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  3. Recaredo II

Recaredo II

Séville · Santa Catalina

9,2 (54 évaluations)



Salle de Bain

86 m2

À propos du logement

L’appartement dispose de trois chambres, une avec un lit double de 1,35 x 1,90m, la deuxième avec deux lits simples de 0,90 x 1,90m chacun et la dernière chambre a un lit simple (0,90 x 1,90m). L’appartement dispose également d’une salle de bain indépendante et un WC.

Le salon est meublé en détail, avec des meubles de haute qualité et design, et la cuisine est indépendante, moderne et de qualité.

En plus dispose d’un patio privé avec moquette de gazon artificiel et avec mobilier de jardin.

L’appartement est situé dans une zone privilégiée pour visiter Séville. D’une part, traversant l’avenue Recaredo nous sommes dans le zone le plus ancien et le plus historique du centre de Séville, mais d’autre part, la zone arrière est une bonne zone résidentielle pour la population locale, où vous pouvez trouver beaucoup de bars et restaurants typiques de Séville, magasins, marchés de gros et produits typiques, et bien sûr les supermachés.

Climatisation Split
Chauffage Split
Services Savon, gel, shampoing, draps et serviettes
Animaux domestiques Interdit
Lit bebé Disponible
Terrasse Privé
Étage Rez-de-chaussée
Ascenseur Disponible
Fibre optique Gratuite
Voir tous les équipements


> Check-in en personne.
> Service clientèle.
> Lit bébé et chaise haute disponibles sur demande.
> Service de blanchisserie sur demande.

Règles de la maison

> Check-in: de 15:00h à 21:00h.
> Check-out: avant le 11:00h.
> Aucune fête ou événement n’est autorisé.
> Il est interdit de fumer dans la propriété ou dans les zones communes.
> Réduire le bruit des 23:00h à 9:00h
> Cet établissement n’accepte pas les animaux domestiques.

Informations complémentaires

> A/SE/00422

La réservation de chaque hébergement Genteel Home inclut l’offre d’expériences ou d’activités supplémentaires pour améliorer votre expérience, qui sont gérées par des fournisseurs externes, qui vous informeront par e-mail ou WhatsApp, et vous pouvez les contracter ou les refuser. Pour plus d’informations sur la gestion des expériences et des activités supplémentaires des hébergements, veuillez consulter notre politique de confidentialité sur notre site officiel.

Code de réduction

Avez-vous des questions ou des doutes sur le logement ?

Demande d’informations

Voir sur la carte

L’exploitant de cet hébergement s’engage à fournir, en plus du service d’hébergement, les services suivants :

• Service de restauration dont le menu peut être consulté ici

• Cet établissement propose son propre service de garde et de consigne de bagages du lundi au vendredi (sauf jours fériés) pour les clients premium, avec enlèvement par notre personnel à l´appartement. Les tarifs sont de 5 € par bagage. Les samedis, dimanches ou jours fériés, vous pouvez utiliser le service d´autres entreprises dans des locaux désignés, à environ 5 € par valise.

• Nettoyage périodique hebdomadaire et changement de linge de lit et de bain, obligatoire pour les séjours de plus de 6 nuits. Inclus dans le prix.

*Possibilité de nettoyage périodique quotidien en supplément. Consulter les tarifs.

Évaluation de la propriété

9,2 (54 Évaluations)


Votre avis nous intéresse

Avis de nos clients

Cláudia Sofia Batista Rodrigues4
JUIL. 2024
Everything to be perfect but disappointing…
Decoration and location.
There were giant cockroaches in both toilets and kitchen. We contacted the accommodation and it was someone, whom we thank very much, trying to clean but no guarantee they would not return. She told us she was going to call management to say it was not acceptable for us to be in an apartment like this. They called us after a few hours. to propose to change apartment but we would have to change location and leave the center. Since we were only staying two nights and the location was really important, we did not accept to change. To compensate if somehow we asked to leave to chrek-out at 12pm (an hour later than expected) and were told no. There were other guests checking in that afternoon and the apartment would have to be cleaned. Good luck with the cucarachas!
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Cláudia,

