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  3. Baños II

Baños II

Séville · San Vicente

9 (160 évaluations)



Salles de bain

80 m2

À propos du logement

L’appartement dispose de deux chambres avec un lit double de 1,50 x 2,00 chacune et d’un petit balcon intérieur meublé avec une table et des chaises où vous pourrez profiter du merveilleux climat de Séville, ainsi que de deux salles de bains complètes, l’une avec douche et l’autre avec baignoire. La cuisine est moderne et entièrement équipée et c’est intégrée dans le salon, que dispose également d’un canapé-lit double de 1,40 x 2,00 et de quelques fauteuils confortables.

Toute la propriété a été décorée et meublée dans les moindres détails, avec un mobilier design et une combinaison de moderne et classique pour créer une atmosphère de confort et de détente.

L’appartement est situé à la rue Baños, où commence le centre historique de la ville de Séville, en plein centre. Dans les environs, vous trouverez quelques-uns des restaurants et bars les plus typiques et traditionnels de la ville, où vous pourrez déguster les meilleures tapas de Séville et les meilleurs plats de la cuisine andalouse. Il est également très proche du quartier commerçant, avec ses petits magasins et des centres commerciaux.

Bien sûr, tous les monuments importants de la ville ne sont qu’à quelques minutes à pied de l’appartement, vous n’aurez donc besoin d’aucun moyen de transport.

Climatisation Split
Chauffage Split
Services Savon, gel, shampoing, draps et serviettes
Animaux domestiques Autorisée
Lit bebé Disponible
Étage 1er Étage
Ascenseur Disponible
Canapé-lit Une place
Fibre optique Gratuite
Balcon Vues vers l’intérieur
Cafetière Capsules
Voir tous les équipements


> Check-in en personne.
> Service clientèle.
> Lit bébé et chaise haute disponibles sur demande.
> Service de blanchisserie sur demande.

Règles de la maison

> Check-in: de 15:00h à 21:00h.
> Check-out: avant le 11:00h.
> Aucune fête ou événement n’est autorisé.
> Il est interdit de fumer dans la propriété ou dans les zones communes.
> Réduire le bruit des 23:00h à 9:00h

Informations complémentaires

> Late Check-in: Les billets après 21h00 ont un coût supplémentaire qui doit être payé à l’arrivée à la personne qui vous recevra.
De 21h00 à 00h00 : 30€. De 00h00 à 02h00 : 50€.

> VUT/SE/04809

La réservation de chaque hébergement Genteel Home inclut l’offre d’expériences ou d’activités supplémentaires pour améliorer votre expérience, qui sont gérées par des fournisseurs externes, qui vous informeront par e-mail ou WhatsApp, et vous pouvez les contracter ou les refuser. Pour plus d’informations sur la gestion des expériences et des activités supplémentaires des hébergements, veuillez consulter notre politique de confidentialité sur notre site officiel.

Code de réduction

Avez-vous des questions ou des doutes sur le logement ?

Demande d’informations

Voir sur la carte

L’exploitant de cet hébergement s’engage à fournir, en plus du service d’hébergement, les services suivants :

• Service de restauration dont le menu peut être consulté ici

• Cet établissement propose son propre service de garde et de consigne de bagages du lundi au vendredi (sauf jours fériés) pour les clients premium, avec enlèvement par notre personnel à l´appartement. Les tarifs sont de 5 € par bagage. Les samedis, dimanches ou jours fériés, vous pouvez utiliser le service d´autres entreprises dans des locaux désignés, à environ 5 € par valise.

• Nettoyage périodique hebdomadaire et changement de linge de lit et de bain, obligatoire pour les séjours de plus de 6 nuits. Inclus dans le prix.

*Possibilité de nettoyage périodique quotidien en supplément. Consulter les tarifs.

Évaluation de la propriété

9 (160 Évaluations)


Votre avis nous intéresse

Avis de nos clients

Edit Ruzsa-Illés9
JUIN 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Kirti Dalvi9
JUIN 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Luciana Velluzzi10
JUIN 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Ivan Zivkovic9
MAI 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Andrew Etchells8
MAI 2024
Nice apartment in good location
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Andrew,

Thank you for your concise feedback. We´re delighted to hear that everything met your expectations and you found the location convenient. We look forward to welcoming you back soon.

Quality Department.

Rosa Morales8
MAI 2024
Ubicación muy buena. El apartamento todo nuevo y limpio.
Colchones muy blandos, la única pega.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Rosa:

agradecemos sinceramente su comentario y nos complace saber que disfrutó de la excelente ubicación de nuestro apartamento, así como de su estado nuevo y limpio. Sin embargo, lamentamos mucho escuchar que los colchones no cumplieron con sus expectativas. Entendemos que la comodidad es un aspecto crucial durante su estancia, y apreciamos su sinceridad al señalar este detalle. Aunque entendemos que la percepción de confort puede variar de una persona a otra, tomamos en serio cada comentario para mejorar nuestros servicios.

Su satisfacción es nuestra prioridad, y esperamos tener la oportunidad de recibirle nuevamente y ofrecerle una experiencia más placentera.

Departamento de Calidad.

Carlos Albuquerque9
AVR. 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

AVR. 2024
Appartamento attrezzato e comodo per visitare la città
Il divano letto da organizzare con un toper aggiuntivo impossibile dormirci le lenzuola e gli asciugamani erano macchiati nel bagno in camera mancava una maniglia
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Cristiana,

Thank you for sharing your feedback regarding your recent stay at our apartment. We are pleased to hear that you found our apartment equipped and convenient for visiting the city. However, we regret to learn about the issues you encountered during your stay, particularly regarding the sofa bed and the cleanliness of the sheets. We apologize for any inconvenience these shortcomings may have caused. It would have been greatly appreciated if we had been notified of these issues during your stay so that we could have taken immediate action to address them and ensure your comfort. Please rest assured that we will investigate the matters you have raised and take the necessary steps to prevent such occurrences in the future. Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience you experienced, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back for a more enjoyable stay in the future.

Quality Department.

Clara Támara V.6
AVR. 2024
Bien ubicado en el centro
Llegamos y estaba completamente sucio, y desordenado y encontramos cucacarachas… nos devolvieron el importe del aseo pero igual no fue agradable esta situación porq nos tocó esperar y perder tiempo en Sevilla q teníamos un compromiso en la feria
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Clara:

Agradecemos sinceramente su comentario y nos alegra que la ubicación de nuestro apartamento fuera de su agrado. Sin emabrgo, lamentamos profundamente los inconvenientes que experimentó durante su estancia.

Respecto al tema de los insectos, no dudamos de la veracidad de su afirmación sobre la presencia de los mismos. Sin embargo, es importante destacar que todo el edificio se somete a un proceso de fumigación cada 6 meses, y cada apartamento se limpia antes de cada estancia con un producto especializado para garantizar condiciones óptimas de higiene. Esto hace que sea muy poco común encontrar tales insectos. Es relevante mencionar también que clima puede contribuir en la presencia de insectos en el área. No obstante, revisaremos su caso de manera específica para abordarlo adecuadamente. Lamentamos cualquier inconveniente al respecto.

Por otro lado, respecto a la demora en la limpieza, aunque no es algo habitual en nuestros servicios, pueden ocurrir situaciones inesperadas que retrasen el trabajo. Aun así, queremos transmitirles nuestras más sinceras disculpas, y tomaremos medidas para que situaciones similares no se repitan en el futuro. Le agradecemos su comprensión y nos complace saber que nuestro equipo pudo compensarles por los inconvenientes experimentados, y esperamos que esto haya podido mitigar un poco su desencanto inicial.

Una vez más, le trasladamos nuestra más sincera disculpas y valoramos enormemente sus comentarios, los cuales nos brindan la oportunidad de mejorar nuestros procesos y servicios. Esperamos sinceramente tener la oportunidad de recibirla nuevamente en el futuro y ofrecerle una experiencia más placentera.

Departamento de Calidad.

