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  2. Alojamientos en Sevilla   
  3. Feria II

Feria II

Sevilla · Alameda

9,2 (128 valoraciones)




100 m2

Sobre el alojamiento

Este apartamento ha sido diseñado y amueblado con todo detalle. Mantiene toda la esencia de las casas antiguas e históricas del centro de Sevilla pero combinándolo con mobiliario moderno y elegante.

El apartamento está ubicado en la primera planta de un bonito edificio con ascensor, con dos viviendas por planta.

Al entrar en el apartamento accedemos al pasillo distribuidor del apartamento, quedando a izquierda y derecha las tres habitaciones y los dos baños. Las habitaciones tienen cama de 1,50 x 2,00, y una de ellas tiene un baño en suite. Además tiene un segundo baño independiente.

Al fondo del pasillo distribuidor nos encontramos con el salón, con varios ventanales dando a la calle Feria lo que hace que tenga mucha luz natural. El mobiliario del salón es elegante y de diseño, contando con un sofá-cama doble de 1,40 x 2,00, lo que dota al apartamento de capacidad para hasta 7 personas. La cocina está integrada en el salón y dispone de todos los elementos necesarios para su uso.

La calle Feria es una de las más históricas y conocidas del centro de Sevilla. Es una zona muy pintoresca del centro, muy autóctona aunque habitada por muchos visitantes también. En los últimos años ha tenido además un fuerte auge, lo que la ha convertido en una de las zonas más exclusivas y caras de la ciudad.

En los alrededores encontraremos mucho comercio tradicional sevillano, tiendas de alimentación de productos autóctonos, pequeños bares y restaurantes de mucha categoría. Es un lugar perfecto para degustar la gastronomía andaluza en cualquier rincón.

Además está muy cerca caminando de todos los lugares de interés turístico como la Catedral, la Giralda, el Alcázar, el Metropol Parasol, la Alameda, etc.

Aire acondicionado Centralizado
Calefacción Centralizado
Servicios Jabón, gel, champú, sábanas y toallas
Mascotas Permitidas
Cuna Disponible
Planta 1ª Planta
Ascensor Disponible
Sofá-cama Capacidad 1 persona
Fibra óptica Gratis
Balcón Con vistas al exterior
Televisión Smart TV
Cafetera Cápsulas
Ver todos los equipamientos


> Check-in en persona.
> Att. al cliente.
> Disponible cuna y trona bajo petición.
> Servicio de lavanderia bajo petición.

Normas de la casa

> Check-in: de 15:00h a 21:00h.
> Check-out: antes de las 11:00h.
> No está permitido celebrar fiestas o eventos.
> No está permitido fumar en la propiedad ni zonas comunes
> Reducir el ruido de 23:00h a 9:00h

Información Adicional

> VUT/SE/07789

La reserva de cada alojamiento de Genteel Home conlleva el ofrecimiento de experiencias o actividades extras para mejorar su estancia, las cuales son gestionadas por proveedores externos, que las pondrán en su conocimiento a través de e-mail o WhatsApp, pudiendo usted contratarlas o rechazarlas. Para más información sobre la gestión de experiencias y actividades extras de los alojamientos, visite nuestra Política de Privacidad en nuestra web oficial

Código descuento

¿Tienes alguna consulta o duda sobre el alojamiento?

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El explotador de este alojamiento se obliga a prestar junto con el servicio de alojamiento, los siguientes servicios:

• Servicio de restauración cuya carta puede consultar aquí

• Este establecimiento cuenta con un servicio propio de guarda y custodia de equipajes de lunes a viernes (excepto festivos), para clientes premium, con recogida por nuestro personal en el propio apartamento. Las tarifas son de 5€ por bulto. Sábados, Domingos o Festivos, pueden usar el servicio de otras empresas en locales habilitados para ello, a unos 5€ por maleta apróx.

• Limpieza periódica semanal y cambio de ropa de cama, y baño obligatoriamente en estancias superiores a 6 noches. Incluida en el precio.

*Posibilidad de limpieza periódica diaria aparte. Consultar precio.

Valoración de la propiedad

9,2 (128 Valoraciones)


Nos interesa tu opinión

Opiniones de nuestros clientes

susanna Beltrame9
JUL 2024
Bellissimo appartamento in ottima posizione
Appartamento molto bello in una posizione fantastica per visitare la città. Doppio bagno, che è una gran comodità se si è in tanti!
Visto lo standard dell´appartamento, i letti potrebbero essere più comodi.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Susanna,

Thank you for your kind feedback and for choosing to stay with us. We are delighted to hear that you found the apartment beautiful and in a fantastic location for exploring the city. We are also pleased that the double bathroom added to your convenience.

we appreciate your comments regarding the beds. We understand that perceptions of comfort can vary from person to person, and we will review the current bedding to ensure it meets our guests´ expectations.

Your feedback is valuable to us, and we are committed to continually improving our accommodations. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future and provide you with an even more comfortable stay.

Quality Department.

Matias Edwards Zamora10
JUN 2024
todo impecable!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Matias,

Agradecemos profundamente sus elogios sobre nuestro apartamento. Nos complace saber que disfrutó de su estancia y esperamos volver a recibirlo en un futuro cercano.

Mireya Reyes6
JUN 2024
The rental served it´s purpose for our stay in Seville. The location was fairly centrally located, as we were able to walk everywhere we wanted to. The instructions and entry to apt were easy and efficient. Quick response when question was asked. We did not use the kitchen, but looks like it was equipped. I do think the place needs a little TLC. The kitchen chairs had some stains. Bathroom needs some scrubbing and or caulking in some areas. and a couple of the curtains are not all hung up correctly. All in all though it was a great stay in Seville.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Mireya,

Thank you for your detailed feedback. We are pleased to hear that the rental served its purpose for your stay in Seville and that you found the location convenient for exploring the city on foot. We´re glad that the instructions and entry process were easy and efficient, and that our quick response to your questions was helpful.

However, we apologize if the apartment did not fully meet your expectations. We appreciate your observations and we will address these issues to ensure a more comfortable experience for future guests.

Thank you once again for your constructive comments. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back to Seville in the future.

Maria del mar Ruano Aguilar9
JUN 2024
Ha cumplido nuestras expectativas
En general todo muy espacioso y limpio
Quizás en los lavabos faltaría algún estante más para las bolsas de aseo
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada Maria del Mar:

Agradecemos sinceramente su comentario. Nos complace saber que nuestro alojamiento ha cumplido con sus expectativas y que encontró todo muy espacioso y limpio en general. Tomamos nota de su sugerencia sobre la necesidad de contar con más estantes en los lavabos para las bolsas de aseo, la cual transmitiremos a nuestro equipo para futuras mejoras.

Esperamos tener el placer de recibirle nuevamente en el futuro y ofrecerle otra experiencia igualmente satisfactoria.

Departamento de Calidad.

MAY 2024
1/ Location. Access to the apartment was not easy to be found. The apartment building entrance was located in a very tiny alley. Instructions need to be clearer for how to access to the building.
2/ Cleanliness. The apartment was not cleaned up thoroughly. The floor was still dirty. We even found small bugs on the sofa. The property management team need to make sure the apartment is clean before the guests staying in it.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Ka Chun Wong,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us regarding your recent stay at our apartment. We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences you experienced, particularly regarding the cleanliness and accessibility of the building.

Firstly, we want to extend our apologies for not meeting your expectations in terms of the apartment´s cleanliness. Providing a quality service with high cleanliness standards is our top priority, and we regret not achieving this goal in your case. We would have appreciated having this information during your stay so that we could have offered you a quick and timely solution to ensure your utmost satisfaction. We will take immediate steps to address this issue and ensure that the apartment is spotless for future guests.