Thank you for your feedback. We are glad to hear that you found our flat well decorated and that the location was to your liking. However, we sincerely apologize for the incident regarding the presence of insects in your apartment. Please be assured that our company conducts regular pest control in all our accommodations to ensure the comfort of our guests and to prevent such situations. However, external factors such as the weather can sometimes influence the appearance of occasional insects. Nonetheless, we hope that the immediate solution offered by our team to thoroughly clean and inspect the entire apartment to prevent the appearance of any other unwanted insects was effective and the rest of your stay proceeded smoothly. We deeply regret the inconvenience this has caused and will review this situation to prevent it from happening in the future.

Regarding the proposed solution of moving to another apartment, we apologize for any misunderstanding. All our accommodations are located in the city center, as we are committed to offering prime locations to all our guests. We are saddened that this solution, offered with the sole objective of ensuring your comfort, was not to your satisfaction. On the other hand, regarding the late check-out, our team is always attentive and available to meet the needs of our guests. However, we regret that in your case, we were unable to fulfill your request for a late check-out as we needed to prepare the apartment for future guests and adhere to our established check-in and check-out schedules.

Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. We hope you will give us the opportunity to welcome you again in the future and offer you a satisfactory stay.

Quality Department.

Magdalena Czechowska9
JUIN 2024
Nice, clean, recommended
Great location- 20 minutes to the centre and railway station; very clean and spacious; all the facilities available except for AC; two toilets and patio; easy to check in and out;
One of the bedroom with the street view although nice and clean was not comfortable for sleeping- noises from the street were really annoying all the nights long; moreover at 8.00 you had coffee tables just in front of your window and cigarette smoke inside if you left it opened for the night;
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Magdalena,

Thank you for your positive comments about the location, cleanliness, and amenities of our apartment. We are pleased to hear that you found the property spacious and well-equipped, and that the check-in and check-out process was easy.

However, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you experienced with the noise in one of the bedroom. Please be assured that we have taken note of your feedback and are currently working on improving the soundproofing in that room to prevent similar situations in the future.

We apologise once again for the inconvenience experienced. We appreciate your recommendation and hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back, providing an even more comfortable stay.

Quality Department

Jesus Abraham Castellanos Vargas10
JUIN 2024
comodo lugar para hospedarse, elegante y funcional
La ubicacion si es algo distanciado de los puntos turisticos, pero puede ser una buena manera de iniciar el dia, caminando un par de kilometros
Esto no es responsabilidad del hospedaje, pero tiene un restaurante de vecino, y en la mañana es incomodo que este la gente afuera de tu ventana desayunando.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Jesus:

Agradecemos sinceramente sus comentarios sobre su reciente estancia en nuestro establecimiento. Nos complace saber que encontró nuestro lugar cómodo, elegante y funcional.

Respecto a la ubicación, nos complace saber que pudo disfrutar de la oportunidad de iniciar su día caminando unos pocos kilómetros. Valoramos la oportunidad de ofrecer a nuestros huéspedes una experiencia más tranquila y auténtica.

Lamentamos cualquier inconveniente causado por el restaurante vecino. Si bien no tenemos control sobre las actividades de establecimientos vecinos, entendemos que puede resultar algo incómodo. Tomaremos en cuenta sus comentarios para seguir mejorando y buscar soluciones que puedan mitigar este tipo de situaciones.

Agradecemos nuevamente por sus observaciones, ya que nos ayudan a mejorar continuamente nuestros servicios. Esperamos tener el privilegio de darle la bienvenida nuevamente y brindarle una estancia aún más agradable en el futuro.

Departamento de Calidad.