Almudena Otero puerta10
AVR. 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Viviana Annunziata7
AVR. 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Gustavo Carvalho9
MARS 2024
A localização
O colchão do sofá cama desconfortável
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Bumf,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us regarding your recent stay. We are glad to hear that you found our location convenient. However, we sincerely apologize for any discomfort you experienced with the sofa bed mattress. Your comfort is of utmost importance to us, and we regret that we fell short in meeting your expectations in this regard. Please rest assured that we will address this matter promptly to ensure that future guests do not encounter similar issues. We appreciate your valuable input, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future for a more comfortable stay.

Quality Department.

Ziyu Huang8
MARS 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Catherine Collins-Fekete7
MARS 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Jimmy Loayza huarcaya10
MARS 2024
Encantados! 100% recomendable
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Jimmy:

Agradecemos sinceramente su comentario positivo y estamos encantados de saber que su experiencia fue satisfactoria. Valoramos mucho su recomendación y esperamos tener la oportunidad de recibirle nuevamente en el futuro.

Departamento de Calidad.

Jimmy Loayza huarcaya10
MARS 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

marjan van Raalten9
FÉVR. 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Brenda Eisinger9
FÉVR. 2024
Our location was great to walk to shops, restaurants and to see the sights. Not touristy.
Unfortunately the guests upstairs were noisy in the morning.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Brenda,
Thank you for sharing your feedback about your recent stay with us. We´re delighted to hear that you enjoyed our great location, which allowed easy access to shops, restaurants, and local sights without feeling too touristy.

We sincerely apologize for any disturbance caused by noisy neighbors; unfortunately, this is beyond our control. However, we understand the impact it can have on your experience and appreciate your understanding. We would like to emphasize that this is something unusual, and our commitment is to ensure the restful stay of our guests.

We strive to provide quality service and we´re looking forward to the opportunity to serve you again.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Mohamed Bouali9
FÉVR. 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Alba Crespo Cruz10
FÉVR. 2024
Céntrico, limpio y muy bonito!! Estarás como en casa
Céntrico, limpio, bonito
Había poca presión del agua en las duchas , hubo una pequeña gotera , que el alojamiento se ofreció a arreglar
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Laura,
Agradecemos sinceramente sus amables palabras sobre su reciente estancia con nosotros. Nos complace saber que encontró nuestro alojamiento céntrico, limpio y muy bonito, y que se sintió como en casa durante su visita.

Lamentamos escuchar sobre los inconvenientes que experimentó con la presión del agua en las duchas y la pequeña gotera. Queremos informarle que hemos abordado estos problemas y hemos tomado medidas para solucionarlos. Su comodidad y satisfacción son nuestra prioridad, y estamos comprometidos a proporcionar un alojamiento de calidad.

Esperamos darle la bienvenida nuevamente en el futuro para una experiencia aún más placentera.

Saludos cordiales,
Departamento de Calidad

Luis resta9
FÉVR. 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Claudia Rosan10
JANV. 2024
Appartamento ottimo a 5 minuti a piedi dal centro in zona pedonale e con negozi e supermercati vicini.
Senza motivo saltava la corrente e bisognava riattivarla ogni volta. Non difficile ma indubbiamente fastidioso.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Claudia,

We sincerely appreciate your feedback and we are glad to know that you found the location convenient. Howerver, we regret the inconvenience you experienced during your stay. We would like to address specifically the issue you mentioned with the light. After a review, we determined that it was a one time event caused by an energy overload. This situation typically occurs when many or all appliances are turned on simultaneously. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and assure you that we are taking steps to prevent this from happening again in the future. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we hope that, despite this setback, you will consider staying with us again in the future for a more enjoyable experience.

Quality Department.

Wojciech Labiak6
JANV. 2024
Lokalizacja super. Blisko restauracje, sklepy,.apteka.
Apartament delikatnie mówiąc zaniedbany posprzątany słabo. Sprzęty zużyte, wszechobecne zaniedbanie. Ściany brudne, listwy na podłodze.odrapane, krzesła popeknae i zużyte.niewygdone.materace. Brakuje podstawowych sprzętów choćby miotły do zamiatania.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Wojciech,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We appreciate your recognition of our great location near restaurants and shops.

We sincerely apologize for the issues you mentioned regarding cleanliness. This does not meet our usual standards of cleanliness and quality, and we assure you that we will take steps to address these issues thoroughly. We would have appreciated being informed during your stay so that we could have promptly addressed the issue.

We will review all the details mentioned to determine if they meet our standards, and we will proceed with their replacement if they do not. Similarly, we would like to highlight that typically our apartments are equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay for our guests. We regret that this was not the case during your stay.

If you would consider giving us another opportunity to host you in the future, we would be grateful for the chance to provide you with a much-improved stay.

Kind regards,
Quality Department

Grażyna Iwańska-Motyka10
JANV. 2024
Fantastyczny apartament w centrum Sevilli
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Grażyna,
Thank you for noting the convenient location of our apartment in your review. We strive to provide a comfortable stay in an accessible location, and we are glad to hear you found it beneficial. We appreciate your kind words and look forward to your next stay.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Deborah Tarantino10
JANV. 2024
Zona tranquilla molto piacevole strategica la posizione staff disponibile a consigli e luoghi da visitare
Mi aspettavo la veranda con le sdraio come in foto ma un pò delusi del piccolo balconcino
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Deborah,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We are delighted to hear that you found the location of our apartments to be pleasant and strategically located, and that our staff was helpful in providing recommendations for places to visit. We apologize for any disappointment regarding the size of the balcony. We have multiple apartments in the same building, and all information regarding balconies, terraces and layout
can be found on our website as well as in the confirmation email sent upon booking. We regret any confusion and appreciate your understanding. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future and provide you with an even more enjoyable stay.

Quality Department.

Raul García Navarro7
DÉC. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Aitor Fernández9
DÉC. 2023
Conociendo Sevilla 5⭐️
Está nuevo, bien decorado y equipado.Ademas bastante bien ubicado.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Aitor,
Agradecemos sinceramente sus alabanzas y nos alegra que haya tenido una experiencia satisfactoria en nuestro apartamento. Su reconocimiento es de gran importancia para nosotros.
Saludos cordiales,
Departamento de Calidad

Elena Sanchez Navamuel9
NOV. 2023
Apartamento cómodo, moderno, bonito y bastante céntrico
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Elena:

Agradecemos sinceramente sus alabanzas y nos alegra que haya tenido una experiencia satisfactoria en nuestro apartamento. Su reconocimiento es de gran importancia para nosotros. Será un placer servirles de nuevo en el futuro.

Departamento de Calidad.

joumana Saleh8
NOV. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

francine Tissot9
OCT. 2023
Un bel appartement !)
Les 2 salles de bain, les deux grandes chambres avec petit balcon sans vis à vis et le calme des lieux. Appartement très propre.
Les 2 chaises hautes non réglables par rapport au mange-debout, seule table à manger, les assiettes plates non adaptées au lave-vaisselle (trop grandes). Une bonne proposition que le parking négocié au niveau du prix, dommage qu´il soit à plus de 15mn à pied :)
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Francine,
Thank you for your kind words in your review. It´s truly gratifying to hear that our attention to cleanliness was noticed during your stay. Creating a welcoming and hygienic environment is something we take to heart, and we´re pleased to know that it contributed positively to your experience.

On the other hand, about parking situation, we apologize for any difficulties you faced,
being located in the centre of the city, near its numerous monuments, makes it impossible to move freely through the streets, which is why we always try to offer information about the closest and most convenient parking lot to your apartment.

Your insights are incredibly valuable to us, and we will take immediate action to ensure we provide an improved experience for our future guests.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Fátima Conde Villalon9
OCT. 2023
Ubicación, amplitud
La limpieza de las toallas y sábanas, regular. Con manchas. Y llegaron como 20 minutos tarde a la cita que teníamos.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Fátima,
Agradecemos sus comentarios sobre su reciente estancia con nosotros. Nos alegra saber que valoró la ubicación de nuestro alojamiento.
No obstante, lamentamos profundamente saber que usted encontró insatisfactoria la limpieza del apartamento. Queremos expresar que tomamos la cuestión de la limpieza con la máxima seriedad y, en respuesta a su preocupación, hemos emprendido de inmediato medidas para llevar a cabo una investigación detallada y abordar el problema con nuestro servicio de limpieza. Nuestra intención es asegurar que este tipo de situaciones no vuelvan a repetirse en el futuro, y que usted pueda disfrutar de una experiencia impecable en su próxima estancia.
Saludos cordiales,
Departamento de Calidad

Marilyn Harrison10
OCT. 2023
We enjoyed Seville very much.
It was in a very good area for seeing all the sights. Also the apartment is nicely decorated.
It was a bit noisy one night with people talking quite loudly.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Marilyn,
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience in Seville. We´re delighted to hear that you enjoyed your time in the city and appreciated the prime location of the apartment as well as its stylish decor.