Secondly, we regret the inconvenience you encountered in finding the building´s address. We understand that accessibility is crucial for a seamless stay, and we have taken note of your feedback. We have made changes to the information we provide so that our guests can find our accommodations more easily in the future.

We appreciate your feedback once again, as it helps us continually improve our services. We sincerely hope that this experience does not deter you from choosing us again for your future travels. Please know that we are committed to continually improving our offerings to ensure that each stay meets and exceeds your expectations.

Best regards,
Andrea Prieto García.
Quality Department Manager

Alessio Bolognini10
MAY 2024
In pieno centro, pulito e comodissimo. Ci tornerei subito
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Alessio,

We greatly appreciate your positive review. It´s gratifying to know you enjoyed your stay. Your remarks inspire us to continue delivering outstanding service.

Monica Martin-Lanuza10
ABR 2024
La ubicación y el apartamento son magníficos
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada Monica:

Apreciamos enormemente su crítica positiva y considerada. Es gratificante saber que disfrutó de su estancia, y que encontró la ubicación y el apartamento magnifico. Sus observaciones nos inspiran a seguir brindando un servicio excepcional.

Paul Ebdale10
ABR 2024
Excellent communication. Excellent location
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Paul,

Thank you for your kind words and sharing your experience. We´re thrilled to know you had a comfortable stay. It would be our pleasure to welcome you back in the future.

Linh Lam10
ABR 2024
Espectacular apartamento situado en el casco antiguo de Sevilla. Impecablemente limpio, camas impolutas, y mucha variedad de menajse de cocina. Muy bonito y muy espacioso. Muy fresco para ser Sevilla, apenas es necesario encender el aire acondicionado (en Abril) cuando en el exterior estabamos a 30°. Encontrar sitios así, hace que tus vacaciones sean mucho más agradables.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Jaime:

Agradecemos sinceramente sus comentarios sobre nuestro espectacular apartamento en el casco antiguo de Sevilla. Nos complace saber que quedó impresionado con la limpieza impecable, las camas impecables y la amplia variedad de menaje de cocina. Es gratificante saber que encontró el espacio bonito, espacioso y fresco, especialmente considerando las temperaturas de Sevilla en abril. Nos alegra saber que contribuimos a hacer sus vacaciones mucho más agradables. Valoramos su opinión y esperamos tener el placer de darle la bienvenida nuevamente en el futuro.

María José Escobar Benavente10
ABR 2024
Una estancia perfecta!!!
Las calle de entrada al apartamento oscura
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada María José:

Nos alegra mucho saber que su estancia fue perfecta. Valoramos sus comentarios positivos. Lamentamos que haya encontrado la calle de entrada al apartamento oscura. Apreciamos que nos lo hayas señalado y tomaremos medidas para mejorar la iluminación y garantizar un entorno más cómodo para nuestros huéspedes. Su retroalimentación es importante para nosotros y nos ayuda a seguir mejorando nuestros servicios. Esperamos poder recibirle nuevamente en el futuro y brindarle otra experiencia excepcional.

Departamento de Calidad.

Jane Tritton6
ABR 2024
Lovely apartment, great location. BUT I had to initiate contact re instructions and the address is inaccurately listed. 15 mins wasted in the heat trying to access the wrong apartment. Dismissive host; only when asked to send photos of entrance did the host realise we were at the wrong address (listed on site) Barely an apology for the hassle, irritation and inconvenience.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Jane,

Thank you for your feedback. We´re glad you enjoyed our lovely apartment and its great location. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by inaccurate instructions and address listings, leading to a delay in accessing the apartment. We´re sorry for any frustration and inconvenience you experienced, and we understand the importance of clear communication. We want to assure you that this type of setback is not common in our service and we´ll review our procedures to ensure such issues are promptly addressed in the future. Your feedback is valuable, and we´ll use it to improve our service. We hope despite the initial challenges, you were able to enjoy your stay. We appreciate your understanding and hope to welcome you back for a smoother experience in the future.

Jonatan Llopis Lozano10
ABR 2024
Excelente alojamiento en zona céntrica, muy cerca de los principales puntos de interés. Todo según las fotos y muy limpio. Anfitriona siempre pendiente de resolver dudas. Repetiríamos sin dudarlo
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Jonatan:

Gracias por su excelente reseña. Nos alegra enormemente saber que encontró nuestro alojamiento excelente y ubicado en una zona céntrica, muy cerca de los principales puntos de interés. Es genial saber que nuestra anfitriona siempre estuvo disponible para resolver cualquier duda que tuviera. Su satisfacción es nuestra principal prioridad, y estamos agradecidos por sus amables palabras.
Gracias por elegir quedarte con nosotros, y esperamos poder alojarte nuevamente en el futuro.

Mayra Josepin Sampaio6
ABR 2024
Durante minha estadia no apartamento, a integração entre a cozinha e a sala se destacou. Embora a localização fosse razoável, a amplitude e praticidade do espaço compensaram.
Os quartos eram extremamente pequenos, mal havia espaço para colocar as malas, o que tornou a estadia bastante desconfortável. Além disso, os banheiros eram tão pequenos que uma pessoa mais gorda teria dificuldades para entrar no box do chuveiro. A acústica do lugar era horrível; era possível escutar absolutamente tudo que acontecia no hall de acesso, além dos ruídos provenientes do apartamento superior e da tubulação de água. Esses inconvenientes comprometeram seriamente a qualidade da minha estadia.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Mayra,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Thank you for your feedback regarding your stay. We´re glad to hear that you appreciated the integration between the kitchen and the living room, as well as the overall spaciousness and practicality of the space. However, we sincerely regret that the size of the rooms and the acoustics of the apartment did not meet your expectation. We take your concerns very seriously and would like to extend our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. We will carefully review the apartment´s soundproofing system to identify areas for improvement and ensure a more peaceful experience for our guests in the future. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future and provide a more comfortable and enjoyable stay.

Qualit Department.

Kıran Setenay8
MAR 2024
The apartment was nice and clean and in a very nice neighborhood. It was an area with alot of cafés and bars, not very touristy but more local. It is very close to Palacio de las Dueñas but 15-20 min walking distance to Cathedral. Although the street was very busy we did not hear any of the noise inside the windows were really good. We stayed in 3 bedroom apartment and was perfect for 6 people. I liked the fact that they contacted before to ask if we need any tickets for museums, excursions and flamenco and shared even a restaurant list. The entrance to the apartment was digital, when we arrived earlier than checkin time, they let us in to leave our luggage.
I think it was a bit pricy but may be it was because of the time we visited during Semana Santa. The door of one bedroom was not closing and the foot of the bed in en-suite bedroom was broken, it was not comfortable.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Kiran,

Thank you for your detailed review of your recent stay with us. We´re delighted to hear that you found the apartment nice, clean, and located in a pleasant neighborhood with plenty of local cafés and bars. We´re glad to know that despite the busy street, the soundproof windows ensured a peaceful environment inside. We´re also pleased that the apartment was perfect for your group of 6 people and that you appreciated the digital entrance system and the flexibility with early luggage drop-off. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the issues with the bedroom door and the broken bed foot. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we will promptly address these maintenance concerns to ensure the comfort of our future guests.
We´re glad you enjoyed the additional services we offered, such as assistance with museum tickets, excursions, and restaurant recommendations. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future and provide you with an even more enjoyable stay.

Quality Department.

Angelina Smith8
MAR 2024
Lovely and clean. Perfect location to walk around. We booked during the holy week so we had to do some serious planning each day to avoid the crowds and the processions. Beds and cushions comfy. Bathrooms very small. Loved our visit to Seville.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Angelina,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We´re delighted to hear that you found our apartment lovely and clean, and that its location was perfect for exploring on foot. We understand that during the holy week it can be different to visit the city due to the processions but we are glad that you were able to enjoy your stay to the fullest. It´s great to know that you found the beds and cushions comfortable. We´re thrilled that you loved your visit to Seville, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future.