Enrique Farias Aquino9
JUIN 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Chloe Lopez8
JUIN 2024
The place was very nice and equipped with everything we needed for our stay. We were able to walk almost everywhere we wanted to go. We did have trouble with the wifi for several days until but other than that we had a good stay.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Chloe,

Thank you for your feedback. We´re glad to hear that you found the place very nice and well-equipped for your stay. It´s great that you were able to walk to most places you wanted to visit. However, we apologize for the trouble you experienced with the WiFi during your stay. Your comment has been noted, and we will look into improving this aspect to ensure a more seamless experience for our guests. We appreciate your understanding and hope to welcome you back in the future.

Perez Laura8
MAI 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Angeles Sierra Vázquez9
MAI 2024
Estuvimos poco en el apartamento pero todo genial
Estaba bien ubicado y es una buena alternativa para visitar Sevilla
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Ángeles:

Muchas gracias por tomarse el tiempo para compartir sus comentarios sobre su reciente estancia con nosotros. Nos alegra saber que encontró todo en el apartamento genial.

Nos complace especialmente que la ubicación haya sido de su agrado y que considere nuestro alojamiento una buena alternativa para visitar Sevilla. Su satisfacción es nuestra prioridad y nos alegra haber cumplido con sus expectativas.

Esperamos tener la oportunidad de recibirla nuevamente en el futuro y que pueda disfrutar de una estancia aún más placentera.

Departamento de Calidad.

pek san ting10
MAI 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Dirk Romeijn8
MAI 2024
Prima accomodatie
Ruim appartement. Van alle gemakken voorzien.
De slaapkamer aan de voorkant van het appartement (bij drukke weg) was niet zo fijn.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Dik,

Thank you for sharing your feedback regarding our accommodation. We appreciate your kind words about the spaciousness and amenities of the apartment.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the noise in one of the bedrooms. The comfort and satisfaction of our guests are of utmost importance to us, and we regret that this aspect of your stay did not meet your expectations. We would like to assure you that we are actively working on improving the soundproofing of our accommodations to ensure the proper rest of our guests, as this is one of our top priorities.

Thank you once again for choosing our accommodation. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back and provide you with an improved experience.

Quality Department.

Andre Lord9
AVR. 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Harald Elissen9
AVR. 2024
Heerlijk genoten van ruim appartement met voldoende faciliteiten en vlakbij het centrum van Sevilla; alles op loopafstan
Ruim, schoon, netjes, goede en tijdige communicatie over code van deuren etc
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Harald,

We´re thrilled to hear that you thoroughly enjoyed your stay in our spacious apartment and that you found it well-equipped with everything you needed. It´s wonderful to know that our convenient location near the center of Seville added to your experience. Thank you for your kind words about the cleanliness and tidiness of the apartment, as well as for appreciating our effective communication. We hope to welcome you back for another fantastic stay in the future.

Quality Department.

Jose Carlos Perez7
AVR. 2024
El paseo, corto, unos veinte minutos, desde el centro. Aunque desayunamos, almorzamos y cenamos fuera me sorprendió lo completo del menaje de cocina. Si se pretende hacer las comidas en casa no se echará nada de menos.
Por censurar algo menciono lo siguiente. El dormitorio principal (cama amplia) da directamente a la calle. La insonorización es insuficiente y los ruidos del exterior, aun las voces normales, llegan a escucharse en el dormitorio con facilidad en las horas de silencio. Con una insonorización mejorada del dormitorio aludido al apartamento no se le podría poner pega alguna.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado José Carlos:

Gracias por compartir sus comentarios sobre su reciente estancia con nosotros. Nos alegra saber que encontró nuestro menaje de cocina completo. Nos enorgullece proporcionar todo lo necesario para los huéspedes que prefieren cocinar en casa. Lamentamos sinceramente cualquier molestia causada por el ruido de la calle, especialmente en el dormitorio principal. Tenga en cuenta que estamos trabajando activamente en mejorar nuestro sistema de insonorización para mitigar tales inconvenientes y asegurar una estancia tranquila para todos nuestros huéspedes. Su opinión sobre este asunto es muy apreciada y nos ayudará en nuestros esfuerzos continuos para mejorar la experiencia general de nuestros valiosos huéspedes. Esperamos tener la oportunidad de darle la bienvenida nuevamente en el futuro y brindarle una estancia aún más placentera.