We understand that one night you experienced some noise from people talking loudly. Please note that this noise issue is external to our company and is not a common occurrence in our apartments. We aim to provide a peaceful environment for our guests.

Your feedback is valuable, and we hope you´ll consider staying with us again in the future. We will continue to work to ensure you have a pleasant experience during your next visit to Seville.

Thank you for choosing us and for sharing your observations.


Quality Department

Samhita Rao10
SEPT. 2023
Wonderful happy stay
Fantastic property, great location, wonderful service
Nothing not to like
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Samhita,
We appreciate you taking the time to write a review of your stay. Your compliments validate our efforts to offer an exceptional guest experience, and we are delighted to hear you enjoyed your time with us.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Renato Nogueira8
SEPT. 2023
Boa hospedagem, muito completa!
Localização ótima, perto de restaurantes, mercados, pontos turísticos. Apartamento amplo, confortável, com elevador. Eu minha esposa e filha de 3 anos adoramos.
O que ficou a desejar um pouco foi a limpeza, mais especificamente no chão. Muitos cabelos pelos cantos, além de deixar nossos pés sujos quando circulamos pelo apartamento. O banheiro da suíte encontramos pontualmente duas baratas pequenas, não sei ao certo se estavam saindo dos ralos. São críticas para melhoria pois certamente são fáceis de resolver e com certeza voltaríamos a nos hospedar novamente. Se estiverem de carro, considerem gastar um alto valor para estacionar proximo a propriedade.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Renato,
Thank you for sharing your feedback regarding your recent stay at our property. We are pleased to hear that you enjoyed the central location and the comfort of the apartment, and that your wife and daughter had a pleasant experience there.

We sincerely apologize for the issues you mentioned regarding cleanliness and the presence of small insects in the bathroom. This does not meet our usual standards of cleanliness and quality, and we assure you that we will take steps to address these issues thoroughly. Guest satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us, and we will work closely with our cleaning team to ensure a more impeccable experience in the future.

Regarding the parking issue, we understand that parking in the city center can be expensive. Our prime location in the heart of the city comes with certain advantages and, at times, challenges about parkings. We are always willing to provide recommendations for more affordable parking or alternatives for our guests.

Once again, we appreciate your feedback and your understanding. We look forward to welcoming you again in the future, and will offer you an even more pleasant stay.

Best regards,

Quality Department

Melissa Longo10
SEPT. 2023
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Melissa,
Thank you for your kind words and sharing your experience. We´re thrilled to know you had a comfortable stay. It would be our pleasure to welcome you back in the future.
Kind regards,

Quality Department

Elisabeth Saint-Hubert6
SEPT. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Iwona Stasiewicz9
AOÛT 2023
Świetna lokalizacja , bardzo wygodny apartament , obsługa na wysokim poziomie.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Iwona,
We are thrilled you enjoyed your recent stay with us. Thank you for making us your choice for your visit to Seville . We look forward to welcoming you back again very soon.
Kind regards,

Quality Department

Sara Rosa8
AOÛT 2023
Besides some uncleanliness, it was a great place to stay. Comfy, good location and great host
It was easy to talk to the host through whatsapp and they were available to give recommendations and other informations. They offered us a discount for a parking spot nearby. The house itself was very comfortable, well decorated and equipped.
Some things were not completely clean, namely there were some stains on the bed sheets (not sure if they had been recently washed?) and there was quite a bit of hair on the bathroom floor, but besides that everything was fine
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Sara,
I apologize for the cleanliness issues you encountered during your stay. We take cleanliness and guest comfort seriously, and it´s disappointing to hear that there were stains on the bed sheets and hair on the bathroom floor. This is not the level of quality we strive to provide to our guests.

Your feedback regarding the cleanliness of the room is valuable to us, as it helps us identify areas for improvement. We will address these concerns with our housekeeping team to ensure that such oversights are not repeated in the future.

We appreciate your understanding and patience, and we´re glad to hear that other aspects of your stay were satisfactory. If there´s anything else you´d like to share or if there´s any way we can make it up to you, please don´t hesitate to reach out. Your feedback helps us provide a better experience for all our guests.
Kind regards.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Rita Reyes9
AOÛT 2023
Ubicación, comodidad y limpieza.
Tuvimos que esperar por la entrega de las llaves a pesar de que avisamos con tiempo la hora de llegada
Réponse du service qualité

Querida Rita,
Lamentamos sinceramente que su experiencia con el proceso de check-in no haya sido satisfactoria. Queremos disculparnos por cualquier inconveniente o frustración que esto haya causado durante su llegada.
Su comodidad y satisfacción son de suma importancia para nosotros, y entendemos que el proceso de check-in es una parte crucial de su experiencia. Lamentamos que no hayamos cumplido con sus expectativas en este aspecto y estamos investigando el problema para asegurarnos de que no se repita en el futuro.
Agradecemos su paciencia y su retroalimentación, ya que nos ayuda a mejorar y a brindar un servicio más efectivo. Si en algún momento decide brindarnos otra oportunidad, haremos todo lo posible para garantizar un proceso de check-in mucho más fluido y agradable.
Saludos cordiales,

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Maria Jose Paco Ferrer9
AOÛT 2023
Comunicación cercana con el centro histórico, supermercados y ocio. Apartamento muy amplio. Un trato muy bueno al llegar.
Las cortinas no ajustan y entra mucha luz,la ducha del dormitorio principal la mampara muy justa,y nos falto el horno, y ya que hay tendal yo pondría unas pinzas(yo me arregle igual).
Réponse du service qualité

Querida María Jose,
Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para proporcionar una crítica tan detallada. Sus comentarios son fundamentales en nuestro empeño por ofrecer una hospitalidad superior. Esperamos darle la bienvenida nuevamente en el futuro.
Saludos cordiales.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Stéphanie Gryson10
JUIL. 2023
Tout était impeccable! Nous avons pu déposer nos bagages dans l´appartement avant l´heure prévue. La responsable nous attendait pour nous remettre les clés, un plan de la ville et une liste d´endroits recommandés. Il y a un accord entre Genteel home et un parking a 15 minutes de marche. cela nous a permis de réserver à l´avance 2 emplacements de parkings à un tarif vraiment préférentiel. a recommander sans hésitation.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Stéphanie,
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your incredibly positive review. Your words truly brighten our day. We´re thrilled to have had the opportunity to host you at Baños II in Seville. Your satisfaction is our reward, and we look forward to providing you with more exceptional experiences in the future. If you have more thoughts to share or if you´re considering returning, please know that we´re here to make your stay even better. Thank you for being our valued guest.
Kind regards,

Quality Department

Claudia Irarrazaval Chadwick10
JUIL. 2023
ESPECTACULAR!!!! Todo en excelentes condiciones, limpio, tenia lo básico para nuestra llegada. Paula un lujo de anfitriona, la comunicación fue de lo mejor, desde antes de nuestra llegada estaban pendientes de nosotros. Súper buena disposición a ayudarnos en todo lo que necesitáramos, siempre disponibles vía whatsapp o teléfono. El apartamento muy bien ubicado, a distancia caminable de varios lugares de interés, con supermercado cerca. El apartamento muy bien equipado, con muy buena conexión a internet. Sin duda nos volveremos a alojar ahí, cuando volvamos a Sevilla. Muchas gracias por todo, todo estuvo GENIAL!!!
Me gusto TODO!!
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Claudia:

Gracias por la considerada retroalimentación sobre su reciente estancia. Es increíblemente gratificante escuchar palabras tan amables, que hacen que nuestros esfuerzos valgan la pena. Su satisfacción es nuestro mayor objetivo, y esperamos tener el privilegio de alojarle de nuevo en nuestro apartamento.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Angelique Meireles9
JUIN 2023
Its ideal location to visit everything on foot. supermarket nearby and a bakery 2 min walk for breakfast. The air conditioning is very appreciable, even essential in summer. the apartment is clean and comfortable. The staff is welcoming and responsive, at the top.
nothing, everything was as pictured.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Angelique. We wish to express our deepest appreciation for your kind comment about your recent stay in our apartment. We are pleased to know that our facilities and services met your expectations and that you enjoyed a pleasant experience. We value your opinion and strive to constantly improve our services. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the near future and offering you an even more memorable experience.