Wanda Toscano9
MAR 2024
The location Is great, the apartment was super clean and had everything we needed. Although above a bar the windows don´t let the noise come through and we truly enjoyed our stay.
They could have provided coffee capsules as there is a Nespresso machine. But we didn´t mind buying our own, the market is 1 Min away.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Wanda,

Thank you for your wonderful feedback. We´re delighted to hear that you found our apartment comfortable and enjoyed its great location. We´re glad that the cleanliness met your expectations and that you had everything you needed for a pleasant stay. Typically, we do provide coffee capsules as a courtesy to all our guests, and we apologize for the oversight in your case. We´ll make sure to address this issue and strive to ensure that such mistakes are not repeated in the future. It´s great to know that the nearby market provided a convenient solution. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back again soon.

Quality Department.

MAR 2024
Niente in particolare
I bagni troppo piccoli
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Loredana,

Thank you for your feedback. While we appreciate your comments, we would like to clarify that the size of the bathrooms is in line with industry standards and the layout of the property. We strive to provide comfortable accommodations that meet the needs of our guests to the best of our ability. Nonetheless, we will certainly take your feedback into consideration as we continually strive to improve our services. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back and provide you with an even better experience in the future. Thank you for choosing us for your stay.

Quality Department.

Laura Rutherford10
MAR 2024
Great location, walk to everywhere, felt safe. Well equipped toaster, coffee maker, microwave, dishwasher.. altho we ate out daily so didn’t use many. Maybe leave a tea towel for handwashing items? Could be a bit noisy with people upstairs and outside but central location, narrow streets, restaurants and bars in close proximity.. not surprising. Happy to accept that for location. Great communication, little touches, soap, shampoo, dishwash tablets.. Very clean..comfy bed, lots of space for four of us.. Thank you for having us
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Laura,

Thank you very much for your kind words. We´re thrilled to learn that you had a wonderful experience during your stay. Your satisfaction with the apartment´s location, safety, and amenities brings us great joy. We appreciate your feedback regarding the tea towel suggestion and will certainly consider it for future improvements. It´s heartening to know that any occasional noise didn´t disrupt your overall enjoyment of the central location. We´re delighted that you found our communication helpful. Ensuring a clean, comfortable, and spacious environment for our guests is our priority, and we´re glad we could meet your expectations. We´re grateful for your choice to stay with us and look forward to welcoming you back soon.

Zsolt Hartyani9
MAR 2024
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

Tomasz Michałowski8
FEB 2024
Wszystko ok duży apartment lokalizacja super
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Tomasz,
Your feedback emphasizing the central location of our apartment is highly appreciated. We are glad that this aspect of your stay was convenient for you. Thank you for sharing your experience, and we anticipate the pleasure of hosting you again soon.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Elizabeth Halpin10
FEB 2024
We had a fantastic stay at this beautiful apartment and would definitely return, Seville is hard to beat.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Peter,

Thank you for your wonderful feedback. We´re delighted to hear that you had a fantastic stay at our beautiful apartment. Seville indeed has its unique charm, and we´re thrilled that you enjoyed your time here. It would be our pleasure to welcome you back whenever you decide to return. Thank you for choosing our accommodation, and we look forward to hosting you again.

Quality Department

Slaveya Nikolov10
FEB 2024
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

Vitor Chantre10
FEB 2024
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

Ian Beard10
FEB 2024
Excellent stay very close to all sights and apartment was brilliant
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Ian,
Thank you for your kind words and sharing your experience. We´re thrilled to know you had a comfortable stay. It would be our pleasure to welcome you back in the future.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Enrique Martiño Romero10
FEB 2024
Somos un grupo de 7 amigos y hemos pasado un fin de semana en Sevilla y el apartamento, aparte de una localización perfecta, responde exáctamente a lo que se ve en las fotos. Cómodo, amplio, con muchos detalles... Se lo recomendaría a cualquier persona.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Enrique,
Nos sentimos verdaderamente honrados por su positivo comentario, y le damos las gracias especialmente por destacar la ubicación de nuestro establecimiento. Nos complace enormemente que esta haya añadido valor a su estancia. Esperamos poder servirle de nuevo en futuras visitas.
Saludos cordiales,
Departamento de Calidad

Irene Bonilla9
ENE 2024
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

Irene Bonilla9
ENE 2024
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

Reeba Philip10
ENE 2024
Excellent and well maintained family apartment
Everything! The place was big enough for a family of 6. It was spacious, had all the amenities that is required for a short stay. It was a stones throw away from "Las Setas". Quiet and safe neighbourhood. There are quite a few restaurants bars and a great coffee shop downstairs. BONUS was we were able to watch the cabalgata in the neighbourhood, which was a short walk from the apartment. The staff were easy to talk to and very responsive. Highly recommend this place.
The entrance was a bit difficult to find. The address should include some sort of indication as to where the apartment is. But we texted the staff and they told us exactly where it was.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Reeba,
Thank you for your positive review and for choosing our apartment for your stay in Seville. We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the spaciousness, amenities, and location, making it suitable for a family of six. It´s wonderful to know that you had a great experience, including being able to watch the cabalgata in the neighborhood.

We appreciate your feedback regarding the difficulty in finding the entrance. We generally strive to provide clear and precise instructions for our guests, but your input will prompt us to review and enhance the directions to ensure a smoother arrival experience for future guests.

We´re grateful for your recommendation and look forward to the possibility of hosting you and your family again in the future.

Best regards,
Quality Department

Yumi Lim10
DIC 2023
한국인들 후기가 없어서 망설이다가 두 가족이 함께하는 세비야 여행에 적절한 조건이라 예약하였습니다. 처음에 들어갈 때 어려움이 있었지만(현관 비밀번호 누르고 삐 소리날때 바로 문을 힘껏 밀어야 하네요) 아파트에 들어가자마자 환호성이 나왔습니다! 사진과 일치하는 인테리어! 특히 발코니에서 사람들 오고가는 모습을 보는 것도 좋았어요. 주방도구, 집기류, 타올 등 6명 사용하기에 부족함이 없었고 대화앱으로 필요한 것들을 바로 전달할 수 있어서 편했네요. 메트로폴 파라솔과 매우 가깝고 다른 주요 관광지도 도보로 가능해요. 맛집도 많았지만 주방도구가 잘 되어있어 직접 해 먹는 기쁨도 누렸습니다. 3박 하는 동안 내집처럼 편안하게 보냈습니다. 세비야에 다시 오게된다면 꼭 다시 방문하고 싶어요! 즐거운 스테이였습니다. 감사합니다!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Yumi,
Thank you for your kind words and sharing your experience. We´re thrilled to know you had a comfortable stay. It would be our pleasure to welcome you back in the future.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Charles Hamilton8
DIC 2023
Good location in a bustling neighbourhood. We were 3 couples over Christmas and had a fantastic time. Enough room for our group, although both bathrooms are very small. We dealt with an accommodation agency, not Sylvia, throughout our stay. They were mostly prompt at addressing any queries we had. We walked all over Seville. Plenty of food options nearby. We especially enjoyed the local market delicatessen and seafood bar, plus the fantastic coffee and breakfast at Parceria next to the market. Only significant issue was difficulty sleeping due to a very loud squeaky front door to the building just under our bedroom window.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Charles,
Thank you for the thoughtful feedback on your recent stay.
With regard to the bathroom, we always strive to be transparent with our customers. You can find the features of our accommodations on our website, aiming to avoid any misunderstandings regarding the apartment layout. We apologize for any confusion that may have occurred.