Departamento de Calidad.

Ana Ponsoda10
MARS 2024
El apartamento no podía ser más bonito . Todo súper limpio y con tres habitaciones que para nosotros que éramos cinco fue perfecto .La cocina tenía de todo para cocinar si necesitabas hacerlo en el apartamento . Las camas súper cómodas ,y el hecho de que tuviera un baño y un aseo nos vino fenomenal ya que creíamos en principio que solo había un baño . La verdad hemos estado muy cómodos y de maravilla .
Nada .Me gustó todo
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Ana:

Muchas gracias por sus maravillosos comentarios. Estamos encantados de saber que encontraron nuestro apartamento tan cómodo y bien equipado. Estamos encantados de que las tres habitaciones fueran perfectas para su grupo, y que la cocina tuviera todo lo que necesitaban. Nos alegramos de que las camas fueran súper cómodas y de que el baño adicional os resultara útil durante vuestra estancia. Agradecemos sus amables palabras y estamos encantados de que hayan disfrutado de su estancia con nosotros. Esperamos darle la bienvenida de nuevo para otra gran estancia en el futuro.

Departamento de Calidad.

Noel Mulcahy9
MARS 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Maria Telles8
MARS 2024
Ótima localização, apartamento muito confortável e espaçoso. Facilidade de entrada e saída da casa através de códigos. Gostámos muito da ajuda oferecida de aconselhamento de turismo da cidade.
O piso baixo com algum barulho de rua; não tinha algum material necessário como panos e pegas de cozinha. A água do banho não estava quente para todas as pessoas (5 hóspedes). E a casa poderia estar um pouco mais limpa.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear María,

Thank you for your positive feedback on the great location, comfort, and spaciousness of our apartment. We´re pleased to hear that you appreciated the ease of entry and exit through the provided codes and the assistance offered in city tourism advice.

With regard to the location of your apartment on the first floor, all this information is available both before and after the booking process, as we always send an email to confirm that the chosen apartment is the desired one, we regret any misundertanding in regard. As for the noise from the street, please understand that living in urban environments may entail some level of noise, especially during certain hours of the day, however, we will check the soundproofing system to improve it if necessary. Regarding the lack of kitchen materials, we apologize for any inconvenience and will ensure that these items are provided for future guests. We also regret the hot water issue and any inconvenience this may have caused and will investigate the matter to ensure it is promptly addressed.

We appreciate your understanding and hope you enjoyed your overall stay. We look forward to welcoming you in the future to offer you a more satisfactory experience.

Quality Department.

Manuel Canaves Morcillo9
JANV. 2024
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Manuel,
Gracias por tomar el tiempo para compartir sus positivas impresiones. Su satisfacción es nuestra mayor recompensa y nos complace haber cumplido con sus expectativas.
Saludos cordiales,
Departamento de Calidad

Beniamin Miara10
JANV. 2024
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Bencjusz,
We greatly appreciate your positive review. It´s gratifying to know you enjoyed your stay. Your remarks inspire us to continue delivering outstanding service.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Sharmeen Uqaili10
JANV. 2024
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Alexey Rashchupkin10
DÉC. 2023
Very nice and well located flat. Walkable distance to all main attractions Supermarkets and restaurants are around, as well as many coffee shops Flat is nice, well equipped. Only one bedroom is a little bit noisy due to window to street. All other bedrooms are quiet It was five of us and it was enough space Will recommend for a family stay
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Alexey,
Thank you for your lovely review. It was an honor to have you as our guest, and we´re thrilled to know we could contribute to a memorable stay.

Additionally, we regret any disappointment regarding sound isolation. External noise may vary and depend on the time of year as well as festivities taking place in the city center. Nevertheless, we will review and consider necessary improvements to the soundproofing system to ensure our guests have a peaceful rest.