Manuel Caro Vaca7
MAI 2023
Cuarto de baño
La ubicación y las instalaciones.
La puerta de la ducha de una de las habitaciones. El sistema de apertura es incomodisimo. La solución sería que la puerta fuera corredera.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Manuel:
Nos gustaría expresar nuestro más sincero agradecimiento por elegir nuestro apartamento como su elección de alojamiento. Lamentamos sinceramente cualquier inconveniente que haya encontrado durante su estancia. Su satisfacción es de suma importancia para nosotros y lamentamos no haber cumplido con sus expectativas. Esperamos sinceramente que nos brinde otra oportunidad de atenderle y nos comprometemos a hacer todo lo posible para superar sus expectativas en su próxima visita.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Jose Miguel Puiggros8
MAI 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Ana Raquel Cardoze9
MAI 2023
really enjoyed the location and the city
everything was great and the staff extremely helpful when we had an issue
had an issue with the AC unit it had the electronic card damaged they had to solve it after we left but are giving us a 80 dollar payment for the issue and did all they could to fix it. no area to park and load or unload even for taxis if you have bags.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Ana Raquel,
On behalf of our entire team, we would like to express our gratitude for choosing our apartment for your recent stay. Your decision is greatly appreciated, and we hope that your time with us was truly memorable. It would be an absolute honor to welcome you back, and we hope to have the opportunity to serve you again. Please do not hesitate to let us know how we can make your future visits even more delightful.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Kassem Ghaddar7
MAI 2023
Modern spacious apartment in a great location, with some minor drawbacks
Wonderful location Big apartment with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and AC everywhere, modern and clean Nice area and the street is pedestrian, with locals friendly host, who contacted us in advance by whatsapp. Very easy check in and check out
Noise from the neighbors and from the terrace downstairs Bed was really not comfortable, please change the mattresses asap, they are old
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Kassem,
We sincerely appreciate your comment about your stay in our apartment. We are very sorry that you experienced some issues during your stay, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. We value your feedback and will use it to improve our services in the future. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future so you can experience the best version of our accommodation.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Laida Aguirre Echeverria9
MAI 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Silvia Robuffo10
MAI 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

cindy cabral10
AVR. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Ivelina Bozhinova10
AVR. 2023
Супер апартамент
Прекрасен апартамент в центъра на Севиля, много чист, удобен, без никакви забележки. В кухнята има всичко необходимо за приготвяне на ястия, леглата са много удобни. Препоръчвам, не се колебайте - това е апартамента от който ще останете доволни
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Ivelina,
It is wonderful to hear that you had an enjoyable experience at our apartment. Your positive feedback about our staff and accommodation is highly appreciated, and we take pride in providing excellent service. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the future.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Julien Leclercq8
AVR. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Perveen Hill6
AVR. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Maria veronica Bosio5
AVR. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Jose Antonio Rodriguez Brioso10
MARS 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Carla Gomez Perez10
MARS 2023
Muy buen apartamento en pleno centro de Sevilla
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Carla,
Estamos encantados de saber que su estancia en nuestro apartamento fue agradable. Valoramos sus comentarios y sugerencias, y haremos todo lo posible para garantizar una experiencia aún mejor la próxima vez.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Adrián Caviedes Molina7
MARS 2023
La ubicación
El sofá cama no era cómodo y no había toallas para todos los inquilinos, pese a indicar la cantidad de personas con antelación
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Carlos:
Apreciamos enormemente el tiempo dedicado a opinar sobre su reciente experiencia en nuestro apartamento; en Genteel Home siempre nos esforzamos en superar las expectativas de nuestros clientes. Su comentario ayudará a nuestro equipo a alcanzar ese objetivo. Hemos tomado nota de sus comentarios sobre las toallas y el sofá cama y verdaderamente sentimos que este no cumpliera sus estándares de comodidad. Gracias una vez más por elegirnos y por sus críticas constructivas; esperamos tener la oportunidad de servirle de nuevo en el futuro y poder superar sus expectativas.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Jose Lain8
MARS 2023
Un descanso agradable.
Céntrico, tranquilo y cómodo.
Falta de espejos de cuerpo entero.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Jose:
Gracias sinceramente por seleccionar nuestro apartamento como su hogar temporal. Estamos realmente agradecidos por su confianza en nosotros y esperamos que su estancia haya sido cómoda y placentera. Estamos entusiasmados con la posibilidad de hospedarle nuevamente y brindarle otra experiencia notable. Nos comprometemos a superar sus expectativas en cada visita subsiguiente.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Carmen Toledo8
MARS 2023
El apartamento es muy espacioso perfecto para un grupo de amigos
El colchón del sofá cama es bastante malo
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Carmen:
Le agradecemos sus impresiones y críticas constructivas, ya que nos brindan una oportunidad de saber en qué aspectos podemos mejorar. Esperamos nos dé la oportunidad de servirle de nuevo pronto, asegurándonos de que superamos sus expectativas.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

leigh osmond10
MARS 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

ikram elakbani9
MARS 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Elena Dengra Garcia10
FÉVR. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Madeline Smith8
FÉVR. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Danielle Reid10
FÉVR. 2023
amazing place will definitely return
property was in an excellent location, it was extremely clean and very comfortable and hosts were beyond helpful and extremely friendly
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Danielle,
Thank you very much for the praising comment towards the apartment and for the remarks about the surroundings. We are delighted that it would fit your necessities.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Kenya Maeda10
FÉVR. 2023
Ótima experiência em Sevilha!
Fomos recebidos pela simpática Paola, que nos apresentou cuidadosamente o espaço e cada equipamento da casa. Localizado em um prédio muito bem cuidado, com elevador, o imóvel foi muito bem planejado, decorado com muito bom gosto e absolutamente funcional. Limpo, agradável, iluminado, arejado, bem isolado termicamente. Tivemos uma hospedagem maravilhosa e bons momentos em família aqui!
Esqueceram-se de deixar roupas de cama para minha sobrinha, que ocupou o sofá-cama da sala de estar. Conseguimos solucionar utilizando a capa de edredon de um quarto, as almodafas do outro. Foi um esquecimento que não chegou a comprometer nossa hospedagem. Como sugestão, eu acrescentaria ganchos para toalhas, necessaires e roupas nos banheiros e alguns utensílios na cozinha como um abridor de garrafas, uma tábua de corte, um par de boas facas, coisas das quais sentimos falta mas que em nosso caso, para uma estadia curta, não foi um problema.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Kenya,
Thank you for making us your choice and for praising the benefits of the apartment. However, we are saddened that some details prevented your stay of being perfect. Do not hesitate to contact us in the future to give us the opportunity to assist you during your stay and once again, thank you for making us your preferred apartment.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