Additionally, we regret any disappointment regarding sound isolation. External noise may vary and depend on the time of year as well as festivities taking place in the city center. Nevertheless, we will review and consider necessary improvements to the soundproofing system to ensure our guests have a peaceful rest.

Your comments are invaluable and help us enhance our guest experience. We´re grateful for your feedback and commitment to helping us improve.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Carolina Lopierre10
DIC 2023
Nos encantó, excelente ubicación!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada Carolina,
Le agradecemos sinceramente por tomarse el tiempo para compartir sus positivas impresiones. Su satisfacción es nuestra mayor recompensa y nos llena de alegría saber que hemos cumplido con sus expectativas. Esperamos seguir siendo su elección en futuras visitas.
Saludos cordiales,
Departamento de Calidad

NOV 2023
Diseño, localizacion y acceso al apartamento
Que haya alguna habitacion con cama individuales Copas de vino deberian haber mas.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada Azucena. Gracias por compartir su valiosa crítica. Saber que tuvo una estancia agradable es un fuerte testimonio de la dedicación de nuestro equipo. Tendremos en cuenta sus recomendaciones Ponemos a nuestros huéspedes en primer lugar en todo lo que hacemos y estamos ansiosos de darle la bienvenida de nuevo en su próximo viaje.
Departamento de Calidad.

David Smith9
NOV 2023
Excellent location, well equipped, comfortable and good size.
Two of the bedrooms need their door handles replaced, doors need to be bolted shut. Don’t know if this is accepted practice in Europe but I’d prefer a latch handle that works.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear David. It was an absolute pleasure having you as our guest at Feria II in Seville. We´re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. We appreciate your honest feedback and sincerely apologize for the shortcomings you experienced. Your comments are invaluable to us as we strive to improve. We hope to regain your trust during a future stay.
Quality Department.

Paulette Corver10
NOV 2023
We hebben ontzettend genoten van ons verblijf! Het appartement was mooi en schoon. Aanrader!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Paulette,

Thank you for the glowing feedback. We´re delighted you enjoyed the cozy atmosphere of our apartment and the cleanliness. It´s fantastic to hear that you had a wonderful experience. We can´t wait to host you again on your next trip.

Francisco Fco10
NOV 2023
El apartamento es idílico. Espacioso, muy limpio con todo lo necesario para pasar unos días y no preocuparse.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Francisco. Agradecemos sinceramente sus alabanzas y nos alegra que haya tenido una experiencia satisfactoria en nuestro apartamento. Su reconocimiento es de gran importancia para nosotros. Esperamos con gran entusiasmo la oportunidad de volver a recibirlo en un futuro cercano para ofrecerle una experiencia aún más excepcional.
Departamento de Calidad.

Faith Connors10
OCT 2023
Wonderful place to stay and comfy beds!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Faith. Thank you for your gracious review of your recent stay at our apartment. We are pleased that you had a wonderful experience, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve you again.
Quality Department.

Montserrat Fernandez Rodriguez9
OCT 2023
Genial, todo perfecto
Grande, tenia de todo. Limpio
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Fernandez,
Valoramos sinceramente sus comentarios y estamos agradecidos por sus altos elogios. Su satisfacción es nuestra mayor recompensa. Esperamos con anticipación su próxima estancia con nosotros.
Saludos cordiales,
Departamento de Calidad

Marisol Alvarez10
OCT 2023
Wat een geweldig appartement en op een super leuke en centrale locatie. Mooi ingericht en van alle gemakken voorzien
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Marisol,
We´re genuinely appreciative of your positive review. Your feedback fuels our passion for delivering exceptional experiences. Your satisfaction is what drives us to continuously improve and exceed expectations. If there´s ever a chance to host you again in the future, please know that we´re here to ensure another memorable stay. Thank you for being a part of our journey and for your kind words.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Diana Murina6
OCT 2023
Location is perfect.
It was not easy to find the property and the floor in the apartment could be more clean. In the main bathroom no hooks to hang the towels.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Diana,
Thank you for your feedback; we appreciate your kind words about the location. We are sorry to hear that you had difficulties finding the property, and we will certainly review and enhance our instructions to make them more precise and user-friendly.

Regarding the cleanliness, we maintain high standards, and it is disappointing to learn that they were not fully met during your stay. We take the cleanliness of our apartments very seriously, and we will work to ensure that this issue does not reoccur in the future.

We also appreciate your suggestion about the lack of hooks for towels in the main bathroom. This is a valuable input that we will assess for potential improvements in the apartment.

Despite these inconveniences, we hope you enjoyed your stay overall and consider staying with us again in the future. Your feedback is essential to help us improve our services continually, and we thank you for taking the time to provide it.
Kind regards,
Quality Department

Rocío González Fernández10
SEP 2023
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

SEP 2023
Departamento bien ubicado con muebles nuevos y anfitrión que responde dudas
Hola Departamento super bien unicado pero dificil dar con la dirección a la llegada pues queda en calle muy estrecha Bien equipado y con anfitrión que va a entregar las llaves y nos orienta en la ciudad
Dificil dar con la dirección al llegar
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada Delia,
En primer lugar, queremos agradecerle por elegir nuestro departamento y por compartir sus impresiones con nosotros. Valoramos mucho su opinión y nos complace saber que encontró nuestra ubicación conveniente, nuestros muebles nuevos y que nuestro anfitrión pudo ayudarlo durante su estadía.

Lamentamos los inconvenientes que tuvo al tratar de encontrar la dirección al llegar. Estamos trabajando en proporcionar instrucciones más detalladas para que nuestros futuros huéspedes puedan encontrar fácilmente nuestra ubicación.

Agradecemos sus comentarios y esperamos que considere volver a alojarse con nosotros en el futuro. Estamos comprometidos en brindarle una experiencia aún más agradable en su próxima visita.

Gracias por su confianza en nosotros.


Melanie Dube7
SEP 2023
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

David Miller10
SEP 2023
This apartment was a great value. Nicely furnished, great air conditioning, fast wi-fi, and a perfect location -- close to so many things, but a few steps off of the foot traffic. A representative from the management company met us to check-in, and the process was smooth. Would recommend!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear David,
We sincerely value your feedback and are grateful for your high praise. Your satisfaction is our greatest reward. Anticipating your next stay with us.
Kind regards,

Quality Department

Cherry-Lou Lay Nalog9
AGO 2023
Beautiful vacation Home for a fair price .
I loves the interior design it was clean and simple, but still had those little details that I loved. Next to the property is a wonderful greek coffee which has such a wonderful owner. Very kind and the food is excellent. The property is children friendly for sure. They have a baby crib, high chair and wash detergents, oil, vinegar…etc. Which other apartments don’t have. That’s an super extra PLUS! I feel they have put a lot of effort in maintaining the apartment. Near the apartment is a grocery store - Carre Four Express and ATM. 5 mins away there is the Setas de Sevilla sightseeing. And a lot of other cheaper Accessory stores and Tourist stores.
The Entrance is quiet narrow and a bit complicated when you have a stroller. When you get into the Apartment the foyer is super narrow and tight .
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Cherry-Lou,
We´re delighted to hear that you had a wonderful stay at our vacation home and appreciated the interior design and the attention to detail. We´re also pleased to know that you found our property child-friendly and that the amenities provided were helpful.