Thank you once again for your invaluable feedback. We hope to have the honor of welcoming you back.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Katarzyna Słowiakowska10
DÉC. 2023
Super miejsce. Polecam
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Katarzyna,
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed your stay at our apartment. Your positive comments are truly appreciated and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Roberto Ignacio Arconada Herrero10
DÉC. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Glenda Schiavetta9
NOV. 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Monika Renner10
NOV. 2023
Sehr gut ausgestattet und sehr gut gelegen.
Eine Ablage in der Dusche hat gefehlt.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Monika,
We appreciate you highlighting the central location of our apartment. It´s rewarding to know that you found our location to be a positive factor in your stay.

Regarding the shelf in the shower, we welcome your comments which help us to identify areas where we can improve.
We hope to have the opportunity to host you again in the future.
Best regards,
Quality Department

Giovanni Alpigiano10
NOV. 2023
Appartamento nuovo, pulito e splendidamente posizionato.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Giovanni,
We´re delighted that our location met your expectations. Being situated in a prime spot is something we take pride in, as it allows our guests to fully enjoy their surroundings. Your positive feedback means a lot to us, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back for another exceptional stay.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Ankie Puts10
OCT. 2023
Very nice apartment. Matches the description and is very clean. Good location to visit different parts of Sevilla. Good communication with the office that provide the keys.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Ankie, Thank you for your positive feedback. We´re pleased to hear that the apartment met your expectations. It´s great to know that the location was convenient for exploring different parts of Sevilla, and that you had good communication with our team. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we look forward to hosting you again in the future.

Quality Department

OCT. 2023
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Haitam,
Thank you for your kind words and sharing your experience. We´re thrilled to know you had a comfortable stay. It would be our pleasure to welcome you back in the future.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Jean-Christophe Papoul8
SEPT. 2023
Le logement était identique aux photos et parfaitement propre avec des lits confortables. Toutefois la chambre double donne sur la rue très bruyante. Prévoyez des boules quies si vous souhaitez dormir dans le calme.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Jean-Christophe,
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We´re glad to hear that you found the accommodation to be just as depicted in the photos, perfectly clean, and with comfortable beds.

However, we apologize for the noise issue you encountered in the double room due to the busy street. We are committed to providing a peaceful environment for our guests, and we will review the soundproofing in this area to enhance the tranquility for future stays.

Your feedback is invaluable, and we hope you´ll consider staying with us again in the future. We will work to ensure you have a more peaceful and restful experience during your next visit.

Thank you for choosing us and for sharing your observations.

Quality Department

Vanda Gonçalves9
SEPT. 2023
Da comodidade e localização
Da limpeza, o chão sujo e a loiça da cozinha
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Vanda,
Thank you for sharing your experience and for highlighting the comfort and location of our apartment. We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed these aspects.

However, I deeply regret that you encountered cleanliness issues during your stay. We maintain strict standards of cleanliness and hygiene in our properties, and we would have greatly appreciated it if you had informed us about these issues during your stay. We would have taken immediate action to address any problems and ensure your stay was as comfortable as possible.

Your feedback is extremely important to us, and we will use your input to improve our cleaning and maintenance processes. We hope this did not significantly impact your experience, and that you still had an enjoyable stay.

We look forward to welcoming you again in the near future and ensuring an exceptional experience.

Kind regards,

Quality Department

Ana Batalha7
AOÛT 2023
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Kevin Paz10
JUIN 2023
We recently stayed at this Airbnb and had an excellent experience. The place was impeccably clean and easy to find, exactly as described in the listing. Fresh towels were provided, and the kitchen was well-stocked with utensils. The host was outstanding in their communication, always responsive and helpful. They offered valuable recommendations for exploring the city, ensuring we had a good time. Overall, we highly recommend this Airbnb for a comfortable and enjoyable stay.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Kevin.
Thank you for your wonderful review! We´re thrilled that you had an excellent experience at our Airbnb. We appreciate your kind words about the cleanliness, accuracy of the listing, and the host´s communication. It´s great to know that you enjoyed your stay and found the recommendations helpful. We value your recommendation and hope to welcome you back in the future.
Kind regards.
Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Angela Guzman10
MAI 2023
Stay was great, we could’ve used more towels but didn’t ask.
The location was further from where we wanted to be, but the place was great, no complaints