FÉVR. 2023
Excellent séjour dans un appartement confortable très propre et qui donne envie de revenir
Correspond totalement à la description et à nos besoins Idéalement situé par rapport aux monuments à visiter Hypercalme
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Christine,
We always find it nice to read that our guests went home with great holiday memories and we are very grateful for the time and effort you spent to share your personal experience at our apartment with us. We certainly agree that the unbeatable location of the apartment makes it easy to walk the city while not being disturbed by noises at night. Thank you again for this heartwarming review of your stay with us, we look forward to your next visit.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Ana Alice Biedzicki de Marques9
FÉVR. 2023
Fizemos todos os passeios a pé. A zona fica em área residencial, um pouco afastada do barulho.
O apartamento acomoda bem três/quatro pessoas. Os quartos são espaçosos e tem guarda-roupa.
A cama do quarto do casal poderia ser maior. O colchão não era novo.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Ana Alice,
thank you for sharing your insights about the apartment and the neighborhood. We are happy you enjoyed your overall stay. We hope you give us the opportunity to host you again making sure we exceed your expectations.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Ortolà Maria M.9
JANV. 2023
Excelente ubicación, limpieza y decoración muy bonita.
La única pega por decir algo es la mampara del baño principal, acceso muy justo al cerrar, pero no supuso ningún problema.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada María:
Muchas gracias por esta maravillosa reseña sobre su estancia en nuestro apartamento. Nos alegramos enormemente de que encontrara todo lo necesario para hacer su estancia agradable. Ha sido un placer para nosotros recibirle y esperamos poder volver a darle la bienvenida pronto.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Anna Mercadé10
JANV. 2023
Per un cap de setmana ideal
Tot estava perfecte! Les instal·lacions, el servei del personal, la ubicació i els detalls
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Anna:
Muchas gracias por elegirnos para su fin de semana en Sevilla y por escribir esta gran reseña. No alegramos enormemente de que disfrutara de su estancia en cada aspecto. Esperamos recibirles de nuevo pronto.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Raul Fernández Almazan9
JANV. 2023
muy bien
muy bonito céntrico y cómodo
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Raúl:
Ante todo agradecerle por habernos elegido para su estancia en Sevilla y por escribir esta gran reseña. Nos alegramos enormemente de saber que consiguiéramos hacer su estancia agradable. Estaremos encantados de volver a recibirle en su próximo viaje.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Eran shlingbaum8
JANV. 2023
great place to stay! we would be back. highly recommended
great location, you have small groceries shops and restaurants but the street is so nice and quiet. wry central you can walk to the main streets, the cathedral, Alcazar. The apartment is comfortable, well equipped and nice.
It wasn’t super clean but I felt it was just a one time miss and when we said they immediately apologized and offered a cleaning services.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Eran,
First and foremost thank you for having chosen us and for taking the time to write this review. It is wonderful for us to know how much you enjoyed the apartment and location. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience on your arrival. We are happy that you gave us the opportunity to assist you. Thank you for your comprehension.
It has been a pleasure to host you and we look forward to your next visit.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Amparo Miguel Román9
DÉC. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Nuria Garcia Rodriguez10
DÉC. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Julio jose Macias peña10
DÉC. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

DÉC. 2022
L’appartement est spacieux, bien aménagé, cosy, bien situé, le service genteel home est top.
Comme à chaque fois une certaine résonance de l’appartement du rez-de-chaussée quand les gens parlent forts.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Cyril,
Thank you for reviewing your recent stay in our apartment. It is wonderful to hear we were able to make your stay special from the moment you arrived until the moment you departed.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Joaquim Correia8
DÉC. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Maribel Pacheco laguna10
NOV. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Alan Melentjev9,6
NOV. 2022
This was the best we had in Seville. Paula was realy profesional. There was everything is needed in the apartment, coffee, tea, water, sugar, etc, fully equiped and very clean.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Alan,
Thank you very much for sharing this great review of your recent stay at our apartment. We are thrilled that you have enjoyed your stay and certainly agree that our dedicated staff plays a key role to our guests´ overall experience. The entire team works very hard to ensure that we deliver a high standard of service and a warm, memorable experience. 
We look forward to serving you again in the future.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Jose Pablo Aran Martínez10
NOV. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

María Angeles Atondo Ibeas8,8
NOV. 2022
Apartamento céntrico cómodo y limpio
El apartamento estaba bien y centrico
Que en la página mezclais fotos de los tres apartamentos que tenéis y confunde .....
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada María:
Ante todo agradecerle la evaluación y el tiempo que se ha tomado para escribirla. Esperamos poder a volver a recibirla muy pronto.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Chris Marris10
NOV. 2022
Excellent location and apartment for exploring Sevilla.
Great location in the centre of town. Bedrooms are of good size and the sofa bed is sufficient.
Lack of a dining table wasn’t ideal but certainly my not a deal breaker.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Chris,
Thank you for reviewing your recent stay in our apartment. It is wonderful to hear we were able to make your stay special since the moment you arrived.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Clara Thibault8,8
OCT. 2022
Very nice Apartment and ideally located.
Great location! Everything is 10/15min walk. the apartment is clean and well equipped. The staff available by WhatsApp for any question.
Bad soundproofing, everything is ok. If people on the ground floor smoke in the patio, the smell unfortunately goes back to the rooms upstairs.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Clara,
First and foremost we would like to thank you for staying with us and for taking the time to share your review. We would like to highlight that all of our apartments have a strict non-smoking policy. For future occasions we strongly encourage you to contact us should you encounter this or any other discomfort.
Again we thank you for this review, it has been a pleasure for us to read and we look forward to serving you again soon.
Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

María Gabriela Monestier9,6
OCT. 2022
La comodidad, limpieza, muy completo y equipado, con ascensor. Persona que nos recibió muy amable. La ubicación muy buena también.
Todo perfecto. Si volviera a Sevilla reservaría de nuevo.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada María:
Nos gustaría expresarle nuestro más sincero agradecimiento por su confianza y lealtad a nuestros apartamentos y por elegir nuestro apartamento Baños II en esta ocasión. Es una enorme satisfacción leer que tuvo una estancia agradable con nosotros y que no dudaría en repetir.
Estaremos encantados de recibirla de nuevo.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Deaconu Paul9,6
OCT. 2022
Located close to the center on a quiet street, with parking nearby, terraces and a supermarket.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Deaconu,
Thank you again for this heartwarming review of your stay with us, we look forward to your next visit.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Gary Werth10
OCT. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Nikolay Rusev10
OCT. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Juan Fernando Biguria10
OCT. 2022
cozy apartment in the heart of Seville
excellent location! comfortable and clean.

michael dickinson9,2
OCT. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Luca Foletti8,8
SEPT. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

SEPT. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

SEPT. 2022
Good location in the old town
Beautiful flat in a very good location fully equipped with almost everything you may need the host very thoughtful they added even dishwasher and washing machines capsules.
Just the parking address I was given was actually the wrong one it was 0.7 mile away from the flat and the car park nearby was about five minutes walk but it did cost 35 euros per day plus this flat is located in the old city so you can imagine how narrow the roads are which was a bit inconvenient to find somewhere to stop and get the luggage out before heading to the car park.
Réponse du service qualité

Thank you very much for staying with us and taking the time to leave your review.
We appreciate your highlights on our excellent location, and we would like to take the opportunity to point out that we do have an agreement with a public parking place only 5 min walk away with a special price for at least 3 night stays.
We look forward to serving you again and to have the opportunity to exceed you expectations in a not too distant future.

Aija T.
Quality Department

SEPT. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

SEPT. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

AOÛT 2022
L´emplacement est proche du centre ville et des différents sites a pieds, ainsi qu´une supérette et une sorte de boulangerie a 2mn en allant au centre ville. Il y a un Mercadona pas très loin non plus. L´appartement est très propre. Lessive disponible pour le lave-linge et lave-vaisselle. Très bon séjour !
Dommage qu´il n´y a pas de parking privé. Le parking est un vrai casse-tête a Séville de manière générale. L´insonorisation des fenêtres est à revoir, le soir on entend les occupants des balcons ou patios voisins (si vous dormez tôt pour partir en voiture tôt le matin). Sur trois télécommandes pour la climatisation, une seule était fonctionnelle.

AOÛT 2022
comodidade e acessibilidade.
o apartamento é simplesmente fantástico! não deixou nada a desejar, o igual nas fotos. ar condicionado em todos cómodos, isso nos ajudou na escolha, pois estes dois dias em que passamos em Sevilha estava muito quente. pertinho de tudo! lojas, restaurantes, padaria e farmácia.
nada à desejar! o ruim é encontrar estacionamento. nada haver em relação ao apartamento. ok!
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Wisna, thank you very much for staying with us. We are glad to know that we were able to match your holiday expectations and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in our apartment soon.

Aija T.
Quality Department

AOÛT 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

María José7,1
AOÛT 2022
Ubicación perfecta
Que obligatoriamente debes llevarte la basura generada a tu salida, el contenedor más cercano a unos 300 o 400m. Creo que con lo que se paga está cubierta la retirada de la basura.