Our apartment is located in the heart of the historic center of Seville. Due to its historical significance, the entrances and vestibules of some buildings in this area may not be as spacious as in more modern structures. We understand that this might be a bit challenging with a stroller, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Nevertheless, we are delighted that you enjoyed your overall experience, including the convenient location near grocery stores, sights, and shops. We appreciate your feedback and hope to have the pleasure of hosting you again in the future.
Kind regards,

Quality Department

Binita Gautam10
AGO 2023
Hello Host Sílvia is very friendly, Sweet too and the location of apartment is very appropriate. We loved the apartment it´s perfect for the Family. I loved to recommend this to my friends also..
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Binita,
We´re genuinely appreciative of your positive review. Your feedback fuels our passion for delivering exceptional experiences. Your satisfaction is what drives us to continuously improve and exceed expectations. If there´s ever a chance to host you again in the future, please know that we´re here to ensure another memorable stay. Thank you for being a part of our journey and for your kind words.
Kind regards,

Quality Department

Khalil Dianna10
AGO 2023
Localização excelente, conforto e o suporte!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Khalil,
We appreciate you highlighting the central location of our apartment. It´s rewarding to know that you found our location to be a positive factor in your stay. Thank you for your valuable feedback, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve you again in the future.
Kind regards,

Quality Department

Fernando Medina6
AGO 2023
Good place.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Fernando,
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We hope to have the chance to provide you with a more enjoyable stay in the future.
Kind regards,

Quality Department

Maria Costa Afonso Coelho Lima10
AGO 2023
Tudo consoante descrito. Espaço muito perto de todas as atrações turísticas . O único problema é arranjar estacionamento grátis mas há parques perto da casa. 5 ⭐️
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Henrique,
Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

We´re glad to hear that everything was as described and that the space is conveniently located near all the tourist attractions. We understand that finding free parking can be challenging in the historic center of Seville. However, we´re pleased to inform you that there are several parking facilities conveniently located near the house. We appreciate your understanding of this aspect.

Thank you for your 5-star rating, and we hope you had a wonderful time exploring Seville. Should you decide to stay with us again, we´re here to provide you with another excellent experience.

Best regards,

Quality Department

David sanchez sanchez8
AGO 2023
La localización
El Aire Acondicionado era muy ruidoso, lo que resultaba molesto, especialmente por la noche
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Querido Miguel Ángel,
Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para compartir su reseña. Nos disculpamos por cualquier problema que haya experimentado durante su estancia. Su retroalimentación es fundamental para ayudarnos a mejorar nuestro servicio. Agradecemos su comprensión y esperamos tener la oportunidad de hacer su próxima estancia más agradable.
Saludos cordiales.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Nicolas Alejandro Boccacci10
JUL 2023
Excelente ubicación, a 2 cuadras de las Setas de Sevilla. Impecable el apartamento, todo excelente!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Querido Nicolas,
En nombre de todo el equipo, queremos expresar nuestro más sincero agradecimiento por su valioso comentario sobre su estadía con nosotros. Nos complace saber que cumplimos con sus expectativas y que disfrutaron de una experiencia agradable.
Saludos cordiales.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Cheryl Pesino10
JUL 2023
Definitely one of the nicest places we’ve stayed at! We loved everything about it. The apartment was spacious, very clean, had all the amenities we needed and some, and was decorated so tastefully. Location was great. We were able to walk to all the sites and restaurants. Perfect stay! We will definitely stay again if we come back to Seville!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Cheryl,
On behalf of the entire team, we want to express our sincere gratitude for your valuable comment about your stay with us. We are pleased to know that we met your expectations and that you enjoyed a pleasant experience. Your opinion is very important to us and helps us stay focused on our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future and continue to provide you with exceptional service.
Kind regards.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Sramana Chakraborti10
JUL 2023
I loved this apartment in Seville. To start with we missed our train and our arrival was postponed by 8/9 hours. They were very responsive and ensured there was a person checking us in at the new time. The address we had was wrong (9 instead of 6) but since we had the host waiting that was not an issue. She checked us in, went over all the details and was extremely helpful. She also suggested restaurants, shows, and food/drinks we should try. Now the best part, the apartment was walkable to almost everything. We made trips multiple times in tbe day with ease. The Uber drivers didn´t have any issue with understanding the location. Also, the apartment decor was nice and clean and air conditioning was perfect. All in all it was a great stay.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Sramana,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience at our apartment with others. It´s always a pleasure to receive positive feedback about our facilities and services, and we´re delighted that we were able to make your stay a memorable one. We hope to have the pleasure of hosting you again soon.
Kind regards.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Joseph antoon Zwaans10
JUL 2023
Perfect apartment right in the heart of the city. We had a group of 7 and we had plenty of room. Great value for money, would highly recommend.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Harry,
We greatly appreciate your positive and thoughtful review. It´s gratifying to know you enjoyed your stay. Your remarks inspire us to continue delivering outstanding service.
Kind regards.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Jeong Yeon Kim10
JUL 2023
This place was very suitable for family or group tourists. And the location is great to move famous spots by walk in Sevilla. I recommend this place!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Jeong Yeon,
Thank you for taking the time to provide such a detailed review. Your feedback is crucial in our quest for offering superior hospitality. Looking forward to welcoming you again in the future.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

国华 施10
JUL 2023
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear 国华,
Thank you for sharing your valuable review. Knowing that you had a pleasant stay is a strong testament to our team´s dedication. We put our guests at the forefront of what we do and are eager to welcome you back on your next trip.
Kind regards

Cecilia Moraza Recacha10
JUN 2023
Perfecto, en una muy buena zona y todo impecable; igual a las fotos y la descripción que aparecía en la aplicación.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada Cecilia,
Muchas gracias por tu amable reseña. Nos alegra saber que disfrutaste de la ubicación y que el apartamento cumplió con tus expectativas. ¡Esperamos verte de nuevo pronto!
Un saludo.
Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Jackson Rossborough10
JUN 2023
We had a great stay in this very lovely apartment. It was very spacious and great location for those interested in the alameda de Hercules. It was not too load when going to bed as well and the air conditioning was very helpful in the hot Seville summer. we loved how clean and well prepared this apartment was.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Jackson,
Thank you for your kind feedback. We´re glad you had a great stay in our lovely and spacious apartment. We appreciate your compliments on the location, cleanliness, and preparation of the apartment. We hope to host you soon again.
Kind regards.
Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Sharon Lin9
JUN 2023
Prime location but the interior facility is cheap.
The location is so prime, 5 mins walking to Metropol Parasol and around 30 mins to the Alcazar palace. There is Carrefour Express downstairs. Marien, who greeted us was so helpful and gave us the best restaurant recommendation among the whole trip.
The curtain fell down when we tried to close it, and the headboard in one of the rooms was fallen. There is leaking water dripping from the ceiling in one of the bathrooms due to the broken AC condenser. So 6 people need to share one bathroom and can´t turn on the AC either. Thank god it was cool while we stayed in Sevilla.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Sharon,
We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences experienced during your stay and deeply regret the shortcomings. We appreciate you bringing these matters to our attention. Rest assured, they´ll be promptly addressed. Despite these issues, we´re grateful to hear you managed to enjoy the cool Sevilla weather. Your feedback is invaluable in our ongoing effort to provide the best possible experience. Thank you for your understanding and patience. We hope to have the opportunity to serve you better in the future.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Daniela Murguia10
JUN 2023
A mi familia y a mi nos encanto ! Muy cómodo y bonito 100% recomendado
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada Daniela:
Valoramos sinceramente sus comentarios y estamos agradecidos por sus altos elogios. Su satisfacción es nuestra mayor recompensa. Esperamos con anticipación su próxima estancia con nosotros.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

JUN 2023
Muy cómodo , zona tranquila y muy cerca de todo
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Ramon. Gracias por su amable y detallada crítica. Estamos encantados de conocer su experiencia positiva durante su estancia. Sus comentarios proporcionan un gran aliento para nuestro equipo. Es un placer servir a huéspedes como usted, y esperamos su regreso en el futuro. Jose L.H. Campos Director de Calidad.