Suzanne de Chabot10
AVR. 2023
Great Flat, communication very good. Best confortable beds, nice well equipped kitchen, patio. We loved the place. The only downside is the windows of the main bedroom are really not sound proof so it feels like you sleep in the street but even amplified. Looked everywhere if window was not left open somewhere but No. So my husband ended up taking one of the children bedroom as he couldn t sleep and sending child to me. Otherwise was really the best flat we rented during our week in andaloucia .
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Suzanne,
We are thrilled to read your review and to know that you had a memorable stay at our apartment. Your feedback on the windows is highly appreciated, and it is gratifying to hear that you enjoyed the accommodation and the services we provided. We would be honoured to host you again in the near future.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Xavier Labaune10
DÉC. 2022
Très bon séjour dans un logement agréable
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Xavier,
Thank you very much for leaving these wonderful comments. We are delighted that you enjoyed your stay with us.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Lyn Finman10
DÉC. 2022
Our family of five adults stayed four nights. The beds were exceptionally comfortable and the rooms have blinds to make them dark any time of day, so everyone slept really well. The front bedroom gets some street noise but was entirely manageable. The location is good but requires a fair amount of walking to the major sites. It’s definitely a walkable distance, but you need to enjoy walking (we did). I would not characterize the neighborhood as an historic area but within a few blocks you can find narrow, winding streets and a lot of character. Same goes for restaurants; lot of options in close walking distance and somewhat less expensive than the central tourist area. We also loved that the unit lets you observe Sevillianos in their living environment. The location of the unit is ideal of you are arriving by train (Santa Justa is just a few blocks away). The kitchen was very nice and included a Nespresso-like coffee maker. Unit also has a big dining table and a nice TV.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Lyn,
We are most grateful for this review and the time you have taken out of your day to write it. Thank you for the remarks on the location. This will certainly help future guests understand where will they stay.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

patrick rivera7,1
OCT. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Jose Antonio Perez10
OCT. 2022
Descansé muy bien en este departamento,

Ana Karina Ruggeri Montesinos10
OCT. 2022
Excelente apartamento, un diseño hermoso y acogedor, con todas las comodidades y super bien ubicado

Maiya Ahmed10
OCT. 2022
Great location and great apartment. As has been mentioned previously the master bedroom is a little noisy due to being on the main road and it being a ground floor flat but nothing some earphones wouldn’t sort out. We loved it!

ana ferrer vallet10
SEPT. 2022
Évaluation sans commentaire.

Adrian C.9,6
SEPT. 2022
Alojamiento para repetir
El aire acondicionado en todas las habitaciones, la terraza, las camas, la cocina, los servicios.
La ubicación no es 100x100 céntrica, pero está bien. El césped del patio estaba mojado, pero no es importante

Juan Pablo10
AOÛT 2022
Gracias por tu hospitalidad!!
Réponse du service qualité

Estimado Juan Pablo, muchas gracias por su comentario, ha sido un placer para nosotros leerlo y esperamos poder servirle de nuevo pronto.

Aija T.
Departamento de Calidad

AVR. 2022
Apartment is a good size for a family of 5. We waited a bit to check in. Parking is a hassle but it’s Sevilla. The unit is clean and the host is accommodating. Unfortunately it is at street level with the master bedroom right on the main road, making it very noisy throughout the entire night. No bathtub makes it harder with kids. Overall it was a good experience.
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Racha,
Thanks for your message.
It is a pleasure to hear that you had a good experience in one of our best locations even though parking is difficult. We would like to let you know that we do our best to ensure that noise levels are always kept within reasonable limits so that our clients are not disturbed by outside traffic noise. Sometimes it is impossible to guarantee this as there are going to be times during the early hours, for example, where traffic noise can be heard due to local municipality services.
Once again we thank you for your kind opinion and we look forward to serving you again in the future.