AOÛT 2022
Sehr empfehlenswert!
Super gelegen, charmant in einem Altbau integriert, sehr gute Ausstattung und ausgesprochen ruhig. Es befindet sich in einer Wohngegend der Altstadt mit organisch gewachsenen Strukturen und relativ wenig touristisch. Die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Altstadt sind dennoch fussläufig erreichbar.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Claudia, we are excited to learn you had a great stay with us. Thank you for taking a moment to highlight our excellent location. It would be a pleasure to welcome you back anytime you plan a visit to Seville.

Aija T.
Quality Department

AOÛT 2022
clean, cosy and comfortable, they allow pets so was exactly what we were looking for
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Sonia, thank you very much for staying with us and for the praising review you shared following your stay. We are delighted to read that we were able to match your expectations.
We would love you to come back to enjoy more memorable days with us.

Aija T.
Quality Department

AOÛT 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

JUIL. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Woei Chang7,1
JUIL. 2022
Great location! Nice apartment!
The apartment is located right in the centre of Seville, a couple of minutes away from some good restaurants, and is spacious and well equipped (e.g. kitchen, washing machine)
There was no reception on site, so when we arrived, we had to wait about 5-10 minutes for a member of staff to arrive and check us in. During the check in process, the staff appeared to be in a hurry but were nevertheless professional.
Réponse du service qualité

Thank you very much for choosing our apartment for your stay in Seville and for taking the time to review your personal experience.
We are glad to hear that you had the opportunity to enjoy the comfort of our property and its great location in the heart of the city.
Also we would like to take the opportunity to point out that our apartments are located in a residential building therefore our guests must inform us about their expected arrival time in advance, as it is mentioned in the description of the property and in the confirmation email. We however understand reading your review that apparently you were not properly informed about the checkin process in our property. For the next ocassion please do not hesitate to contact our team prior your arrival, so we can make sure you will be welcommed without any delay.
We hope to see you on future trips to Seville.

Aija T.
Quality Department

JUIN 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Craig Robert10
JUIN 2022
Great location with excellent restaurants in the square
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Craig, thank you very much for sharing your personal opinion about your stay in our great location which offers an easy access many key sites in the city and gives great local feel.
We hope to see you again soon.

Aija T.
Quality Department

JUIN 2022
(+) obiekt jest bardzo wygodny, czysty i jest tam wszystko co jest potrzebne
(-) opłata za przyjazd po godz 21 brak koszy na smieci w okolicy, a smieci należy wyrzucać
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Katarzyna, thank you very much for the time you took to share your personal experience and the highlights of your stay with us. We highly appreciate your constructive feedback and hope to see you again soon.

Aija T.
Quality Department

JUIN 2022
fue excelente ! la limpieza , de oración , la ate vino , la ubicación
todo me gusto excelente
Réponse du service qualité

Muchas gracias Alejandra por compartir con nosotros lo mas destacado de su estancia en nuestro apartamento.
Esperamos tener la oportunidad de servirle de nuevo en el futuro.

Aija T.

Mohammad Usman9,6
MAI 2022
clean comfortable very well furnished and aircon in all rooms
it was quiet neighbourhood and the location was perfect being in walking distance to all the attractions. lots of nice shops cafes and restaurants nearby
Réponse du service qualité

Thank you very much Mohammad for your feedback and for sharing the highlights of your stay with us. We are delighted to read that we were able to match your holiday expectations and hope to meet you in near future again.

Aija T.
Quality Department

MAI 2022
amazing host by Jose. friendly, prompt, informative with great recommendations
great location
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Bridget, thank you very much for your kind feedback regarding your stay in our apartment. We are thrilled that you have enjoyed your stay and certainly agree that our dedicated staff plays a key role to our guests´ overall experience. We are glad to hear that you experienced our exceptional hospitality.
Hope to see you in near future again.

Aija T.
Quality Department

MAI 2022
Vacaciones en Sevilla
La ubicación y el apartamento en general. Amplio, bien equipado y ordenado. El anfitrión muy amable al recibirnos. Se dio el tiempo de dar recomendaciones sobre la ciudad
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Jean, le agradecemos mucho sus comentarios. Gracias por destacar la amabilidad del personal y la excelente ubicación del apartamento.
Esperamos poder servirle de nuevo pronto.

Aija T.
Departamento de Calidad

AVR. 2022
great location, very clean, modern. felt safe. near all attractions. great restaurants and bars and shopping all within
beautiful clean modern with everything we needed
the balcony looks onto a wall. would’ve been nice to have a view but all the same it was ok. the instructions for the trash weren’t clear. we couldn’t find where the trash went. maybe need to make this clearer.

AVR. 2022
La casa si presenta molto bene, pulita comoda e spaziosa. L´host ha fatto un ottimo lavoro. La posizione è molto comoda
Un po alto il prezzo

AVR. 2022
Amazing place, lovely and modern. Air con which is needed when seville gets warm. Lovely place!!
Had everything you need. Perfect location. Close to bars, shops, restaurants and tourist attractions.

AVR. 2022
Location, proximity to the historic center, calm, decoration, equipment

MARS 2022
Beautiful apartment in fantastic location
Very comfortable and well equipped apartment in a fantastic location
Really nothing negative to comment. But just need somewhere to hang damp towels.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Penny, thank you very much for your comments regarding your stay with us.
It is a pleasure for us to read that you had a comfortable stay and we hope to see you again in the future.

Aija Teilane
Quality Department

MARS 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

MARS 2022
fantastische centrale en rustige ligging. Appartement is van alle gemakken voorzien.
het appartement zelf, is wel gehorig

FÉVR. 2022
Todo muy nuevo y limpio. Calle tranquila y muy cerca del centro. Bonita decoración y no falta un detalle.
Uno de los colchones de matrimonio es muy blando.

FÉVR. 2022
Séjour agréable, à proximté des monuments à visiter et des restaurants.
La superficie, l´agencement des pièces, l´emplacement, le calme.
Le manque d´ensoleillement car vis-à -vis avec des murs hauts.

JANV. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

JANV. 2022
Excellent choice. Worthy
I liked everything. The apartment with two rooms is great. Very comfortable. The heating worked perfectly. The shower is very good. Excellent beds and linen. The kitchen has all we need. The building has elevator. You can make everything walking. It´s near all you need to visit. The apartment has no parking because it is a pedestrian area, but the apartment has an agreement with the nearest Parking and you can have a discount. You have to bring the luggages from the parking place. It is not possible to drop off the luggage before parking. The street is calm but has supermarkets and places for buying all you need. With balcony.
Réponse du service qualité

Thank you for the lovely review you shared following your stay in our apartment, we are delighted to read that we were able to match your holiday expectations.
We look forward to having the opportunity to serve you again in the future.

Aija Teilane
Quality Department

JANV. 2022
Muito bom!
Localização, conforto, organização e espaço do apartamento.
Réponse du service qualité

Thank you very much for choosing our apartment for your stay in Seville and for this heartwarming review of your stay with us.
We look forward to your next visit.

Aija Teilane
Quality Department

DÉC. 2021
Évaluation sans commentaire.

DÉC. 2021
excellent location to see the historical centre. Well priced. we would definitely stay again
location, decor, felt at home, clean, simple, functional, 2 good size double bedrooms, pet friendly
a very small point - the apartment has the potential to sleep 4 but there are only 2 stools to sit and eat at the breakfast bar

DÉC. 2021
Évaluation sans commentaire.

DÉC. 2021
Adecuada pero con algunos inconvenientes
El piso estaba limpio, era como en las fotos y tanto la cama como la habitación en sí eran cómodas. La anfitriona nos recibió muy amablemente, ayudándonos con el equipaje desde el lugar donde dejamos el coche. La ubicación muy buena, en pleno centro.
Tanto en la página del establecimiento como en la conversación mantenida con la anfitriona, se nos dijo que el aparcamiento más cercano valía 17€ el día. Cuando fuimos a pagar y retirar el coche, nos cobraron 63€ por día y medio. El parkímetro iba por horas...una barbaridad. Por otro lado, el piso había que dejarlo a las 11 am, pero 5 minutos antes de esta hora entró la persona de la limpieza y empezó a recogerlo, estando nosotros aún dentro terminando de guardarlo todo. Considero que deberían esperar a que salieran los clientes, la hora estaba muy ajustada. Por último, las normas del piso dicen que es obligatorio llevarse la basura, poniendo el lugar donde se encuentran los contenedores. Considero que no es adecuado, debería llevarse la basura la persona de la limpieza, más siendo por la mañana, cuando no es hora de tirarla. El piso es muy cómodo para moverse andando pero no tiene buen acceso para ir en coche ni aparcar.

