVR. 2019
wonderful location in a beautiful city!

FÉVR. 2019
Cozy apartment in the heart of Seville
Top location, very well furnished apartment, cozy rooms, bright living area.
synthetic bed quilt

Terry Tersini8,5
FÉVR. 2019
The location was perfect. Walking distance to everything. Also it was very clean. The building seemed fairly new or remodeled.
Very few amenities in the kitchen. No coffee or espresso machine. Only one roll of tp per bathroom for 6 people.

JANV. 2019
Logement extrêmement bien situé, au calme & lumineux. Les lits sont confortables, le séjour (salon/salle à manger) agréable. Il n´est pas spécialement spacieux mais c´est bien agencé avec un coin nuit isolé. Echange très réactif avec l´hôte qui a été fort appréciable. Je recommande ce logement, on s´y sent bien dedans.

JANV. 2019
Perfect location, literally 1 min from the Cathedral and very quiet considering it´s so close. The apartment was spotlessly clean and there was lots of room. The check in was good and the local tips provided were helpful. Highly recommended.

M. Carmen10
DÉC. 2018
Muy bien. La cama comodísima. la ubicacion estupenda todo muy limpio

NOV. 2018
Heerlijk ruim appartement op een top locatie!

OCT. 2018
Lovely stay. The flat had a nice layout and was very well located. Quite but in the centre. The staff were very helpful and accommodating, checking in and responding quickly when needed.
We had some problems with the air conditioning and the fuse kept blowing. They living room AC didn’t work well at all. The master bedroom had two dauntless beds rather than a double which was strange for a master bedroom, but the beds were comfortable so no big deal.

Alison Martinez9,8
SEPT. 2018
La mejor eleccion. Me encanto todo, desde la ubicación, perfecta para llegar a cualquier sitio, hasta el alojamiento: super cómodo, moderno, luminoso, con unas camas estupendas. Nos hospedamos 7 personas y nos movimos estupendamente por la casa. Super recomendado.

Yuwei Chek7
SEPT. 2018
The location is perfect close to the key attractions and just 10 min taxi ride to the train station.
It isn’t very clean and no new towels prepared to change for 3 days. Do not supply sufficient toiletries and toilet paper for our 3 nights stay.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Yuwei, thank you for your comment. We are happy to know that you liked the apartment, located in the heart of the historical center of Seville, a few meters from the cathedral. We certainly provide our customers as a courtesy and for the first few days things like oil, salt, vinegar, dishwasher tablets, toilet paper and a hand and shower towel per person. We are not a hotel and therefore do not provide hotel services. Our properties are tourist apartments and we always indicate where the nearest supermarket is where you can buy everything you need more for your stay. In addition, we remind you that the apartment has a full equipment and has a washing machine to wash your towels if necessary. Regards

SEPT. 2018
מצוין. אוירה ביתית במיקום מעולה
מיקום מצוין. מרכזי מאוד. נוף מקסים מהדירה. הדירה מאובזרת בכל מה שצריך. היינו שתי משפחות והדירה איפשרה לנו פרטיות לצד המרחב המשותף. צוות ידידותי מאוד, תקשרנו בוואטס אפ, לפני ואחרי השהייה. מאוד השתדלו לעזור בכל דבר. שכחנו בדירה אייפד והבחורה עשתה מאמצים לסייע עם המון סבלנות והכוונה כדי שיישלח אלינו כחבילה ליעד הבא. ממליצה בחום על המקום !!

AOÛT 2018
Todo perfecto, pero los estacionamientos más cercanos están a unos cientos de metros.

Wang Dan9,3
JUIL. 2018

Anuj Seth9,3
JUIL. 2018
Gr8 stay and Value for money !
Very clean and beautiful apartment. Gr8 decorative items, AC in all rooms, very nice and big kitchen. Must recommended for travellers. The apartment is located and heart of Seville with all attractions in 10minutes walk. The bedrooms were small but apt and beds were very comfortable. The building had 3 elevators ..which make commute no problem.

JUIL. 2018
La localisation de l´appartement

JUIN 2018
Precies wat je zoekt voor een city trip. Zeer schoon en mooi. Keukengerei was gering

M Jesus9,8
JUIN 2018
Era muy céntrico. El apartamento muy grande y muy limpio. Todo nuevo