AVR. 2022
Lovely apartment, well looked after and everything so clean and decor was beautiful. The apartment is on a busy route in the city so this noise can be heard when in the main bedroom.

AVR. 2022
Mensaje para los usuarios: el apartamento es como se muestra en las fotos y todo está correcto. Pero el problema está en que en la agencia en su informacion obvia un aspecto imprescindible: el apartemento es un bajo a pie de calle. No conoces este detalle hasta que gentlee te manda el mail de confirmación. Obviar este detalle en semana santa nos ha arruinado las vacaciones. Es culpa de la agencia, que no nos ha dado la información correcta. Cualquiera lo puede ver.
Réponse du service qualité

Estimada Marta, nos gustaría expresar nuestro agradecimiento por los comentarios que ha realizado sobre su visita, puesto que nos ayudan a entender la experiencia de nuestros huéspedes. Lamentamos sinceramente leer acerca de su decepción con el tipo de apartamento reservado. por eso le recomendamos para una futura ocasión visitar nuestra página web o ponerse en contacto directamente con nuestro Departamento de Reservas donde nuestro equipo le guiará y le ayudarán a seleccionar el apartamento que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades y deseos de vacaciones.
Gracias nuevamente por su visita y críticas constructivas, esperamos volver a tener la oportunidad de servirla en un próximo futuro.

Aija T.
Departamento de Calidad

MARS 2022
The place is very well equipped and nicely furnished . The beds are very comfortable and the whole place was very well kept and clean. It’s in the city center and a very good spot to explore the city. One thing to be known, it’s situated on a big street plus its on the ground floor and one bedroom faces the street- so you might want to bring earplugs. We liked to stay there a lot, so definitely can recommend it!

MARS 2022
This flat is nicely furnished, clean and well furnished. It’s an easy fifteen minute walk to the cathedral. The only downside is the flat is on the ground floor, so you do get traffic noise (auto and foot) in the main bedroom at night s people walk and drive past. There is no drier with the washing machine, but you can put the clothes rack under the AC fan and everything will dry quickly. Overall we had a great stay.

MARS 2022
Clean and comfortable apartment away from the busy tourist area but an easy and fun walk to the major tourist attractions. Although on a busy street, there was easy immediate accessibility to nice nearby neighborhoods with nice plazas and great restaurants. Communication was great and check-in was easy.

FÉVR. 2022
Clean and well furnished. The master bedroom is right on the street so you definitely hear people and cars passing by. A little outside of the main area but a mile max walk to get to everything you need.

JANV. 2022
Appartement récemment rénové par une société d´investissement. Ca se loue par airbnb mais c´est davantage un appart-hotel. L´appartement est très confortable, bien situé par rapport au centre historique et aux monuments, on peut tout faire à pied (il faut quand même aimer marcher, les distances sont longues à Séville). Gros point négatif tout de même : la chambre principale donne sur la rue, qui est une des artères principales, donc bruits de voitures jusqu´à très tard et tôt le matin. Dommage

JANV. 2022
Fabulous stay in this apartment. Excellent location for all the sights. Apartment in excellent condition 3 great bedrooms and living space. It was also great for my 7 month old son with cot and high chair provided. Will definitely stay again.

JANV. 2022
Piso excepcional, las camas súper cómodas, la decoración con mucho gusto. Te hace estar como en casa.

JANV. 2022
Very nice interior, good location, fully equiped.

DÉC. 2021
Excelente recibimiento

Lester Mayes9,7
OCT. 2021
The apartment was very clean, it is luxury and gorgeous, great location near of all important Seville historic places, it’s worth the value
Réponse du service qualité

Dear Lester
Thank you very much for leaving these wonderful comments about the apartment, we are delighted that you enjoyed your stay among us. Regards