DÉC. 2021
very comfortable, centrally located, conspicously clean
location was perfect

NOV. 2021
Évaluation sans commentaire.

OCT. 2021
En conjunto todo
Se había cargado un perro en la puerta de la calle

Federico Saiz10
SEPT. 2021
Ubicación, comodidad, limpieza
No había Gel de ducha ni champú. El resto perfecto
Réponse du service qualité

Querido Federico, nos encanta saber que su estancia en nuestro apartamento Genteel Home Baños ha sido de su agrado, y esperamos volver a verle la próxima vez que visite Sevilla, un saludo

Ana García , Dpto. de calidad

Jean Pierre Raillon10
AOÛT 2021

AOÛT 2021
El ruido en la planta baja de gente joven por un grupo de 7 en el apartamento en lugar de ser solo 4
Réponse du service qualité

Hemos tomado nota de sus comentarios constructivos y puede estar seguro de que valoramos todos los comentarios de nuestros clientes ya que son de suma importancia para nosotros y para asegurar que se toman las medidas correctivas necesarias para evitar situaciones similares en el futuro. U saludo, Ana García Dpto. de calidad

Ana Belen9
OCT. 2020
+ El apartamento estaba super bien, las camas comodisimas, el sofá tambien, la cocina tenia de todo y las chicas super majas!

- Llegamos a las 00:30 de la noche por cuestion mayor de trabajo y nos cobraron 50€ por venir a darnos las llaves (si llegabamos antes de las 00:00 eran 30€) Si lo hubieramos sabido hubieramos cogido el apartamento para entrar al dia siguiente.. Las televisiones no tienen Wi-Fi, contando con todos los lujos que tiene el apartamento me parece que es un fallo

MARS 2020
We were in an excellent location with lots of shops, bars and restaurants nearby. The apartment was clean and well equipped with all the utensils we required. Which was great, as we were in lockdown for 3 days!!!!

MARS 2020
La pulizia ed i confort !

JANV. 2020
Very nice place to stay

Ana Pau10
JANV. 2020
El lugar es increíble, con mucho estilo, céntrico y limpio. La anfitriona excelente. 100% recomendable.

NOV. 2019
Excellente équipe avec un bon sens de service 😊 Bel appartement, propre et conforme à ce qu´on attendait. Emplacement idéal pour visiter la ville et il est à proximité des transports... C´est très bien! Continuez comme ça !!
Réponse du service qualité

Cher Asmaa, Merci pour votre excellente appréciation sur votre séjour auprès de notre appartement; la satisfaction de nos clients est notre objectif principal et rien n´est plus gratifiant que de lire que nous avons su être à la hauteur, nous sommes ravis de lire que notre appartement et nos équipes ont su satisfaire toutes vos attentes en cette occasion. Nous espérons avoir à nouveau le plaisir de vous servir dans un futur proche. Fátima Roca - Chef du service clientèle

NOV. 2019
Diese Wohnung würde ich nicht weiterempfehlen! Ausstattung war geschmackvoll, aber es gab keinen Esstisch. Lage war OK, die Baustelle genau vor der Tür war aber wirklich nicht sehr angenehm. Wir waren zu sechst in der Wohnung. Es gab aber keinen Essplatz für 6 Personen. Das heißt, man konnte nicht einmal zusammen frühstücken. Dann gibt es einen winzigen Innenhof mit einer weissen Wand gegenüber, auf den die beiden Schlafzimmer hinausgehen. Wir waren im ersten Stock. Am ersten Tag haben unsere Schlafzimmer nach Rauch gestunken, weil jemand von der Erdgeschoßwohnung im Hof Zigarillos geraucht hat. Dann wurde so laut telephoniert, daß man JEDES Wort verstehen konnte. Der Kinderlärm war noch das angenehmste. Am nächsten Tag (der Vollständigkeit halber ;-) wieder Kinderlärm und in der Erdgeschoßwohnung neue Gäste, die um 3 Uhr MORGENS im Hof begonnen haben zu lärmen. Auf der anderen Seite der Wohnung Baustelle. Also so etwas habe ich bei booking.com noch nicht erlebt!I
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Johanna, Although we are quite surprised and dismayed by the content of your review regarding our apartment, you can be sure that your feedback has been addressed and reviewed by the entire Genteel Home team. However, we would like to take this opportunity to clarify certain aspects of your comment. We would have liked to be informed from the beginning of your stay and have provided you with the possibility of relocation to another apartment or offer you an alternative to improve the rest of your holiday, however, we had no communication. We are saddened to read your opinion about the layout and quality of the rooms, all travelers usually highlight the comfort and equipment of the same. For future occasions we would like to offer you a personalized booking guide through our booking team in order to guarantee the perfect choice of apartment and the type of room that suits your needs.We appreciate the time you took to share your concerns, and it is our hope that you will give us the opportunity to better serve you in the future. Fátima Roca-chief of Customer Service

NOV. 2019
Logement confortable mais stationnement compliqué
Appartement neuf. Literie très confortable.
L´hébergeur a un "partenariat" avec un parking, mais ce n´est pas le plus proche (Il est à 15 minutes à pied, alors qu´il y en a un 3 fois plus près). La rue du logement est en travaux, Gentel n´y peut rien, mais ce n´était pas pratique pour les accès piétons et en voiture. ça devrait être fini d´ici mi-novembre. On a eu un peu de mal à se retrouver pour les clés. Il faut les prévenir 40 minutes avant d´arriver. A l´heure prévue, la personne de Gentel n´était pas encore arrivée et de notre côté nous ne pouvions pas approcher à proximité du logement à cause des travaux... Après un détour au parking, nous sommes arrivés devant et avons encore dû attendre plusieurs minutes avant se de retrouver car l´interlocuteur que j´avais au téléphone n´était pas celui qui était déjà dans le logement...
Réponse du service qualité

Cher romain
Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants du temps que vous avez passé à partager votre opinion sur votre récent séjour dans notre appartement. Votre avis détaillé continuera à améliorer la qualité de nos services.
Merci de signaler le confort de nos chambres et lits, soustraire nos clients est crucial pour nous. Nous avons pris note de vos commentaires sur le service reçu à votre arrivée et nous nous excusons pour l´attente exceptionnelle lors de l´enregistrement. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour améliorer cet aspect de nos services. En ce qui concerne le stationnement, désolé pour le désagrément. Nous essayons toujours de clarifier avant leur arrivée les accords et les conditions de chacun, pour éviter tout problème. Nous espérons que vous nous donnerez une chance de mieux vous servir dans un futur proche.
Fátima Roca-Chef du service clientèle

NOV. 2019
Accueil exceptionnel, logement très agréable, tout les sites accessibles à pied à moins de 20minutes.
Pas d’étendoir à linge, plaque de cuisson 1 seul en fonction sur les 4
Réponse du service qualité

Cher Henri, Nous sommes ravis de lire que vous avez apprecié la façon dont notre équipe de réception vous a accueillis à votre arrivée et que vous ayez pu faire votre check out rapidement et sans aucun tracas. Nous avons pris note de votre demande et notre personnel prendra des mesures. Nous espérons avoir à nouveau le plaisir de vous servir dans un futur proche. Fátima Roca - Chef du service clientèle

Juan Jose Almansa Gomez9,5
NOV. 2019
La situacion La calle en obras
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Juan José, Muchas gracias por su comentario, estamos encantados que disfrutara de su estancia entre nosotros. Desde Genteel Home nos disculpamos por las molestias generadas por la obra de la calle, se trata de un proyecto de la ciudad y cuenta con todos los permisos legales para realizarla. Por suerte, están finalizándola ya. Esperamos que su estancia no se viera demasiado afectada por este motivo. Agradecemos de nuevo su valoración y les esperamos pronto. Fátima Roca-responsable Dpto. de calidad

NOV. 2019
Nice and comfortable
The apartment was comfortable Enjoyed the moka for coffee making
The street was under construction and it was difficult to reach ..
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Amira,
We first would like to thank you for choosing our apartment for your holidays in Seville and for sharing your review on your experience among us. As for civil works, we regret the inconvenience. Unfortunately, we could not control the works that were being carried out on the street, they have legal permits and it is part of the renovations that are being carried out in the city. Thank you once again for making us your choice, we certainly look forward to serving you again and to have the opportunity to exceed you expectations in a not too distant future.
Fátima Roca-chief of Customer Service.