Harpal Singh10
JUN 2023
Very convenient location. Good food was nearby. Host was quick and responsive. Overall loved the stay here.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Harpal, we wish to express our deepest appreciation for your kind comment about your recent stay in our apartment. We are pleased to know that our facilities and services met your expectations and that you enjoyed a pleasant experience. We value your opinion and strive to constantly improve our services. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the near future and offering you an even more memorable experience.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Vincenzo Andrea Papalia10
MAY 2023
Posizione ottima, ci siamo mossi a piedi per tutti e 4 i giorni. Casa spaziosa, pulita e moderna. Perfetta per 6 persone.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Vincenzo,
Thank you sincerely for selecting our apartment as your temporary home. We are truly grateful for your trust in us, and we hope that your stay was comfortable and enjoyable. We are excited about the possibility of hosting you again and providing you with another remarkable experience. Please know that we are committed to surpassing your expectations on every subsequent visit.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Frank Garcia10
ABR 2023
Beautiful place, in a nice area
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Frank,
We would like to let you know how grateful we are for your generous comment about your stay in our apartment. We strive to ensure that every guest has an exceptional experience during their stay with us, and your positive feedback is a valuable testimony to our hard work. Your opinion is very important to us, and we look forward to serving you again in the near future.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Shengwei Hu8
ABR 2023
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Shengwei Hu,
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by our delayed check-in process on your recent visit. We understand how frustrating it can be to wait outside on a hot day. However, we are grateful for your patience and understanding during this time. We are pleased to hear that you appreciated the small gift provided as compensation. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back soon.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Joaquin Livinalli10
ABR 2023
Nice place and super professional service ! Thanks !
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Joaquin,
We´re thrilled to read your positive review of our apartment, and we´re grateful for your kind words about our friendly and helpful staff. We´re delighted that we were able to exceed your expectations, and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

paola asuni9
ABR 2023
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

María Josefa Muñoz Pérez10
ABR 2023
apartamento precioso con todo lo necesario, limpio y muy cómodo. Un fin de semana para repetir, muy bien aprovechado, Sevilla es preciosa! Repetiremos en breve!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada María Josefa:
Nos complace saber que disfrutó de su estancia en nuestro apartamento en Sevilla y que encontró nuestras instalaciones y servicios a su satisfacción. Agradecemos su tiempo para escribir una reseña y esperamos que se convierta en uno de nuestros clientes habituales.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Julia Ochoa10
MAR 2023
Todo impecable, la limpieza, las instalaciones, los amenities, la ubicación. Lo mejor y más varolable es que admiten mascotas y para mí es un punto muy a favor. Definitivamente regresaré y lo recomendaré a familiares y amigos.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada Julia:
Ha sido un placer poder recibirle en nuestro apartamento Feria y saber que ha disfrutado de cada aspecto de su estancia, desde los amenities hasta nuestra política pet-friendly.
Esperamos poder volver a recibirle de nuevo en uno de nuestros apartamentos Feria muy pronto.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Johathan Marshall mcmurray9
MAR 2023
Great location, lovely apartment!
The location was amazing! The beds were very comfortable. The apartment was nicely furnished and very lovely! Parking was an extra cost, but the hosts let us know that ahead of time, and made us aware of a very convenient location where we could park, only about 500m away. Beautiful apartment in beautiful Seville!!!! Thank you Genteel Homes!!!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Jonathan,
We are delighted to know that you went back home with happy memories of both the apartment and the services provided by our staff. It will be our pleasure to welcome you back home on your next trip to Seville.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Itziar Jaime9
MAR 2023
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

David Brenner10
MAR 2023
Wunderschöne Wohnung im Herzen der Altstadt! Wir hatten eine tolle Zeit dort!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear David,
we could not be happier that you enjoyed your stay with us. Your satisfaction is our most precious reward.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Didier Dufour10
FEB 2023
Appartement parfait pour 6 voyageurs, extrêmement bien placé, confortable, 2 sdb, TV avec netflix. Hôte charmante, arrangeante, et polyglotte. Seule amélioration possible : disposer un rideau phonique sur porte d´entrée, pour mieux isoler du couloir. Mais sinon vraiment au top !
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Didier,
Thank you for sharing your feedback on your recent holiday experience with us, our main goal being to ensure we keep on delivering unforgettable holiday experiences to our guests, your comments are crucial in this process therefore we highly value your time and constructive critics. Again we thank you for this very kind review of and we look forward to serving you again in the future.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Patsy Tucker6
FEB 2023
the photos are misleading
the apartment we were given was not the one I thought I had booked. You could easily hear the people in the upstairs apartment using the showers/ toilets and walking around.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Patsy,
Thank you for choosing us for your stay in Seville and for taking the time to write a review.
We are sorry that you felt misled by the pictures. For future reservations, please notice that when selecting the apartment, specific pictures will appear for the apartment before confirming the payment. Nevertheless, we are happy that the inconveniences you describe did not prevent you from extending your reservation three more nights with us.
Thank you again, we hope to have the opportunity to host you again in the near future.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

alice marras9
FEB 2023
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

Cristina Delgado8
ENE 2023
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

Hamza Zafer10
ENE 2023
Beautiful space. Clean and well-equipped. Very centrally located. The host was very accommodating and easy to communicate with. Would definitely stay again.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Hamza,
We are delighted that you came back home with wonderful memories of your stay and our services. We work hard to achieve that goal and it is our pleasure to read your comments. Thank you once more.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Maria Luisa10
ENE 2023
Wondeful stay. The apt is close to all monuments. Highly recommended.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear María Luisa,
Thank you very much for leaving these wonderful comments, we are delighted that you enjoyed your stay among us. We really appreciate the recommendation. To know that you have enjoyed your stay so much is our greatest reward.
Again we thank you for this wonderful review, it has been a pleasure for us to read and we look forward to serving you again soon.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Alvaro Sanz Herrero10
ENE 2023
Persona que nos atendió trato perfecto, comunicación con ellos rápido y fluido Apartamento bien situado y muy cómodo y limpio
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Álvaro:
Muchas gracias por elegirnos y por escribir esta reseña. Gracias igualmente por resaltar el trato recibido. Esperamos nos dé la oportunidad de recibirle de nuevo pronto.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Fabiane Martelli Arenhart9
ENE 2023
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