NOV. 2019
The fabulous hosts, location and apartment itself far outweighed the restless sleep. Our host, Lola was lovely and very helpful with loads of information for us on things to do and see in Savilla, and we had follow up contact from Fatama with more information and offer off assistance if required. We felt very looked after! We were not expecting the noise of neighboring apartments to be so loud. I´m not sure how this can be minimized, but it was a bit difficult to get a good night sleep with neighbors being late night tourists, and early morning locals.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Kim, We would like to express our gratitude for the comments you made about your recent visit. They help us to understand how our guests experience their stay with us. I´m truly happy to know that we have managed to exceed your expectations in regards to hospitality and service delivered and will not fail to pass your comments to those team members whom you have personally mentioned. We do our best to ensure that the noise levels always stay within the sensible limits so our guests are not disturbed by exterior. Sometimes it´simpossible to guarantee this, we are so sorry for the inconveniece. We look forward to your next visit. Fátima Roca-chief of Customer Service.

NOV. 2019
Prachtig luxe appartement in fantastische buurt.
Heerlijk ruim appartement. Luxe ingericht. Fantastische locatie. Dicht bij centrum, warenhuis El Corte Ingles en opstappunt hop-on, hop-off bus. Fantastisch restaurant schuin aan de overkant: NAZCA, Calle Banos 32. Zeker gaan eten daar, maar reserveren van te voren of op tijd verschijnen, want het is enorm populair. Alles is lekker dus kan niet mis gaan.
Het "terras" kunnen ze beter niet noemen als faciliteit. Blinde muur en super klein. Geen tafel om te eten. Wel een bar met 2 krukken waar je enorm ongezellig naast elkaar kan gaan zitten in de keuken. Geen idee hoe je dat moet doen met 4 personen. Parkeren; NIET parkeren bij El Corte Ingles! Wel lekker dichtbij, maar wij waren € 62 kwijt voor nog geen 2 dagen... De accommodatie biedt parkeren "in de buurt" aan (15 minuten lopen) in een parking voor minder geld.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Klaske,
Thank you very much for your review and pointing the beauty and location of our apartment. It is a quiet and central area, with all kinds of possibilities within reach. Regarding the comment on the terrace, I apologize if there was any confusion but if you check the announcement of the agency, it is detailed that the apartment has a balcony, reflected in the photos of the apartment. Finally, the nearest parking is the one you mention, but to apply the discount you need a minimum stay, detailed in the welcome email. Thank you very much again, we look forward to serving you in the near future.
Fátima Roca-chief of Customer Service.

NOV. 2019
Relaxing and comfortable
Everything was almost perfect.
The street was having civil works
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Alexandre,
First of all, we want to thank you for choosing our Baños II apartment for your holidays in Seville and for the review you shared with all your kind words about your stay with us. As for civil works, we regret the inconvenience. Unfortunately, we could not control the works that were being carried out on the street, they have legal permits and it is part of the renovations that are being carried out in the city. Again we thank you for this very kind review and we look forward to serving you again in the future.
Fátima Roca-chief of Customer Service.

NOV. 2019
Квартира очень удобная просторная все чисто красиво функционально. Ночью тихо. До центра недалёко. В каждой комнате кондиционер.
Парковки рядом очень дорогие! За 3 суток стоянки содрали больше 90 евро вместо обещанных 45. Скидки на парковку обещанные при резервации апартаментов не сработали
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Yury
We would like to express our gratitude for the comments you made about your visit. They help us understand how our guests experience their stay with us. It is always our goal to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and we are pleased to know that your vacation was enjoyable. We are sorry to read your dissatisfaction about the parking lot and the payment you made. We have checked and yes we made the reservation for the days you were with us. We do not know what could happen, please, on a future occasion, do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you. We look forward to serving you again soon.
Fátima Roca Head of Customer Service.

NOV. 2019
Excellent séjour. Appartement vraiment stylé. Tout confort Tout.
Pas de four.
Réponse du service qualité

Cher Jean-Christophe, C´est toujours un grand plaisir pour nous de lire que nos clients rentrent chez eux avec de si bons souvenirs de leurs vacances et nous tenons à vous remercier pour le temps que vous avez consacré à partager votre expérience personnelle de notre appartement. Encore merci pour votre aimable appréciation, nous espérons vous avoir à nouveau bientôt parmi nous. Fátima Roca - Chef du service clientèle

NOV. 2019
Un super séjour au sein de l´appartement! Décoré avec beaucoup de goût, spacieux (permet d´accueillir largement jusqu´à 6 personnes) et fonctionnel et d´une propreté remarquable. L´appartement est situé dans une rue calme, à une vingtaine de minutes à pied des lieux touristiques de Séville. Merci beaucoup pour votre accueil et les attentions (carte de la ville, pâtisseries). Hasta luego Sévilla

AOÛT 2019
La posizione
Tutto perfetto

AOÛT 2019
Tutto perfetto

AOÛT 2019
L’espace la propreté l’équipement la literie l’emplacement ...très bien
Les travaux dans la rue 😖, donc l’accès avec les bagages sur les épaules et le bruit le matin

AOÛT 2019
It was pleasant, but no locks on bathrooms

George Carroll10
JUIL. 2019
We liked everthing.

JUIL. 2019
Siviglia è bellissima!

JUIN 2019
Apartamento mto bem decorado. Lindo. Localização razoável. Principais atrações há mais ou menos 1,5km a pé. Com criança acaba ficando puxado, mas pra casal ou pessoas sem filho acho que não tem problema .
O boiler de água quente não comporta o número de hóspedes. Uma pessoa tomava banho e tínhamos que esperar 40min para termos água quente .
Réponse du service qualité

Gracias por su comentario Eduardo. El apartamento tiene un termo de agua eléctrico que necesita tiempo para calentarse, no obstante tiene capacidad para que todas los ocupantes del apartamento puedan ducharse sin problema, a no ser que se haga un uso excesivo del agua, en ese caso sí tendrán que esperar al menos 40 minutos para volver a tener agua caliente.
Igualmente, agradecemos sus palabras y su valoración que nos ayudan a mejorar, y esperamos que haya tenido una agradable estancia en nuestro apartamento. Genteel Home Team

Dawn D9,5
JUIN 2019
Clean, well located!
Great location and very clean. Nice small apartment in center of Old Towne.
No note that we needed to confirm arrival time, so had to wait nearly 30 mins outside for someone to arrive. Pictures on page were for all units, not just the one we rented, so some disappointment there.
Réponse du service qualité

Thanks for your review Dawn. Note that you can see only the pictures of the apartment that you rent at the moment of choose it and also we sent you a message with all the check in procedure and asking you that you have to tell us your arrival time if it´s possible. We are glad to know that you had a pleasant stay in our apartment and you could enjoy the city. Genteel Home Team

MAI 2019
Nous avons adoré la décoration de l’appartement qui est très cosy. Emplacement calme et bien situé. Appartement bien équipé.

MARS 2019
More than you can expect. Comfortable, quiet enough to rest & very clean. Perfect location as you can reach the Alameda, Guadalquivir, shopping streets & touristarea ...all of that in less than 15 minutes walk ! We look forward to be back!!

MARS 2019
Super. Logement bien situé, confortable et correspond aux photos.

JANV. 2019
The Baños apartment is in a wonderful location and is wonderfully comfortable and well-equipped. It is recently renovated and is nicely designed and very clean. Contact with the host is easy and prompt.