Jordi Agramunt10
ENE 2023
Excelente y hermoso departamento, muy bien decorado, muy buena ubicación céntrica para caminar todo sevilla, excelente comunicación con los anfitriones, fácil de entrar y disponibles en todo momento, muy amables. El departamento es una hermosura con todo lo que uno puede necesitar, éramos 7 y estuvimos muy cómodos, sillón cama muy bueno y camas matrimoniales 10 puntos, nada que agregar.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Jordi:
Siempre nos resulta agradable saber que nuestros huéspedes han regresado a sus casas con grandes recuerdos de sus vacaciones y estamos muy agradecidos por el tiempo y el esfuerzo que ha dedicado en compartir su experiencia personal en el apartamento Feria II con nosotros. Gracias por resaltar los diferentes aspectos que hicieron memorable su estancia, desde la recepción hasta la decoración y comodidad de las camas.
Estamos encantados de que haya disfrutado de su estancia entre nosotros. Esperamos poder darle la bienvenida de nuevo muy pronto.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Maximilian Schmidt6
ENE 2023
Gute Lage und gute Ausstattung
Angebotene Parkmöglichkeit weit entfernt und nicht rabattiert wie versprochen (107,85€ statt 45€). Keine Hilfe durch Gastgeber.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Maximilian:
Although we sincerely regret your disappointment with your stay in our apartment, we would like to thank you for sharing your comments as it will help us to identify areas of concern and act immediately so as to enhance our future guests´ experience with us.
We would like to apologize for the inconvenince regarding the parking. Being this a third party not related to us, their desition to make a last minute change during your stay affected all of us as our collegaue kindly explained when you brought the issue to our attention.
Nevertheless, we are happy that the apartment itself could met your expectations and offered all the comodities you nedded.
We appreciate the time you took to share your concerns, and it is our hope that you will give us the opportunity to better serve you in the future.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Luca Trevisiol10
DIC 2022
The location is very good, a short walk from main attractions but far enough to avoid the tourism crowd. The apartment is very nice, well decorated and we found it very clean. The living room and kitchen were super to cook inside and spend some private time among the family. The staff was very helpful and flexible, and checkin instructions were clear and easy. This is a place that I would certainly recommend!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Luca,
Thank you for this wonderful review on our apartment. We could not be happier that the cleanliness and the privacy were up to your expectations. We look forward to receive you again soon.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Chris Bertolini10
DIC 2022
Fantastic clean and stylish apartment in the heart of the glorious Sevilla.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Chris,
Thank you for taking the time to write this heartwarming review. We are very happy that you enjoyed your stay with us.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Paul Worthington10
NOV 2022
Stay was great. Excellent location with all sights within walking distance. Supermarket across the street. Spacious apartment with comfortable furniture.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Paul,
we could not be happier that you enjoyed your stay with us. Your satisfaction is our most precious reward.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Paul Worthington10
NOV 2022
Stay was great. Excellent location with all sights within walking distance. Supermarket across the street. Spacious apartment with comfortable furniture.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Paul,
we are delighted to read how much you enjoyed the apartment. It is our goal to deliver excellence to all of our guests and it is very rewarding to read that you had a wonderful stay. We look forward to welcoming you back again.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Guillermo Lara10
NOV 2022
Fantastic service! They freshened up the apartment during the middle of our stay. The location is excellent, not too crowded, and only minutes away from the Setas de Sevilla. The coffee shop downstairs is also terrific.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Guillermo,
Thank you for this lovely review on our apartment and thank you for the remarks as well. We are glad you found everything you needed to make your holidays a special one. We look forward to welcoming you back again soon.

Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Antonio Jimenez Verdugo10
NOV 2022
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

Jesus Alvarez10
NOV 2022
Extremadamente recomendable, sin duda, volveré a quedarme en su alojamiento
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Jesús:
le damos las gracias por esta maravillosa opinión. Ha sido un placer para nosotros leerla y esperamos poder servirle de nuevo pronto.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Audur Jensdottir10
OCT 2022
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

Youssef El Gallaf7,9
OCT 2022
Nice stay, but you can hear the noise from the neighbor
Nice facilities and well located location!
The walls are poorly insulated, so we constantly heard the neighbors
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Youseff,
Thank you very much for the time you spent to share your personal impressions of your stay at our apartment. We always welcome feedback, as it allows us to continually improve the experience we create for our guests.
We regret that we were not made aware of the troubles you experienced during your stay. We would have been dellighted to assit you.
Thank you again for making us your choice on this occasion, we look forward to serving you again in the near future.
Jose L.H. Campos
Quality Department Manager

Sonia Dessena9,6
OCT 2022
Casa preciosa, excelente mobiliario, ubicación conveniente
la limpieza es a mejorar, debajo de las camas llenas de polvo, las goteras del baño y la ducha lo limpian bien.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada Sonia:
muchas gracias por elegir nuestro apartamento y por sus críticas constructivas. Hemos tomado nota de su observación y, por favor, acepte nuestras más sinceras disculpas por las imperfecciones que usted describe.

Jose L.H. Campos
Director de Calidad

Corinne Johnson10
OCT 2022
The apartment was really nice, clean and well furnished. The rooms had character and were thoughtfully styled. It is approx 10 minute walk from the center of Seville - Cathedral and Royal Alcazar. There is a supermarket next door and so many great places to eat out. Teresa was most helpful during booking and on arrival, plus helped us with some questions about Seville which made our stay even better. Would definitely recommend.

Ricardo Hernández García7,5
SEP 2022
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

AGO 2022
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

Dora Fortuna Fernandez9,3
JUL 2022
The apartment is really pretty and it was excepcionally clean. Location is good (very eclectic, if you are from Madrid...this feels like Malasaña) though parking is a pain. Even coming with uber we had to drop the uber like 3m away because they got in such a small street it as impossible to continue. I´d go to Santa Cruz next time. The entry of the building is almost hidden and it feels a little iffy, but it´s part of the charm. The team that manages the apartment was available at all times and they were really helpful.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Dora, thank you very much for choosing our apartment and for your constructive feedback.
It was a pleasure to assist you during your stay in Seville and we hope that we will have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future.

Aija T.
Quality Department

JUL 2022
Belle décoration, belle situation - idéal pour une famille ou des amis
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Olivier we are glad to know that your family enjoyed your stay with us.
We appreciate your time in sharing your personal experience and we would love for you to come back to enjoy more memorable days with us.

Aija T.
Quality Department

JUN 2022
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

JUN 2022
Sencillamente perfecto.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada Monica, nos alegra saber que disfrutó de su estancia con nosotros.
Agradecemos su tiempo en compartir su experiencia y nos encantaría que volviera a disfrutar de más días fantásticos con nosotros.

Aija T.
Departamento de Calidad

JUN 2022
We had a great stay at Teresa’s place. The place is comfortable, modern and clean. It’s located in a central area. I’d definitely stay there again.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Daniel, thank you very much for choosing our apartment for your stay in Seville.
We are glad to know that our property met your holiday expectations and you are willing to come back. We hope to see you again soon.

Aija T.
Quality Department

JUN 2022
Great appartment, should reconsider if you´re a group of friends though
The apartment was beautiful,a n amazing location as well; the area wasn´t loud at all . A member of Genteel staff made us feel welcomed and gave us a map and highlighted some points of interest. The house was exceptionally clean.
Heads up for young groups of friends, the genteel home staff only mentioned that the neighbours get irritated by small amounts of noise; the day before we would arrive at the apartment. They said we could receive fines of up to €600. The genteel homes staff really should have told us this the day I booked.

MAY 2022
sitio muy comodo y muy bien ubicado
todo muy bien
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Guillermo, muchas gracias por su comentario sobre su estancia en nuestro apartamento, estamos encantados de saber que fuimos capaces de cumplir con sus expectativas y esperamos poder servirle de nuevo en el futuro.

Aija T.
Departamento de Calidad

MAY 2022
buona posizione
ottima posizione per girare a piedi la città
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Giovanna,
Thank you very much for spending a few minutes with us. We hope you have had a pleasant stay and that you choose us again to stay in Seville in the future.

MAY 2022
..Excelente calidad de las instalaciones..vajilla. comodidad
Todo genial..nada negativo
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Giorgi, le agradecemos su opinión acerca de su estancia en nuestro apartamento. La satisfacción de nuestros huéspedes es nuestro objetivo principal y no hay nada mejor que saber que lo hemos conseguido. Estamos muy contentos de que el apartamento cumplió con sus expectativas durante su estancia en Sevilla y esperamos volver a verle muy pronto.

Aija T.
Departamento de Calidad

MAY 2022
Precioso apartamento, preciosa Sevilla y volvería a lojarme lallí
El aparamento en sí es muy confortable, muy comodo y muy bienbicado. Ree luminoso, precioso! El servicio de cafetera disponble, microondas, pava eléctrica y enseres de consumo minimo muy satisfactorio.
la velocidad del momento de entrega. Pero no tuvimos ningún problema.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimada Patricia, estamos muy contentos de leer que estuvo muy satisfecha con la comodidad del apartamento en la que se alojó y estamos agradecidos por destacar la excelente ubicación de nuestra propiedad, que garantiza una estancia inolvidable en Sevilla.
Esperamos volver a tener la oportunidad de servirle en un próximo futuro.

Aija T.
Departamento de Calidad

ABR 2022
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

ABR 2022
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

ABR 2022
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

MAR 2022
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

MAR 2022
Bellissima Siviglia
Casa accogliente, pulita, luminosa, e dotata di tutti i confort. Ottima posizione per girare la città. Tornerei in questo appartamento.
Tutto perfetto, l´unica cosa che nella descrizione, non si evinceva che uno dei bagni era in camera, e nella condivisione dell´appartamento con amici ha creato un po´ di disagio.

MAR 2022
Posizione ottima, con un Carrrefour Express sotto casa e il centro molto vicino. Appartamento grande, pulito e silenzioso con letti molto comodi.
Pensavamo di trovare in frigorifero almeno una bottiglia d´acqua. Cucina ben attrezzata ma non abbiamo trovato le posate! Non c´era il servizio di deposito bagagli il giorno della partenza. Ci hanno consigliato un luggage store li vicino, ma questo ci ha comportato un po´ di difficoltà e perdita di tempo.

MAR 2022
Genial estancia
Todo fue genial.
Por decir algo, una tontería, la puerta de una de las habitaciones no se cerraba bien. Pero el resto, impecable todo.

FEB 2022
I highly recommend this place! Everything was perfect.

FEB 2022
We hebben het super gehad!
Top locatie! Heel dicht bij het centrum, alles op loopafstand. het appartement ziet er precies zo uit als op de foto’s. De hostess die ons ontving was super aardig en behulpzaam.
Alles was meer dan prima.

FEB 2022
Perfecta ubicación para visitar Sevilla
La ubicación es perfecta así como todo lo que tiene el apartamento. No lo utilizamos pero está totalmente equipado. Tiene secador, plancha, accesorios para cocinar, tostadora, etc. También , para los que toman café, hay cápsulas de café. La decoración muy bonita y todo muy bien.
El portal huele un poco mal pero no afecta para nada al apartamento.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Muchas gracias por su opinión y sus comentarios detallados sobre su estancia en nuestro apartamento, ha sido un placer para nosotros leerlos y esperamos poder servirle de nuevo pronto.

Aija Teilane
Departamento de Calidad

Maria Rosario9,2
FEB 2022
No ha dejado ningún comentario.

FEB 2022
Great apartment in the heart of the old town
Big, spacious, clean apartment with all necessary supplies, close to everything. Very comfortable beds. Dogs welcome. Easy and nice interaction with property. Very nice and quick check-in. We look forward to comeback!
We liked everything. The only thing we didn´t like - and it´s NOT related to this wonderful apartment - was when some young people living downstairs decided to smoke in the interior patio and play load music in the middle of the night, which put an end to my sleep that night as our window was located right above this patio :(
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Thank you very much for your positive review. Your fedback means a lot to us.

We are glad to hear that our team’s performance and the apartment met your expectations. We hope to see you again in the future.

Aija Teilane
Quality Department

ENE 2022
Muito bem localizado.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Thank you very much for choosing our apartment for your stay in Seville and for your review.
We hope to be able to welcome you back very soon.

DIC 2021
Casa muy cómoda, muy bien ubicada, todo nuevo, moderno y muy limpio
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Muchas gracias por los comentarios tan positivos que ha compartido referente a su reciente visita a nuestro apartamento, estamos encantados de saber que fuimos capaces de cumplir con sus expectativas y esperamos poder servirle de nuevo en el futuro. Aija Teilane Departamento de Calidad

OCT 2021
Apartamento de lujo en el centro de Sevilla
Tiene de todo. Casa totalmente equipada. Bien situada y al lado de un súper por si quieres hacer compra. Bien decorado, calentito, y con detalle de bienvenida. ☺
Un baño dentro de la habitación y el exterior es muy pequeño.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Queremos darle las gracias por compartir esta opinión sobre su estancia en nuestro apartamento. Estamos encantados de que haya disfrutado de su estancia. Todo el equipo trabaja muy duro para garantizar que ofrecemos un servicio de alta calidad y una experiencia diferente y memorable.
Esperamos poder darle la bienvenida de nuevo muy pronto.

Aija Teilane
Departamento de Calidad

OCT 2021
Estancia agradable y cómoda.
La casa y la ubicación bien. Muebles modernos . Las habitaciones limpias.
Notamos a faltar estantes en los cuartos de baño que eran bastante pequeños.
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

En Genteel Home estamos convencidos de que siempre hay margen de mejora y sus comentarios ayudarán a nuestro equipo en sus contínuos esfuerzos encaminados a satisfacer las expectativas de nuestros huéspedes, por ello agradecemos enormemente el tiempo que ha dedicado a compartir con nosotros sus críticas constructivas.

Esperamos tener la oportunidad de servirle de nuevo en el futuro.

Aija Teilane
Departamento de Calidad

OCT 2021
El apartamento tiene todos los servicios, está muy bien ubicado y la decoración es muy bonita.
Precio elevado, aunque estaba muy bien
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Le damos las gracias por compartir su opinión sobre sus recientes vacaciones con nosotros, nuestro principal objetivo es asegurar que seguimos ofreciendo experiencias inolvidables a nuestros huéspedes y sus comentarios nos ayudan a ello.
Apreciamos el tiempo que ha dedicado en compartir sus opiniones y comentarios constructivos y esperamos poder darle la bienvenida de nuevo muy pronto.

Aija Teilane
Departamento de Calidad

Rainer Wadow10
SEP 2021
Sehr schöne Wohnung und gut gelegen
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear Rainer, First and foremost we would like to thank you for the praising review you shared following your recent visit to our Genteel Home Feria apartment and are delighted to read that we were able to match your expectations. Best regards. Ana García, Custumer Service

David Trossinho10
SEP 2021
Teresa space is great, impeccably clean and very comfortable. We had amazing two days there and would definitely come back. The location is 10/10!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Dear David
Thank you for the great feedback of your recent holiday experience at our Feria apartment; guest satisfaction is our number one goal and there is nothing better than achieving that, we are happy our apartment and staff were able to meet all your needs during your stay. Regards

Laura Carrilho10
AGO 2021

Sonia Aguado Garcia9,2
AGO 2021

Juan Vidaurrazaga9,2
AGO 2021
Ubicación. Decoración. Limpieza. Muy completo. Nos ha encantado
No hay micro ondas. Las imágenes del anuncio inducen a error al mostrar todos los pisos del edificio. Las habitaciones no tienen pestillo. El chorro de la ducha es flojo. Tampoco hay una jarra
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Juan, las opiniones de nuestros huéspedes nos proporcionan la oportunidad de ver nuestro apartamento través de sus ojos, señalándonos cualquier servicio que pueda tener margen de mejora para optimizar la estancia de nuestros futuros huéspedes. Por lo tanto, estamos muy agradecidos por el tiempo que ha dedicado en compartir la opinión de su experiencia personal en el apartamento. Un saludo. Ana García, Dpto. de calidad

Ernesto Ferreira9,6
AGO 2021
La decoración y comodidad
Dificultad para aparcar
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Querido Ernesto, en primer lugar, nos gustaría agradecerle que eligiera nuestro apartamento Feria para sus vacaciones en Sevilla y por la opinión compartida, estamos encantados de saber su opinión sobre su estancia. Ana García, Dpto de calidad

Adriana Valentina Cutitaru Ciobanu10
AGO 2021
El apartamento es tal como se ve en las fotos. Todo perfecto!
Respuesta del Departamento de Calidad

Estimado Ady, le damos las gracias por compartir su opinión sobre sus recientes vacaciones con nosotros, nuestro principal objetivo es asegurar que seguimos ofreciendo experiencias inolvidables a nuestros huéspedes y sus comentarios nos ayudan a ello. Apreciamos el tiempo que ha dedicado en compartir sus opiniones y comentarios constructivos